Give Yelinak any mod, just make it different somehow

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by I Love Lamp, Apr 24, 2022.

  1. Tweakfour17 Augur

    As someone else noted (Sieger maybe?) all tlp end up removing truebox. There are no live truebox servers. It's just a matter of when. Dbg has multiple times now moved the "when" things happen midway during a tlp's life. Xtar? Ooc Regen? Veterans awards? The game is constantly changing, shifting when truebox is removed won't be the cataclysmic event you seem to think it will be.
    Skuz and Triconix like this.
  2. FranktheBank Augur

    For the OP... NO. Leave Yelinak as it is.
    Intercept likes this.
  3. I Love Lamp Elder

    At least help me understand why you want a 5th version of the same server instead of adding something fun to it
  4. Womble New Member

    Free trade is controversial I suppose but what about +1-2 raid loot drops on the raid mobs at least up to and including PoP.

    I remember the supreme annoyance in PoP raid zones with elemental armor drops - too much silk and never enough plate because of the drops divided into armor types. They went and doubled LDON aug drops recently so the precedent is there.

    I don't want easy mode but the stinginess in the earlier expansions was annoying.
  5. I Love Lamp Elder

    I agree. Lots of these raid mobs drop 4 or 5 items (if you're lucky) to be split between 40 or 50 (or 72) people.

    There are 12 main dragons cleared in NToV. If every boss drops 5 items and you clear it all 8 weeks with 40 people thats 480 drops or 12 per player. But each character has 20 inventory slots, so getting perfect drops (max number of drops every kill, no rotting items, etc) people can only replace 2/3s of their items.

    Sure this example ignores AoW, Tunare, Dozekar, and few other minibosses which might add some extra items, but its clear the current ruleset is far from a loot pinata. Loot is scarce and with MotM has to be split a lot of ways. Please add some sort of fun mechanic that makes the loot experience feel less like a slot machine where you have to concede you may never see some of the items your character needs in era.

    Having played WoW Classic the last two years I can tell you the biggest complaint I heard was raid mobs dropping 2 or 3 piece of loot to be split 40 ways, and some of the items your guild needs (like Drake Fang Talisman, Thunderfury shards) almost never dropping. Meanwhile you look over at another guild and RNGesus has blessed them with 7 DFTs while your MT still hasn’t gotten his second Tfury shard.

    Just boost the drops a little bit so they feel more normalized!
    Vivace likes this.
  6. a_librarian Augur

    He plays on Mischief and this year's TLPs being dull and stale is very favorable for them. Mischief players are probably the largest group of people excited for these servers for this reason.
  7. Intercept Augur

    Because it's EverQuest, if I wanted to play not EverQuest I would do that.
  8. Intercept Augur

    Plenty of loot as is, most people are fully decked out if you play during the current xpac assuming your guild clears the main zone every week.

    No interest in extra loot, thank you
  9. Intercept Augur

    Never played on Mischief, certainly do not want that rule set going forward to the point where if free trade was on Yelinak I will not play there, other things I might budge on, but free trade is a huge no.

    I have zero interest in toxic gameplay, and that is what free trade brings.
  10. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    By main zone I assume you mean the open world version of the raid which only a single guild can clear each time it spawns?
    Vivace likes this.
  11. Intercept Augur

    Idk maybe I just join different guilds? Every guild I get into on every tlp by the end of the xpac I have every single item i need/want. Before the next xpac comes out I have a list of 2-5 high need/wants and some other could use pieces, I get the former first/asap then the rest as I can. There has not been a time when I did not get the main needs.

    Am I getting current high-end raid pieces in every single slot? No, but I don't consider all of that a need, and this is as a tank on last tlp. I generally get the need items and then 1 xpac I do my 8 armor slots and the following I do jewelry and I fill it here and there with group / previous content pieces outside of raids.

    Open world raiding in a 20-year-old video game is the definition of madness, I have zero desire in raiding more than 2 days a week or more than 5 hours a week at most.

    I like to play with as few people as possible for the majority of my time in game
  12. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    I think you are missing the point, there is a limited amount of times the open world versions of the raids will spawn on each new TLP server which limits how much gear can come from them. You shouldn't be judging that there is enough loot flow onto a TLP server based on being able to get the open world events or not.

    Now I am not saying we need to increase the loot on the server just that you can't judge it based on a limited quantity source.
  13. I Love Lamp Elder

    please define plenty to help me visualize. how many piece of gear do you get in era for some expansion?
  14. I Love Lamp Elder

    Okay but I am here to get phat loot and make my character godly in the OW. If I only got 2-5 items in 8 weeks I wouldn't touch this game because I would be so unhappy with my experience.
  15. I Love Lamp Elder

    I 100% agree. Even though I join the OW guild on every TLP I play, the game shouldn't be designed around 1 guild winning every OW mob in order to have adequate gear. In a perfect world 2-3 guilds would be competing for OW targets and all of them would be rewarded with adequate gear for their efforts if they are splitting wins.

    Also a system that requires controlling 100% of OW targets to be adequately geared makes it almost impossible for new guilds to form and compete for OW targets using only AoC raids. How can a guild that has 1/4 of the loot hope to dps race another guild that has players with almost all the items from the previous expansion.

    I think the OW targets should support 2 guilds splitting wins at least, and the AoC raids should at least give enough loot to encourage guilds that AoC raid regularly to try and compete for OW mobs. Right now it makes them feel completely discouraged because their characters can't even become competitive from AoC loot alone.
  16. Intercept Augur

    I mean, some items are huge and others no so huge?

    Honestly though, if you are playing this game with loot/items being the reason for doing so then I don't think you will ever have a good time
  17. Intercept Augur

    I get the items I need first, then I either do plate or jewelry, depending on what I did in the previous xpac.

    Some items can be used 2-3+ xpacs and I generally try to get those and then replace them as a last resort.
  18. Intercept Augur

    I do not raid open world content ever, I wouldn't ever join that type of guild because it's not worth the time/effort in my eyes, some feel it is and great for them.

    You can get a ton of loot just by raiding 2 days a week in a dz only guild, or at least I do on every single tlp I have ever played on.
  19. Intercept Augur

    They aren't winning anything, no one plays as much as them nor cares to do it.

    There is no contest in this game, the contest part ended over 20 years ago
  20. I Love Lamp Elder

    But I have a tremendous amount of fun playing this way. I love being in the batphone guild and having it rain down loot until my character can run around in the openworld and kill Avatar of War with 10 guildies in PoP.

    Just like you can't imagine how this is fun, I can't imagine how you have fun getting 5 pieces of loot per expansion. I am over here 2 boxing dracoliche and fear golems for Amulet of Necropotence, then going to my Hate instance to 2 box Lord of Ire for a Shield of the Immaculate, and I just want more people to experience that.