Gnome beastlord

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by plobb, Jul 17, 2018.

  1. Risiko Augur

    I would argue that a gnome is the ultimate at overcoming obstacles by way of technology.

    Therefore, I would think that a gnome beastlord would be a master tinkerer that has a kobold as a pet ONLY because he has fashioned a brain manipulation gadget on the kobold. As such, the kobold beastlord pet's in-game model should have a tinkered hat graphic on it's head with a little satelite dish that spins constantly lol.

    Also, there should be a percentage chance that the mind control device goes haywire, and the beastlord pet turns on it's master from time to time. ;)
  2. Risiko Augur

    What ever happened to the gator pet? I could have sworn they used to be gators right?
  3. Sissruukk Rogue One

    Only if the shark is Left Shark.
  4. Tenken Augur

    Gnome would have to introduce a new playable class (engineer[Gnome]) in order to a beastlord like gnome. Can do so much with an engineer type of class and they already in game with SoF expansion.
    They can select different kind of builds for situation where raids are lacking. they can build a tank(mechsuit) for tanking if light in that area, or build (turrets/mechanical beasts) for dps, or build stacks of healing devices that works similar to spells. etc
  5. drizerker Lorekeeper

    frog or halfing with a wasp pet
  6. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Nor is a tree!
  7. Wulerdar Gnome Slayer

    how many flavors of gnome do we really need just add different seasonings if you want to change things up
  8. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Gnome Beastlords weren't in the final 4 they lost to Wood Elf Beastlords in the previous vote, Wood elves beasts beat Dark Elf Ranger in the final. The other class combo to make the final 4 was either a dark elf bard or a Erudite Rogue, neither an exciting combo so not one I remember who won.
  9. Vargaz New Member

    How about a Clockwork Playerclass with a gnome pet )
  10. Outlander Engine Elder

    I kind of want a class quest that allows you to pick your own warder. There's lots of animals in the global model that could be chosen. Rat, bear, wolf, boar ... bunny?
    Boze likes this.
  11. Praestes New Member

    They were, but they only lasted a short time before they got their newer, much lamer pets.
  12. Flatchy Court Jester

    See , everyone hates Basalisk lol. At least make a petamorph item that allows us to turn ours into a gator of that is what we want.
  13. Leigo You come here often?

    I get it.. though, why not a clockwork for a Gnome Mage? I realize that's the obvious "all mages have the same pet style". However, a caster could in theory put the soul of a summoned creature into a mechanical doll or marionette. In this way a Beastlord could befriend the spirit of an animal and place it into such a object. ;)