Grats Shadows of Doom!

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Thoxsel, Jun 30, 2019.

  1. Warpeace Augur

  2. Intenso Augur

    life after mearatas ? now what
  3. Makma New Member

    Thanks Thox and all. Hopefully i can stop being illusion to follow. Im supposed to be bsy healing! :D
  4. Deillusional Augur

    Thanks for the grats Thoxsel and all.

    Even though we won it after the 2nd adjustment of the raid, its was a good win. Congrats to those who won it prenerf, and after the first adjustment, and more recently rov.

    I didn't want to go at this raid that hard, we just been spending 3hrs on a sunday on it for the past weeks, and got there eventually. Big props to the guilds who spent hours and hours, day after day on this event with their persistence!
    Arraden, FawnTemplar and Yinla like this.
  5. Morra Megabard

    Thanks everyone, very satisfying to get this win done.
  6. Intenso Augur

    just proves only need mag for coh and rod no mag secret strat shh
  7. Mintalie Augur

    Well done!
  8. Tubbycat Journeyman

    Grats guys!

    An accomplishment that nobody can take from you!
  9. Maedhros High King

    Now that you're done with the hard part, it's on to the joy of raid achievements!
    Deillusional likes this.
  10. Deillusional Augur

    Two left to do No repercussions on palace and out of balance on contract of war. Hopefully we get him before one of the mages is back from his month holiday who loves achievements.
    Elyssanda and Yinla like this.
  11. Mossaa Augur

    Mike. So you love to do them twice?
    I will nag you all day long if you do not redo them when i am back

    -- Mossaa - I need more achivements
    Tiseanu and Elyssanda like this.
  12. Zvenn Just an old monk

  13. Venedar Lorekeeper

    Once is enough! Too bad you missed it enjoy your Thailand vacation.

    Cheers Thox, we need to grab a beer someday!

    (I'm impressed by the guilds who did this before us)
  14. Thoxsel Djess' Pet Warrior

    Count me in!
  15. daBlubb Elder

    Grats all :)
  16. Grove Augur

    Grats to Shadows of Doom!

    Just wondering ... is the LAG still horrendous on AB? If so, that puts you way over the top!
    Elyssanda likes this.
  17. Niloiv Elder

    Woot! gratz ya'll
  18. Thoxsel Djess' Pet Warrior

    The majority of my EQ lifetime was spent on AB, and at least for most RoS events (haven’t done TBL on AB) the lag on AB was minimal compared to the serious rubber banding and mobs getting “stuck” facing a certain ways (and many more lag features) etc as how it is on Xegony. It’s horrendous. But maybe in tbl it’s worse overall for everyone. Regardless, doesn’t take anything away on the win. It’s a tough encounter until the whole raid gets their stuff in order.
  19. Deillusional Augur

    The lag is not too bad now on AB tbh, raid tools works fine most of the time. There could be some tick server lag, where we got mephits exact same time as the tunnel moves on the win and all attempts on Sunday. Our attempt before it we got the 1-2% enrage timer, whoever thought about the 6% or whatever it is per tick is evil. However, on the win we won with 3-4 minutes left. Definitely the lag is better than the issues we had before when they offered free transfers to another server.
    Yinla likes this.
  20. Tanols Augur

    Glad to see people getting done what others said could not be done :)