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GRR...! PvP Server Option for Firiona Vie

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Eridiniara, Feb 4, 2024.

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  1. Eridiniara Elder

    The "Moderator" seems to like this "Thread" so..., ya know ~
    Forgot my new signature...;
    A PvPer from 1999 to 2004
  2. Whulfgar Augur

    Yall have an entire server to play on.

    So why don't you ?
  3. Eridiniara Elder

    Please read the entire "Thread" before replying.... Thank you
    The EQ Forums Moderator seems to like the content of the Thread.., so /~ to you..., read before posting
    My Signature...;
    PvPer from 1999 to 2004
  4. Svann2 The Magnificent

    You are allowed to transfer to FV, just not away from it. So FV rules for zek shouldnt stop people transferring to zek.
    Rijacki and Eridiniara like this.
  5. Eridiniara Elder

    I agree Player (P) , but it would make it unfair to those that can not acquire the gear that is available on FV.
  6. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    That would be an argument against all server transfers and not just a server transfer to FV. The only difference between acquiring gear on FV and other servers is that you can purchase/trade with other players to get almost anything. That is why you can't transfer off FV to a non free trade server but you can transfer onto FV from a non free trade server.
    Rijacki likes this.
  7. Svann2 The Magnificent

    Sorry, what? Are you saying FV is unfair to other servers?
  8. Eridiniara Elder

    The whole point of this "Thread" is to acknowledge that the primary issue of PVP servers of of old is that "Acquiring Gear" for the "Casual Player" was beyond difficult and precluded them from success in PVP encounters at higher levels.
    The Firiona Vie "Loot Rule Set" resolves that issue for the most part and makes the formation of "Raiding Guilds" more feasible....
  9. Whulfgar Augur

    So when asked a simple question of why not play pvp on your whole pvp server rather then try to push dedicated resources to creating entirely from scratch some thing new ..

    When you already have it on an entire server..

    You have no answer for basically ?
    OldTimeEQ1 and Rijacki like this.
  10. Eridiniara Elder

    That is the whole reason you cannot Xfer off of Firiona Vie
    The "Loot Rule Set"
    Fenthen likes this.
  11. Eridiniara Elder

    READ the entire Thread, and I apologize for all the uninformed replies...!
  12. Whulfgar Augur

    In absolutely no way does it hinder any single pvper from obtaining gear.

    What you are attempting to avoid saying appears to be. We lack the numbers of players to actually farm the crafted (aka best grp obtainable) drops from the newest expansions.

    All pvpers 100% can absolutely go farm gear. The hiding behind the bushes is you want the top crafted grp content gear or raid gear with lack of resources (aka players) to obtain them.
    fransisco and Rijacki like this.
  13. Svann2 The Magnificent

    So? How is it unfair? Why dont you explain what you mean instead of just vaguely implying something? Why would it be ok (in your mind) to graft the pvp rules on FV, but not ok to put the FV rules on zek? Seems like that would be the more fair option.

    edit: if you say read the whole thread one more time Im through with you. Im thinking you only say that because you know you dont have a point.
    Ssdar, Jack, Rijacki and 2 others like this.
  14. Whulfgar Augur

    It's simple.

    If yall lack the population to support your favorite thing in eq which I'd pvp..

    Why ya tryna force it on others ?
    Why ya tryna get sympathy from devs and others to get them to reallocate resources they need to work on actual content for the vast vast VAST.... majority of the games population?

    Simple question for ya.
  15. Nennius Curmudgeon

    Yes, but not at the same time.
    Rijacki likes this.
  16. Eridiniara Elder

    LOL.., I am going to recompose this thread, as the EQ Moderator has moved me to do so; moreover, please understand that if u xfer to Firiona Vie you are precluded from Xfering off that server "FOR A REASON" to any other SERVER.., EVEN ZEK..., enough said
  17. Eridiniara Elder

    Read the entire "Thread" before replying
  18. Eridiniara Elder

    BTW, read the whole thread Teheee
  19. Eridiniara Elder

    OK, P (Player) you can buy "Raid Gear" in the bazaar (General Chat) on Firiona Vie
  20. Eridiniara Elder

    U can buy any "Raid Gear" And I mean any "Raid Gear...!" in the Bazaar (General Chat) on Firiona Vie.... I cannot believe all the people that post replies on a thread they have no idea about
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