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GoD-Mode TLP

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Skuz, Jun 22, 2020.

  1. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    With so many players that have asked for a TLP which has Beastlords & Berserkers in at the start and another bunch that have asked for a level-locked TLP combining the two at least to begin with seems to be an interesting TLP concept.

    So here's the pitch:

    Level-locked Start
    All expansions up to GoD open at launch.
    Truebox - removed when SoD unlocks
    Free-to-Play accounts allowed on server when VoA unlocks
    Expansion Unlock schedule as below:

    Level 10 - Week 01 *Classic XP*
    Level 20 - Week 02
    Level 30 - Week 03
    Level 40 - Week 04
    Level 50 - Week 05 *Progression XP*
    Level 50 - Week 06
    Level 50 - Week 07
    Level 50 - Week 08
    Level 60 - 12 Weeks
    Level 65 - 12 Weeks *GoD XP*
    OoW - 08 Weeks
    DoN - 04 Weeks
    DoDH - 08 Weeks
    PoR - 04 Weeks
    TSS - 12 Weeks *Live XP*
    SoF - 12 Weeks
    SoD - 10 Weeks
    UF - 10 Weeks
    HoT - 10 Weeks
    VoA - 12 Weeks
    RoF - 12 Weeks
    CoTF - 08 Weeks
    TDS - 12 Weeks
    TBM - 08 Weeks
    EoK - 12 Weeks
    RoS - 12 Weeks
    TBL - 12 Weeks
    ToV - 12 Weeks

    The level & expansion unlock schedule is based off my own experience from Ragefire & Phinigel TLP servers.

    Please give constructive feedback.
    Pelrond, code-zero and KimchiGoddess like this.
  2. Tucoh Augur

    I don't know about all the rest, but the idea of leveling locking to 10 for the first week is pretty interesting, just because people will form raids or strong groups to farm gear and I'm curious about how it'd go.
    Tymeless, Pelrond and Skuz like this.
  3. Zansobar Augur

    I don't see any interest in playing on a TLP server with the content past PoP enabled. So you will have to clarify what you mean by GoD enabled at launch. Level locking will not keep the overpowered items from dropping or being bought. I also don't see any interest in level locking like that. People could do 60 levels in the first week and many that play EQ enjoy that type of hard core leveling, why would you turn off those people by catering to an extremely casual small population? You can get to level 10 in 2 or 3 hours easily.
  4. Thrawnseg Augur

    So you want no raiding until 4 weeks and no planes until 5 weeks?

    That sounds miserable.
  5. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    Then this server idea is not for you?

    Exactly what it means, Gates of Discord & all prior expansion content, classes, races, zones, AA will be open, but a level lock will be in place to provide a progression unlock system. This is at least one way that the devs could provide the often asked for Beastlord & Berserker at a server start which IS requested quite often without having to do any funky coding malarkey to move trainers, unlock classes from expansions etc. They would though need to figure out the level locking system so that IS a coding change I should think.

    It is not the intention of THIS server to do that in the first place, however the weekly incremental level increases will mean that a large portion of the player-base will be on an even footing by the time they hit the level 50 plateau so there will be a reduction in "racing ahead" by players who understand how to exploit effectively at least to begin with.

    This intentionally diverts from that old paradigm in the desire to create a novel experience for players.
  6. Delphwind Augur


    You could just play on Mangler, which is releasing GoD in 9 days.

    Why does everyone always want a New TLP? There are more than enough right now, stop splitting the population.
  7. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    You can raid in the very first week.

    What content you can raid as 72 level 10's might be very different to what you would raid as 72 level 50's though - but wouldn't it be interesting to find out what that would be like?

    Novel experience is the idea of the way this server starts.
  8. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    Could you play a Beastlord or Berserker on DAY ONE of Mangler?

    That's one part of why this server would be different.

    And if the overriding concern was "splitting the population" we wouldn't have had ANY TLP to begin with and EverQuest would be in a lot worse shape than it is now. When you say this, it is out of the fear for the decline of the server that you play on, every TLP has people saying this. Fact is even if there were no more TLP they will all decline anyway.
  9. Pawtato Augur

    People just love that sense of progression that early EQ offers, and the community progression with it.
    Those early and mid-level dungeons and a few outdoor zones are some of the best in the game.

    PoP for the most part feels like a sense of finality to character progression, where do you go after challenging the gods of the game? The developers from back in the day mention that it was one of the contributing factors to the population dropoff.
  10. Tucoh Augur

    I'd want to see it, but probably only once.

    I'm guessing that it'd look like mages spamming pets against a mob that can one-shot them. And would it be all that fun for an army of level 10s to raid Upper Guk for a handful of items that will be trivial to get in a week or two? I dunno.
    Pawtato likes this.
  11. Ayoheee Augur

    Server could only have 1 name: Muglwump
    Skuz likes this.
  12. Xenorius9 New Member

    you can already play around with bizarro rules on eqemu though
  13. Pelrond Elder

    I would play here. Sounds like a blast. I also second the name of Muglwump.
    Skuz likes this.
  14. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    Even if you only did it once, it would be a unique experience. And if you hated it well only a few weeks to go until level 50 unlocks.

    It's a different approach that hasn't been tried before, only real way to know if it will work is to try it.
    Tucoh likes this.
  15. Thrawnseg Augur

    They had that on Ragefire. Mage spamming pets against dragons at level 37. It was not fun or unique.
  16. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    Hence Truebox & MoTM
  17. Thalliius Augur

    The reality is that Classic thru Luclin creates an economy that can be manipulated for real money transactions.

    Plenty of people would stick around past PoP if they didn't release a brand new TLP every year so people could restart their RMT machines

    WoW came out around PoP/GoD timeframe during original EQ, which was a huge part of the drop off, not the storyline being beaten or killing gods

    RMT is the issue and it will never go away, because now DPG has a model they can use every year for a huge influx of revenue via bags, XP pots, krono, etc
  18. ajschliewe Elder

    All i'm seeing is 4 weeks to go up 15 levels grind out close to 500 AAs and get through PoP progression, and ldon charm/explorer achiev. No one will be able to do hardly anything in Omens when Omens unlock.
  19. Pawtato Augur

    The rest of your post is all subjective, but everyone agrees and the dev team at the time knew that they were in trouble. I'm just referencing interviews and posts, where they look at a combination of factors WoW's polish and appeal, EQ's age, and the story direction.

    It's pretty asinine to suggest that TLPs only do so well, because of RMTs.
    Skuz likes this.
  20. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    In my schedule getting from 50-65 has 24 weeks - so how are you only seeing 4?

    Also, you can start doing LDoN once you are in the 3rd week of this server.