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General channels now only exist as advertisement for PLers

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Kana, Jul 26, 2024.

  1. Randomized Augur

    Ah yes, nothing to back up baseless claims, so let's resort to deflecting

    This is considered detailing as well as it contains nothing about topic of the thread. Lol pot meet kettle.

    Regardless, it's not really general chat that's taking the brunt of it. And without time stamps and names we can't really if it's spamming.

    In the SS you can see 3-4 different people offering services, 4-5 other players, and spread out over 3 channels.

    Take out all the extra variables, and figure out the span of time to find the frequency per different posters, and it doesn't really fall into the spam category.

    If I, and 2 other people post WTS Krono once every 10 minutes on a channel no one is using but everyone is seeing, it'll look like spam, but once every 10 minutes doesn't really fall into that category
    Gnothappening likes this.
  2. OldTimeEQ1 Augur

    If you actually played on Teek you will know how bad the spam is.

    But sure, theorize away.
    Demetri likes this.
  3. Zalphos Augur

    Leveling up and getting loot while afk is unattended gameplay, and clearing a zone is zone disruption.
    Demetri likes this.
  4. Randomized Augur

    By that definition, Overseer would be unattended game play, and that's not the case.
    And empty zones can't be disrupted.
    Try again
  5. OldTimeEQ1 Augur

    PLers don't spam on same chars either.

    I understand for many PLers it is their livelihood and pays the bills, but so many of them spamming all the time is just plain awful.
    Demetri likes this.
  6. Kodachi Augur

    I figured out the solution is to just have the UCS down message spam you and then you don't see the general channels at all.
  7. CatsPaws Just getting rid of the old

    the general channel is the first thing all players see logging into the game.

    Only on paid accounts. So whatever actions to rectify this should also account for other servers where new players cannot access general chat unless they subscribe. The spam can be just as bad as in the default "new players' chat that free accounts only have access to. Others may not be aware of this if you only play TLP. So a solution has to apply to all servers

    Plus your screen shot also mentioned below, shows more than just general chat getting spammed.


    It would be a little more helpful if that screen shot had time stamps on it. R/click text, select time stamps.

    What might be better is that if over 100 All Access accounts mark any post by you as SPAM, your account is marked for review by a GM. Should you be spamming, your account is banned. Since only paying accounts should have access to General, that means the spammer loses the payment they made.

    Not a bad idea but they did use it in the past and innocent accounts were blocked due to being erroneously marked as spam, some had never even been in chat. Plus I can see a vindictive player clicking spam on another player they don't like which was rampant on TLP in the past.(2015/2018/2019 etc)

    ignore lists reach 1000 or more people.

    Players have already easily racked up extensive ignore lists which results in more spam when you log in. This time it is from the game and in bright yellow listing all the players you have put on ignore. A totally useless announcement.

    There doesn't appear to be a viable solution so click those ignore buttons :(

  8. Kana New Member

    Some people have mentioned the whole afk EULA part of this and that reminded me that this got majorly enforced a few TLPs ago. The GMs would LITERALLY spend a whole day outta the week poping into everyones camps saying "Hello are you available? This is GM so and so, please respond in /tell if you are at your keyboard before your next action" and those who responded got the thumbs up and those who didn't disappeared for a week. This went off and on for a good year or two too, here is a thread about it during that time.
    Demetri likes this.
  9. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    The players paying for PL ARE the problem. People have less time to level up due to family, work, gardening, etc. Someone offers to level you up for some krono. You pay for a PL. This has a chain reaction. The PLer advertises more. The (presumably) happy customer thinks, hmm, I have friends/alts who now need to be caught up. They pay the PLer again. PLer spams chat looking for other lazy (ahem) busy players to make more krono.

    Imagine the record number of players on Teek and the PLers are making absolute bank. This will happen every level increase. Every expansion release until players stop paying for PL.

    My advice is to report the spammers en masse. If you're too lazy to make two mouse clicks for everyone you consider a spammer I have no sympathy for you.
    Demetri likes this.
  10. OldTimeEQ1 Augur

    Everyone is clear clicking spm and ignore.

    Just doing that non-stop or leaving chat channels is the only two options now.

    The defending silence from DPG on this, of course, is not helping here.
    Dre. and Demetri like this.
  11. Kobra Augur

    I have zero sympathy for people who complain instead of taking a proactive solution.

    Just leave the general channels if it bothers you. Nothing of worth is ever said in them anyway.
  12. Zalphos Augur

    Complaining is the proactive solution. It's what will get the company's attention to do something about it. Leaving general chat is giving up and letting the cheaters win.
    Dre. and Demetri like this.
  13. Randomized Augur

    So I logged into teek and was going to leave it up while I took a nap to take a SS of general chat but during that time the game disconnected or logged me out or whatever. I dinked around for about 30 minutes, and in that time, there were only 2 people offering PL services (spanning Kunark and General channel), and they'd post about every 5 minutes. In that 30 minutes, players BS'ing and joking about PLers overwhelmed the PL "spam".

    So it's not just "theorizing". Time stamps reveal the truth, and the truth is, it doesn't really fall under "spam". Multiple people saying the same thing also is not spam. While it's annoying, using exaggerations and hyperboles when it's easily proven wrong, does not aid in one's cause.

    Eh, this is the "tale as old as time" - happens every TLP, every expansion, every era, every time. This isn't anything new.

    This is more a supply and demand issue than anything else. If people weren't so apt to buy a PL (what's the point of playing a TLP if you're going to skip the entire reasonings behind TLPs), then there wouldn't be any PL services being offered.
    I_Love_My_Bandwidth likes this.
  14. Kobra Augur

    No in this case complaining is a waste of time when you can just leave the channel, which provides no value anyway.

    Seriously, I would like to know the last time anyone has seen anything of value in those general channels, they are a cesspool at best.
  15. Hamshire Augur

    This is a thread about PL general chat spam yea? Those are valued at 6kr each so technically there is nothing else that can be said in the general channels that could hold even greater value.
    Demetri likes this.
  16. Demetri Augur

    In all of your "AFK" examples, they're there and engaging with the game in some way every 20-30 min at the least, or they're getting disconnected on a TLP.

    Or if they're not they're using automation that is illegal.
  17. Demetri Augur

    No, overseer does nothing without player input at the beginning and the end. And yes, an empty zone can't be, but no one is talking about things like the PoK Chapel being disrupted - they're talking about zones being emptied out and folks training anyone who dares to enter into them.
  18. Demetri Augur

    "We" (although I'm a new arrival in the thread) are talking about those that do it for 4 hrs without really doing much of anything, generally staying in one spot, not talking, not casting any spells, nothing.

    No one cares about 20-30 min AFK breaks for whatever situation, we care about actively evading the timeout mechanic to AFK for the entirety of a 4 hr PL spot while doing nothing. If they want to sit there and chat? Fine. Play /gems? Fine. Set an autoclicker up and golf all afternoon while getting levels? Not fine.
    Taladir likes this.
  19. Randomized Augur

    And what part of that is breaking the rules?

    Ah you mean like "accept invite" and "drop group". Player input at the beginning of a PL and the end.

    No one is talking about zone disruption except for someone trying to mistakenly correct me.
  20. Demetri Augur

    If they're using an autoclicker to evade the autokick? Using autoclickers is automation, if you don't know they're bannable on TLPs you really shouldn't be logging into the game, because you're too inept to even read the most basic parts of the rules.