God Learner Achievement

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by krozman, Oct 17, 2012.

  1. krozman Augur

    I've been to all the sentry stones in sept, nothing to attack, hail, or otherwise interact with them. Anyone figure out the first step to getting this working?
  2. roguerunner Augur

    the very first stone,
    but i think you might need some alaran to start getting them
    then i heard you have to get them in order they're listed in the ach
  3. Galin Augur

    I'm not sure if you've gone back and finished but the hail order I got them in was.

    Sepulcher of Order - the stone with the undead walking around after the first doors
    Windsong - inner area on the south wall past the guy to do Windsong Mission 1
    Pillars of Alra - Southwest Island
    CoB - Like hell if I remember there's a ton of those here (doesn't appear on the actual achievement though)
    Resplendent Temple - east tower all the way up top and across the bridge
    Sarith - can't remember exactly was one of the ones in the dock area I want to say
    Beast - southern walls was the second one coming from Sarith
    Valley - can't recall there's only 4 or 5 here though
    Argath - if i remember right it was up top in the non kos area so you don't have to go down the spiral
    Mellifleur likes this.
  4. Qwestwic Augur

    You need 100 Alaran to even start the Achievement. Just a heads up for those that don't know.
  5. Galin Augur

    Good point totally forgot about that.
  6. smash Augur

    Got a precise location for the one in wind ?
  7. Koutarou Elder

    Do you have to destroy your existing lore-book from the SoO stone if you already had one to get the achievement update?
  8. Galin Augur

    I was a bit off on the Windsong stone the location is 113, -471, 26 (went and double checked)

    Argath location = -370, -122, 13
    Valley = -419, 926, 2
    Sarith = -641, -653, -4
    Resplendent = 1826, -343, 407

    Not sure do you have it in the bank or in your house? If you have one and rehail it gives the text to give it to you again, so I wouldn't see how that wouldn't work to update it the check mark if you destroyed it.
  9. Dunhere (Xev) New Member

    That loc is buried inside the stone wall near Cogboggle. The 4 sentry stones used in the partisan quest line ignore me, and I can't find any others in the zone. What am I missing?
  10. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    If you struggle like I do with locs copy the following into your map files to help you find them easier.

    1 sepulcher ------------- P -0.3863, -188.6611, 0.2748, 0, 0, 0, 3, a_worn_sentry_stone
    2 windsong ------------- P 478.2628, -1129.7736, 34.8762, 0, 0, 0, 3, A_batterered_Sentry_Stone
    3 pillarsalra ------------ P -981.2223, 314.9626, 407.9104, 0, 0, 0, 3, A_Worn_Sentry_Stone
    4 cityofbronze ---------- P 2054.2380, -1263.5785, 63.1326, 0, 0, 0, 3, A_Sentry_Stone
    5 resplendent ----------- P 345.4037, -1806.1097, 406.9968, 0, 0, 0, 3, A_Sentry_Stone
    6 sarithcity -------------- P 636.4825, 664.8982, -7.0883, 0, 0, 0, 1, a_battered_sentry_stone
    7 beastdomain ---------- P -1390.6492, 6521.1060, -4.5606, 0, 0, 0, 3, a_sentry_stone
    8 arelis ------------------ P -932.7568, 428.4686, 0.9902, 0, 0, 0, 3, a_worn_sentry_stone
    9 argath ------------------ P 119.4125, 382.9123, 9.8931, 0, 0, 0, 3, a_battered_sentry_stone
    "A stranger is a friend you just haven't met yet."
  11. Dunhere (Xev) New Member

    Thanks; the missing digit from the loc was the root cause.