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Game Update Notes: May 17, 2023

Discussion in 'Game Update Notes (Live)' started by EQ Dev, May 17, 2023.

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  1. EQ Dev Developer

    May 17, 2023

    *** Highlights ***

    - Our new UI Engine is now available and supports scaling and docking for converted windows. See the UI section below for more details.

    *** Items ***

    - Text has been added to evolving cloaks of the Selenelion to indicate which achievements are required to attain the next tier.
    - Fixed a typo in the lore text of Ferocious Pernach of the Khati Sha.
    - Achievements: Hero's Forge - Restless Ice Cloth. Fixed an error in the description of the chest/robe component.
    - Fixed several typos in messages seen when activating the Lingering Essence of Cazic-Thule.

    *** Tradeskills ***

    - Faded Restless Velium Short Spear and Faded Bloodied Luclinite Short Spear are now blacksmithing combines to better align with the source items used.
    - Recommended levels on Martial Treatises have been adjusted to closer match the required levels on the combat ability tomes they are used to create.
    - Recipes for Tome of Calanin's Synergy Rk. II, Tome of Bleed Rk. II, Tome of Shield Topple Rk. II, Tome of Blood Hatchet Rk. II, Tome of Procure Sap Rk. II, and Tome of Bazu Bluster Rk. II have had the required treatises adjusted to better match the level of the combat ability tomes created.

    *** Quests & Events ***

    - The Spirit Fades (Mission) - Opening the chest will now update the task, even if you have not completed the first step.
    - Many inhabitants of the Plane of Valor have relearned how to speak.
    - Harbinger's Spire Event: Made a speculative fix for cases when this event breaks.

    *** Spells ***

    - Fixed a typo in the description for Ringing Crystal Temple.
    - Fixed a typo in the cast on other text of Summon Sonic Wolf.

    *** AA ***

    - Form of Endurance XXXI, found on some Night of Shadows masks, should now work as intended.

    *** Mercenaries ***

    - Corrected an issue that would prevent level 120 mercenaries from showing illusory weapons.

    *** Progression Servers ***

    - Tiny Phosphene Cluster, Small Phosphene Cluster, Phosphene Cluster, and Large Phosphene Cluster now have the quest tag.
    - Made the following items quest items for randomized loot: Corrupted Drop of Focused Sunlight, Impure Drop of Focused Sunlight, Purified Drop of Focused Sunlight, and Pristine Drop of Focused Sunlight.
    - Shrouds will no longer grant the "Reach Level XX" achievements.

    *** Miscellaneous ***

    - Corrected an issue where Aradune players could not server transfer to Zek for free.
    - Fixed a bug that could prevent players from returning to the tutorial right after escaping.
    - Fixed a typo in the Veil of Alaris achievement West Sepulcher Traveler.
    - The /cast command's usage text is now more accurate.

    *** UI ***

    - The following windows have been converted to the new UI engine: Inventory, Quantity, Selector, and Story.
    - - Custom Suite XML implementations of these windows will continue to work as expected but will now generate a warning in UIErrors.txt suggesting that you remove this file in favor of either a custom, or the new default UI implementation.
    - - Converted windows can be scaled using the slider in the Display tab of the Options window or by using the /ui scale command.
    - - Converted windows can be docked to other converted windows by moving them close together. Their edges will snap together to allow for ease of positioning.
    - A tool to support the conversion from Suite XML to the new UI format has been included for optional installation in the LayoutConverter directory of the EverQuest client.

    - Changed -

    - The EverQuest Team
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