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Fixed Guild Hall Broken-No Access, Items Deleted

Discussion in 'Resolved' started by Emalith Elentari, Aug 30, 2023.

  1. Emalith Elentari Journeyman

    Yesterday afternoon members of Phoenix Ascended on the Mangler server began messaging me about their anchors appearing on their cursors after trying to use them to portal into the guildhall. When we set the access to allow them to re-place their anchors, they received error messages.
    We attempted to mail back anchors that we saw as placed, which they were saying they had on their cursor, and were getting errors that we did not have permission to do this.
    After seeing the error, we tried to move the anchor for them to see if that would help, but alas, we also did not have access to move placed items anymore.

    In an attempt to "reset" the guildhall, we kicked everyone out and allowed the zone to reset itself. When I zoned back in every placed item in the hall was gone. It was not in overflow or stored or in a crate, it was just gone.

    We play on a TLP so everyone in our guild is a paying account. Most of our members have at least 1 box account, several having 3-5 boxes. While we may not be 1800 members as the previous guild, we do have at least 80 individual active people behind the characters that this is impacting. We have no portals, no trophys and no anchors. The hours we spent decorating appear to have been lost, not to mention the DBC/plat/money that has gone into decorating.

    We have been told to wait until the server resets in the next 1-3 weeks for our guildhall to possibly be restored....possibly... This has been a known bug since at least January of 2021, expecting paying customers to wait at least a week for a resolution on something of this magnitude is a bit much.

    Can members of Phoenix Ascended get a refund for the month since we cannot use the amenities available to everyone else that are expected to be available to us as well?
  2. CatsPaws Just getting rid of the old

    The policy is no refunds.

    And what about the F2P folks? They never have full use of the guild halls.
  3. Emalith Elentari Journeyman

    We don't have F2P players on Mangler, it is a TLP server. Playing F2P on a live server is a choice, not a bug.
    ajschliewe likes this.
  4. CatsPaws Just getting rid of the old

    Ok I will give you that one.

    But.....your still not getting a refund. Read the TOS. They do not guarantee uninterrupted play and there are no refunds.

    PS and the minute they read this then they will make me a liar and offer you a refund! Crosses fingers
  5. Emalith Elentari Journeyman

    What I came here looking for was acknowledgement that this is a bug, an actual timeline on a resolution, and a confirmation that it will be fixed in that timeframe.

    We have already been dismissed repeatedly in our search for help with this bug, which has lead to a lot of frustration. Refunds would be nice, but I know the TOS and it won't pay for the amount of booze I am going to need to get through all the tells, PMs and pings over OMG I can't use my anchor/why can't I use the guildhall!:mad:

    I don't expect refunds for probably over 200 accounts...it was more of a dear god I am irritated an would like some help with this plea!

    I'm reasonable, honest.....until I'm not. ;)
    ajschliewe, Nennius and CatsPaws like this.
  6. Kalgy New Member

    That seems like a pretty big deal, unfortunate that there hasn't really been a response with an actual resolution around this especially since this was a thing back in 2021.

    What are the repercussions around a server reset on Mangler specifically? I'd think they'd want to do it ASAP as asking a whole guild of a lot of people (for a TLP that is quite advanced in its life stage) to wait 1-3 weeks is pretty subpar customer service.

    I've had great experiences with support over the many previous years so this seems uncharacteristic of them. Hopefully they're working hard in the background on this and can fix it or provide a solution in the next few days.
    ajschliewe likes this.
  7. Svann2 The Magnificent

    Pretty sure they have in the recent past fixed stuff just like this. PM Ngreth and I think he will message whoever is on this stuff. If you have a list of missing items that will be helpful.
    Kalgy likes this.
  8. Drakang Augur

    Has happened to other guilds in the past mine included. It did take almost a month to get the guild hall restored and when they did it was not 100% restored but we got most things back. Alot of decorations etc that had been built over the years were partially there.
    Kalgy likes this.
  9. ajschliewe Elder

    The fact this has been happening for at least 2 years without a bug fix in place is completely unacceptable. Especially for a TLP and guild going on 4.5 years of hardcore raiding, the expanded guild hall is the focal point of the guild with trophies, and anchors and direct port devices in addition to the standard portal device. To not be able to access these things makes raiding and just xping in general much more difficult.
  10. Tyranthraxus Grognard

    At this point we have just been told, "wait for the next server reset". No indication of why that would work, but they have offered no other options or help. Yeah, makes everything guild related harder. Awful CS, any further tickets are being sent back as "duplicate tickets" even when sent by multiple people.

    All our guild trophies and portals appear to have been wiped. No way to even claim them back and set them up in an alternate hall.
  11. Warpeace Augur

    Apparently it is near impossible to reset a server:rolleyes:
  12. niente Developer

    The items in the Phoenix Ascended guild hall have been restored, except for Primary/Secondary Anchors. You'll need to load a saved layout of the guild hall to place everything again. Please send me a PM if you think something was missed.
    Svann2, sevensages, Nennius and 3 others like this.
  13. Emalith Elentari Journeyman

    Thank you so much Niente! I have reloaded a save and will start working on things over the weekend. We appreciate the help getting us back up and running before the next server reset!