Guild Collection Banker

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Tour, Nov 24, 2013.

  1. Tour Augur

    Given the very large volume of collection items, about ~512 with certainly more on the way, and the relatively limited amount of guild bank space (which would better be used for other items), I think it would be a worthwhile feature to implement a collection-item-only guild banker - a guild collection master or whatever name one would wish to call it. This would make it far easier to share collection items with guild members en masse rather then using individual trades or having the need to tediously store large amounts of items on traders or mules (which also wouldn't have enough space to hold all the items, assuming 10 slot bags in each of the 38 slots).
  2. Dimencia Journeyman

    Set up a Manor in your neighborhood (holds 300 in its vault)

    While this is not 512, many of those 512 you wont have in surplus due to rarity.

    Just adjust permissions of the Manor to reflect who in your guild you wish to have withdraw / deposit abilities
  3. Beimeith Lord of the Game

    It is better to increase the number of guild bank slots to something realistic to current game standards like 2-3,000. Base it on the number/level of the guild members so people can't just make a guild with a single level 1 alt and have unlimited space.

    Something like, every character over level 50 adds 2 slots per 5 levels. So a level 1-50 character adds no extra slots. A level 75 character adds 10 slots, and a 100 character adds 20 slots. With a total cap of 2-3,000, but can be changed in the future.

    Would take a bit of code work to do that though, so I'm not holding my breath.
    Evercluck likes this.
  4. Darchon_Xegony Augur

    While they are messing around with Guild Banks... I'd really like to see two things changed:

    1. The default access level when putting something in the bank. Currently anything you put into the bank is View Only. Let us change the default for either your person or your guild, to be any of the settings (View Only, Public, Public if Usable, Single Member)
    2. The default should merge stacked items. If people want to seperate their stacks, let them do it manually. Far more often people want everything merged together.

    If I am putting say... Befouled Silk in the guild bank, and I want to make it public. I have to Put in Bank (Click 1), Change from View Only -> Public (Click 2), Merge Stacks (Click 3).

    Now repeat that x 20 other useful tradeskill or collector items. It is really annoying and shouldn't be.