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Get rid of Truebox

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Parva, Apr 3, 2019.

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  1. Parva Lorekeeper

    please get rid of the TRUEBOX code it does nothing to stop box armies. at least other players can compete with camps if they are allowed to box from 1 computer.
    Xanadas and Klang like this.
  2. Arclyte Augur

  3. Parva Lorekeeper

    must be a krono farming boxer
  4. Rcbauer Augur

    Live doesn't have Truebox.
  5. Dythan Ban Lev in Plane of Fire guy

    So your solution is more box armies. I like the way you think.
  6. Parva Lorekeeper

    more people to compete will allow for a better economy and more picks more subscriptions it equals a win/win and please dont even say "Us solo players will be left" out because that is completely false and utter BS.
  7. Arclyte Augur

  8. Parva Lorekeeper

  9. Ishbu Augur

    You previously said in this thread truebox deters nobody from boxing but here you say there will be more picks meaning more characters so clearly some people are deterred.

    You cant even keep your whining straight. One week timeout, think about how you present yourself and come back to try again
    YourNameHere and Protagonist like this.
  10. Parva Lorekeeper

    All of you are Truebox cheating boxers who do not want anymore competition. You try your hardest to make sure Truebox will always be there. keep pushing your horrible agenda on people, the game will sunset soon and guess what you will be homeless because you can't make any money from a damn video game.
    Klang likes this.
  11. Arclyte Augur

    jokes on you im already homeless :)
    TheChosenOne likes this.
  12. Klang Lorekeeper

    That's been the problem with this whole discussion!

    You have people that have mastered boxing *with* truebox and are enjoying their krono farming. They don't want the competition from single computer boxers and the extra glut in the market.

    So you have the anti-boxing crowd with hidden support from the truebox "boxers" both slamming on single computer boxers - and denying them any kind of server.
  13. Darchon_Xegony Augur

    Ragefire, Lockjaw and Fippy all allow boxing.
    Protagonist likes this.
  14. Parva Lorekeeper

    Give me a break dude. All we wanted was a non-truebox fresh TLP this anniversary. We dont want to keep playing on 4 year old+ servers.
  15. Parva Lorekeeper

    Agreed 100%
  16. Dythan Ban Lev in Plane of Fire guy

    I'm okay with you 1 boxers not infecting my servers with your alt tabbing. Glad we have come to a resolution, no need to abuse the dead horse anymore.
  17. Meridian Augur

    You should have mentioned in your OP that you only wanted to hear from people that agree with you 100%.
    Ishbu and Protagonist like this.
  18. millaa Journeyman

    I played on live, sleeper/combine, Vulak, and lockjaw. Mangler is my first truebox server. I am not liking it, and doubt I will continue past month 1.

    Please make the next progression server Non-Truebox.
  19. Zansobar Augur

    Why not if you're going to solo the content anyway?
  20. Roxxlyy Augur

    We have no plans to change any rulesets regarding boxing on the current True-box servers.

    If you see behavior that breaks the rules on a server, please send in a report. If you wish to box in EverQuest, please select a server without a True-box ruleset.
    Protagonist and Volts like this.
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