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Halfling rogue XP bonus?

Discussion in 'Melee' started by Qaiten, Jun 27, 2024.

  1. Qaiten New Member

    Do halfling rogues still have XP bonus or was that removed?
  2. Oberan Augur

    From what I understand the bugged halfling xp bonus was removed and xp gains between all the classes/races were normalized
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare and Qaiten like this.
  3. Beardsy Augur

  4. Dre. Altoholic

    No exp bonus is worth having to play assling.
    Silvena likes this.
  5. Randomized Augur

    When I first started playing, short races looked like they moved quicker because of their shorter stride. All an optical illusion but it was enough that I made like 3 Dwarves and 3 Halflings.

    Gnomes aren't real
  6. fransisco Augur

    Omgosh I made a troll once and it was intolerably slow (or so it appeared). Back in the days before run speed AAs.
    Dwarves did have the style though - they did a flip when they jumped