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GMM – Let’s get this over with.

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Tappin, Sep 3, 2019.

  1. Brohg Augur

    so many millions less hp than live zone named? what are you trying to observe here?
    Sancus likes this.
  2. Thunderkiks Augur

    Boss was about 3 times hp from the other day. I have parse of both.

    Before patch
    /GU Grash, Bloodmoon Growler in 33s, 28828k @873571 | #1 Thunderkiks 28828k@(873.6k in 33s) [100%]
    After patch
    /GU Grash, Bloodmoon Growler in 185s, 74374k @402019 | #1 Thunderkiks 74374k@(402.0k in 185s) [100%]

    Rest is as others have said. White and yellow con mostly now. Part 2 was nicer with the layout of the mobs.

    First set of mobs didn't seam like much changed, they were hitting harder by a bit. Then the next 3 waves they were quite a bit tougher. In the back seamed a just a bit tougher. The named though, he killed me first go, had to change my burns a bit but got him the second time

    Got 3 AA at end on chest opening.
    Coagagin and Brohg like this.
  3. Natal Augur

    That is a ridiculous allegation. The HA is still easy, much easier than camping nameds for loot). The reward at the end was about 11AA if you did not have vet AA running, about 23AA if you did. Most of the AA came from actual killing however (about 80AA if you clear the orcs and use vet AA). That is still a lot considering that it took about 35-40 minutes to clear them with a crew of three toons.

    People will still do the HA. It will take a little longer, but the xp is still going to be better than what you might get in a TBL zone with a lot less risk. People will also be doing it to stock up on tribute loot, it is the fastest route for tribute.
  4. Natal Augur

    Well, Growler always was far easier compared to the rest of the GMM nameds. That had to be template oversight, there is no reason why the HA nameds had to be any different in challenge since they are individually designed.
    Thunderkiks likes this.
  5. Laronk Augur

    He's observing his group only does like 65k dps or something.
    Tucoh likes this.
  6. Laronk Augur

    He does drop a best in slot aug
  7. Karve_AB Journeyman

    Meh, I suck.at 3 boxing EQ must try harder :)
  8. svann Augur

    This is a good thing too. I really dont want to run gmm to hasten leveling to the new cap while there is new content to do. I appreciate them balancing things so old content is not the best way.
  9. Solanli Journeyman

    I am 100% against this change. Duo to GMM - I have been able to recruit 3 old friends back to to EQ. I was able to get them from 95 to 110 just burning lesson each night together (Fully TBL Raid Monk / Shaman + noob friend). I was able to get them group geared and back into the game (Mind you Prestige gear = $$$ for DayBreak).

    This is how the game should be. It should not be so hard to get people caught up and enjoying the game again.

    With this change, I will not be recruiting old friends back to EQ - I do not have time to run a full time job + full time raid help friends get back into the game. This decision was a revenue killer - It was done in a way that was poorly planned.

    A better solution would have been to say that from lvls 111-115 exp only produces 50% of the total exp given @ lvl 110 and below.
    Coagagin and Xeladom like this.
  10. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    Ooops, they did it again.

    Nerfed to oblivion in a knee-jerk-style overreaction, upending the status quo. At least they're consistent. :oops:
    Teylana likes this.
  11. Nennius Curmudgeon

    In that respect they are consistent overachievers.
  12. Veritas New Member

    Of course they did easier then fixing anything.
  13. Bamboompow Augur

    Have not had time to patch yet, but which route did the nerf take?
    Less Reward or more Risk?
  14. Razorfall Augur

    Both :(

    mobs hit harder and higher levels. only got 5.....FIVE aa from beating darkness howls.


    Anyone tested if this affects evolving gear?
  15. Brohg Augur

    This is a positive change for evolving, as mobs now /con even & yellow. Evolver exp cares only about kill count & mob /con
    Tucoh likes this.
  16. Bamboompow Augur

    Really amazes me what 1 person with a burr up their rear end can accomplish.
    Grats, you now have power and influence. Maybe you can have a reality show and run for President some day......
  17. Nennius Curmudgeon

    I hear the UK could be looking for a new PM in November. Just thinking out loud.
    Karve_AB likes this.
  18. Warpeace Augur

    So there is still a chance for super easy RAID level zero content for casuals now?
  19. Lilura Augur

    They do it in both directions. A Formal Dinner Party, or whatever it was called, was murderously hard.So they tuned it down and made it so easy people were MOLOing it.

    That's what happens when you don't test and don't play your own game.
    I_Love_My_Bandwidth likes this.
  20. Bigstomp Augur

    Could I be gaining xp from the 0xp mobs (friendlys) during this mission?