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GMM – Let’s get this over with.

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Tappin, Sep 3, 2019.

  1. Ofearl Slayer of all things Stupid

    When they spawn just snag 2 or 3 and pull them away, tanks and kill them. If you do that fast enough you can then run up and snag 1 or 2 more then kill it. Now you are down to a max of 6 mobs at the end. In its current form any of the 3 tanks with atleast conflagrate gear and some aa’s can thank those! Or use one of the 15 classes with some sort of pacify ability...
  2. Warpeace Augur

    I'm comfortable saying a current expansion raid tank does not need to waste a glyph to tank each update locations mobs all at once in the current state of GMM. They probably will not after the adjustment just because of the group they would be running with normally.
  3. Tappin Augur

    If you pull the climbers from their end spot off the ledge, they will path back up the mountain (requires fade). If you place your group next to wall close to where the first mob roams, you can pick them off one at a time without CC.
  4. Tappin Augur

    I’m not going to make accusation about what someone did a half year ago, but if take what was said at face value, a dev made a comment 2/3 the way through a 11 page without reading (most of) or validating the concerns of the OP. That shows a level of customer service excellency that only DBG can provide.

    So let’s look at the absolute best case scenario - they honestly didn’t know about it. Then we get an emergency patch as soon as the holidays ends similar to RoS.

    But in my opinion, we would have seen the same nerf prior to new expansion being released.
  5. Cailen Augur

    first thing I learned in boot camp 35 years ago...… keep yer mouth shut
    Elyssanda, Dsuna, Spellfire and 3 others like this.
  6. JeffHanson Augur

    It's absolutely pathetic that cheating in EQ has been normalized to this extent.

    More to the point, I'm not talking about people leveling in new zones. A lot of people will need to start out by leveling in RoS and even EoK. Many zones in these expansions are absolutely infested with bot groups on our server.
  7. Bottle Journeyman

    So here feedback from a casual group in group gear (mixed RoS/TBL L110 and RoS/EoK/TBM at L106):

    We run now this mission every sparetime to use the chance while it is there. The only mobs which give xp are the mobs we should kill (Orcs). It is good xp but I don't see what others pretended here. We cannot boost our L106 like said. We have made it now from 105 to 106 sind first entry of this thread. But it is not XP which surpasses it. It is only the mob which is not hitting very hard. Thats it.

    - only the mobs which should get killed give xp (Orcs)
    - if the HA is skipped and redone then no loot is there except the rare named spawn (which spawned only once so far for us)
    - dropping the task means skipping the 3 items in the chest (which we never did)

    Positive side: a group with a bunch of 105 with a 110 can do the quest. Normal TBL is useless in that configuration. We got in this config nearly wiped for around three times because a pull got wrong and the troups came in a bunch. Tanking 10 mobs is perhaps possible with a TBL ubah tank but our normal tank got owned fast. Tanking upto 5 is possible if nothing goes wrong and no surprise happens. So the mobs are relatively easy and not so dangerous then in the normal zone.If they get boosted in the nerf and these train rows get a wrong pull which will happen very easily then this is a sure wipe. Adds from the "gnome side" are common because of the density. Nerfing the mobs really as hard as the standard TBL mobs for a entry mission into the GMM progression does not make much sense - except that it goes into the row of nearly unplayable TBL missions and the anniversary feature is gone....

    But what is so wild on that? Even if some ubah reget the tasks over and over then they are doing that in normal zones for sure too. They only will boost they alts but thats it. But a 15-20kaa crew mixed in level can be happy for such a HA.To avoid that a lockout timer from the start should be enough. This HA gives no other drops except chest and the casual named and collection items are very uncommon (like in normal zones). There are only a little amount of mobs which give xp and we needed always around an hour for them. If we would camp a named in the main zone with killing all around, then it is not much more xp or loot but only more dangerous.

    So this HA is very nice because of the drops which grant some items after around 1-2 hours.
    I ask myself what is the average SDPS for a normal TBL group geared group and a TBL raid geared group nowadays if they are so extremely strong? Any numbers? In RoS it was around 850k (full burn) to make the first mission which was a pita. But there we had at least all other quests. In GMM this is the entry mission. Without that the quest giver does not give the others!

    I hope you don't ruin this fun.
    Dsuna, Caell, Grabatz and 2 others like this.
  8. yepmetoo Abazzagorath

    Who cares what a current expansion raid tank does.

    Taking a mission than any 3-6 scrubs could complete (and literally, its taking some of these people 2 hours), and basing it off what a raid tank can do is absurd.

    At some point the devs need to comprehend that this game is not about completing some story, some challenging development path, for most people its a hobby where they get together with people they like and PLAY, and they don't want a challenge.

    As long as they give us some challenging raids, and 1 good zone that is the LAST zone that requires effort, the rest of the game should be a gimme.
  9. Jhenna_BB Proudly Prestigious Pointed Purveyor of Pincusions

    Fun?! This is a game...games aren't supposed to be FUN!!! :p
    Corwyhn Lionheart likes this.
  10. Warpeace Augur

    Not sure why you would bother to quote me out of context. I replied to someone taking about needing to burn Glyphs and raid tanks specifically.
  11. Cailen Augur

    People like you aren't the problem, the issues that some "not me" have is the people that can do the entire mission in 15 minutes or less. I'd go into detail about that but see my last post. I truly hope what ever changes they put in place don't effect players like yourself much.
    Dsuna and Corwyhn Lionheart like this.
  12. yepmetoo Abazzagorath

    How is that out of context. You are talking about what a raid tank can or can't do with someone else. I simply pointed out that its irrelevant. I didn't say "you're wrong" or "you're right", I said, essentially, "let's not go on a tangent". My reply was to the side conversation.
  13. Duder Augur

    If there were swirlypoo emojis avail on these boards that is what I'd have replied with. But since there is not, an err what will suffice: o_O
  14. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Now that the 20th anniversary is over.
  15. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    It wasn't the elite ubers that did this. And if you follow the forum at all you will see I stand up for the group game.

    Fact is a new expansion is coming out. Daybreak and Sony before them like to nerf the previous content before or when the new expansion comes out.

    Add to this that GMM was doing two things. One it was the 20th Anniversary content and was made the way it was intentionally in my opinion. The Devs ignore a massive thread when GMM was released that said it was too easy.

    The other thing GMM did was make up for, in my opinion, the bad reception of TBL.

    Now it is true that I doubt most casual players were doing flipping of the GMM HA for exp. The casuals actually want the gear that drops. And I run a large casual guild I constantly see talk of people having lockouts so its clear they are all running the HA straight through not dropping it before finish just for exp.

    I think things like GMM should be left alone as long as exp is not as good as the next expansion.
    Bottle likes this.
  16. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    And now you are compounding it with a new mistake.

    THE ONLY THING YOU NEED TO DO is to ensure exp is not as good as the new expansion will be.

    LEAVE THE DIFFICULTY LEVEL AS IT IS as long as the EXP is not worth it then it can be left as it so that returning players have an easy path to gear up as they are approaching the next expansion and afterwards as they are catching up when they return to the game.

    Think about it. It won't be full groups doing GMM next year or the year after it will be folks soloing/moloing or a couple players at most. Leave an easy path to gearing up for level 106 to 110s in the future.

    The ONLY time a difficulty nerf made any sense was upon release of GMM. Doing it now just penalizes those who are playing catch up.

    And changing things won't affect me at all. If I have toons I level up and want to gear I can do it easily regardless of a change in difficulty level. I have never flipped the missions. But I can see how leaving GMM as it is will benefit returning players down the line. Returning players are good for us players and for you DBG. Think about it.

    Nerf the exp don't mess much or at all with the difficulty level.

    Dsuna, Caell, Bottle and 1 other person like this.
  17. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    In hindsight it was probably not a good idea to bring this up in advance. That being said I am sure DBG was looking for an excuse to nerf GMM before the next expansion. *shrugs*
  18. Kamor Lorekeeper

    I'm glad GMM risk/reward is getting a second look. It is way out of line compared to regular TBL zones. For the people saying "I can't xp in TBL because it's too hard on my lvl 101 who is still wearing heroic gear"; maybe you should do the content appropriate for your level, gear and aa. Your friends and guild mates will understand, and either decide to carry you through current content or go back to older content and plow through it. I join pick ups all the time, or have randoms who are lfg join my box group. EQ has a wide variety of players with the full spectrum of gear and AA. EQ also has a wide variety of places to acquire gear and AA. We don't all have to do current content to enjoy the game, and we certainly don't all have to have amazing gear to enjoy the game. Banging my head against a wall isn't how I want to spend my free time, so I go where my group will gain better gear and more AA. If that spot isn't some loot pinata of current gear, but allows me to eventually go somewhere that is a loot pinata; then that gaming session was a success.
  19. Bottle Journeyman

    Arrogant answer as usual from a small amount of guys at the top. Nobody speaks of L101 in heroics... what a arrogant post..

    From my standpoint of view: I am now L106. I am doing content from L106+. I have paid for L105/106+ expansions (which means TBL entry zones) and I am gold. If I should not make or be able to do that kind of stuff then there should be a warning sign: only buy it if you have L110 and raid buddies who drag you through. DGB does not. It is anniversary stuff. If TBL is not possible as labeled 105+ then something is wrong. Some have fun to simply make progression. If that goes only to a certain content then other places are used. Or should we low small people with L106 farm endlessly in FM? And if you would read all posts since nearly a year about these complaints you wouldn't be sitting on your high throne...

  20. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    We normally get a couple dead before they all get there, most recent we had 7 left, the problem is they are all so close together and there isn't a lot of room to split them without pulling them back up the slopes, but this leads to the mobs warping on top of you.

    The group is made up of recently leveled up 110 chars, who have made their way through EOK progression leveling up, skipped ROS progression due to OT trash being so evil. They have little AAs over the Autogrant and are now trying to gain AAs to reach their full potential, a huge mountain!

    Unfortunately there is no 105 hot zone so if these changes make GMM to hard there will be no where to really help gain AAs at a decent rate unless we consider going back to Frontier Mountains.:rolleyes:
    Dsuna and Caell like this.