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GMM mobs Flagged as TBL question

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Derd, Mar 15, 2019.

  1. Derd Augur

    Just one thing to clarify. That does not mean you need to have TBL, for access ?
  2. CrazyLarth Augur

    When it goes live and you cant click the cannon then your know your need TBL.
    I would assume yes, Its been marked as TBL a Dev posted.
  3. Aurastrider Augur

    In years past you did not need expansion x for anniversary content. Last year they tied one of the missions to ROS I believe but later removed the requirement. If you do need TBL it's not really an anniversary zone but an addon to TBL being released during the anniversary.
  4. Absor Developer

    Normally anniversary content doesn't offer top of the game rewards...
  5. Derd Augur

    So, thats a yes? I dont mind, just wanna get purchased for alt account if so.
  6. Axxius Augur

    Ngreth already said that GMM is the same SKU (expansion) as TBL. Meaning you will need to own that SKU.
  7. Akirrah Journeyman

    Well that's disappointing, I was really looking forward to GMM but do not have TBL yet since I just bought RoS not too long ago

    I subbed my box crew in anticipation for this but I guess I should have waited for confirmation about requirements first

    Oh well
    Cazmac likes this.
  8. Aurastrider Augur

    Is this the only new anniversary content for live? I have not seen any updated announcements other than the two new TLP servers and GMM.
  9. Riou EQResource

    There is the eating cake in 27 zones thing, plus a Log In bonus (might have to be all access), each anniversary also has had an EXP Bonus
  10. Derd Augur

    And using the word only when it's an entire new zone with many quest ,items and raids. Is not really fair.
  11. Aurastrider Augur

    The word only is pretty accurate had they not made actual anniversary stuff. This is no more than an addon zone to TBL that's being released in conjunction with the anniversary but being hyped as anniversary content. I have no problem with it being tied to TBL but calling it an anniversary event would be misleading. It would be like calling TOR from COTF an anniversary zone had they released it in March instead of May. I have bought over 40 expansion purchases since TDS so I am not looking for a handout but Iook forward to anniversary events as I find they provide some of the most enjoyable quests and missions in the game.
  12. Gyurika Godofwar Augur

    That wasn't what he said as far as needing TBL to access GMM. He just said that some GMM mobs will evolve the TBL evolving items. Everything they've said so far leading up to GMM launching is that it is a stand alone zone similar to Planes of War and that it will also be permanent.

    If I missed something Ngreth or another dev said that refutes this then I apologize but as far as I know it's still free to everyone and doesn't require TBL to access it.
  13. Axxius Augur

    Ngreth actually posted that GMM is a TBL zone with the same SKU. After he changes the evolving item restriction from racial to SKU-based, all mobs in TBL (including GMM) will work for that purpose.

    But this also means that you must own TBL to access GMM. And since GMM loot is better than (the rest of) TBL, it would make no sense to have it available without TBL access, would it?
  14. Syylke_EMarr Augur

    I think you're conflating ideas. He is using SKU as an internal tag, not necessarily to define expansions. That same post, he says "SKU basically means expansion, but is not exclusive to expansions zones." The last part of that means that he could put GFay mobs on the TBL SKU but it wouldn't require TBL to access the mobs or the zone.

    That being said, we can conjecture all we want, but there hasn't been any clear statement either way, yet.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  15. Bobbybick Only Banned Twice

    I went to Test and had no problem accessing GMM at level 70 on an account with 23 out of 25 expansions.

    IDK if Test automatically gives you access to TBL or not, I assume not or there'd be more multiboxers there to avoid buying new expacs.
  16. Gyurika Godofwar Augur

    No Test gives you access to EOK for free. You have to buy TBL to get ROS & TBL now or if you bought ROS you can access that but still have to buy TBL. I was in GMM on my 110 ranger earlier and he has ROS.

    It's not a TBL zone. It's a stand alone zone for everyone but the content is 95+
    Bobbybick likes this.
  17. Aurastrider Augur

    Can this be confirmed now that it has hit live? I just started a 9 night stretch of 12 hours shifts and wont be able to log in for over a week unless my work gives me a night off. I am trying to game plan my anniversary content since I wont have much time to accomplish much this year with RL being so busy.
  18. Xyroff-cazic. Director of Sarcasm

    Absor literally replied in this thread.
  19. Derd Augur

    Have my alt account in zone without tbl, shes not 110 so while shes able to loot i cant positively say she can use the gear yet.
  20. Cazmac Augur

    I entered the GMM zone on Antonius Bayle with no trouble but was horrified to see that, in spite of having Brewalls maps, I had no map for the zone I was in. Is this a new map and, if so, how do I get it? I do not have the latest expansion, only the previous one.