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Game needs better mob types and variety

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by FYAD, Jun 2, 2024.

  1. Iven Suggestions Bard

    There is a huge lack in environmental NPCs like birds, flying insects, small snails, small spiders, etc. The rats in original EQ were more or less environment NPCs. Crescent Reach has bunnies. They don't have to be targetable or appearing on track. Many zones appear to be dead and artificial by zone design. More and better weather effects (hail, dust storm, tornado, falling leaves and plant pollen), and more skies/clouds could be added. About all zones use the same boring sky. Bring back the original sky for original zones !
  2. uberkingkong Augur


    Its like HoT.
    pretty much reused everything and adjusted their size. It didn't really mean anything it was cool, but already done now.
    Looking back, that expansion did not do squat story/lore wise. A lot of these expansions since HoT, have not done squat story/lore wise.

    VoA/RoF is probably the unique ones story/lore wise.
    TDS/TBL/RoS/HoT/LS/yadayadyada they are meaningless expansions story/lore wise.

    If anything we need things the size the mech guardian in dragonscale hills.

    I would like less zones but a lot bigger zones too. With variety. Weather. Tornados going through the zone. Earthquakes. NPCs moving around doing stuff, doing activities. Last time we saw something like NPCs doing stuff, was TSS. Then all that work in small innovations, went away, they just stopped. NPCs are static and boring today, past decade.
    As for the size of zone, the size of 4 West Karanas.
    Less zones and bigger zones.
  3. Iven Suggestions Bard

    Rats and "easier" content at the beginning do make a logical sense for evolving character and story progression, and I would say that many players do even expect and like such things. I still do remember a bit how Ultima Underground 2 started in the 90s. Like in so many other RPGs, it was inside a prison cell or a cellar, with rats and other critters around. You have to free the avatar, find it's first weapon, a light source, and so on. It is a stereotype for sure, but does also serve as a tutorial.
  4. uberkingkong Augur

    No thats not the point.
    What I'm saying is that they introduce a new expansion.
    They basically start the story from scratch rather than continuation of story.

    So since they start from scratch all over again.
    Lets start with rats.
    Next expansion, new story all over again.
    Lets starts with rats again.
    Lets make 80% rats stuff. 20% new stuff.

    They focus too much on rags and what not.
    It's like armor.
    Lets make ragged armor,
    now lets say they progress hide
    now they got better hide
    now they got even better hide

    thats all ugly armor, why you spend so much time making ugly armor? Its like 80% of the wardrobe, ugly.
    Yet they spend so much time on it.
    It leads to lack of variety. Instead spend 80% time making good armor, do like 1 or 2 ugly armor, we don't need a bunch of hide armor.

    Speaking of that.

    Think about it.
    Usually games progress to more noble like mobs.
    Do you see richmen roaming around.

    Nah, you see desert madmen and brokies, ragged looking stuff.
    Theres no rich skeleton commander.
    A mounted rich skeleton commander.

    Usually games they go into mobs being so rich they on mounts too.
    Mobs need to be scary too. How do you do it? Simple, they don't just stoll and walk slowly.
    They zoom around, bard speed roaming around everywhere, whoa mob came outta nowhere real quick.

    High tempo zone music and mobs zooming around.

    Think about the TSS, PoR.
    New Freeport.
    you got these armies roaming they not lollygagging, they moving with a purpose you feel like something is going on. It creates a story via the mobs/NPCs actions, they actually doing something not just 5 feet forward turn around 5 feet backwards walking snail.

    I say next expansion 2 big zones.
    Highpass Hold 2.0
    Highpass Keep 2.0

    Huge, huge. 4 west karanas in size per zone.
    In Highkeep prisons, there is a princess locked up, what happened.
    You find out in 2.0 version.

    Could be an evil princess
    A bunch of princesses on mounts, rich people roaming around.
    Highpass Keep, the entire zone is an open world raid zone. As in no instance, the only instances are the raids you get from doing the open world raid zone quests. The entire zone is for raiding. Thats T2. Everything you do in that zone you need a raid to do. Do the quests and what, which is tough where you need a raid, like 24 people or more to help out, and its assuming you have raid gear already, so do those quests and what not to get the actual raids, you gotta raid for it. The raids to get the actual raids, very time consuming. Keep raiders busy. HighPass Hold, very nonraider friendly, 80% stuff can be done molo. Mobs start off as weak as RoS trash and get harder. Also the nameds, a few of them should be like they nothing, can be kited too.
  5. Iven Suggestions Bard

    Post got moved to a new suggestion thread. It can be found here.

    Added a main story and more details. Many grammatical corrections and a revamped layout.
    uberkingkong likes this.
  6. Herf Augur

    Nennius likes this.
  7. uberkingkong Augur


    I mentioned 2 zones.
    I find out there is a new expansion for another MMORPG.
    How many zones?
    2. you’ll explore two new maps

    Honestly looking at what they have to offer.
    spears? meh
    story? meta events? ok ok
    raids? meh, unless its squad raid and open world. raiding isn't popular in that MMORPG, more fun things to do besides raid.
    warclaw? meh
    NEW PVP mode, ok ok. #esports??? ok!!! ok!!!
    housing??? meh, looks very basic.
    you remember me talking rags, and rags hides, this is where graphics person spends 80% making junk. I'm thinking. Why???
    wooden chair, wooden chair slightly better, wooden chair slighter better.
    Make cool chairs why you spend 80% time on wooden chairs and then make 1 good chair. smh

    EQ got better housing but seriously outdated. bland boring.
    Should be terrain modifer, make a lake in my backyard and what not.
    Should be open containers, say I want to leave cookies for people visiting me.

    To relate it to mob types.
    That game be using constructs too much, as much as this game uses rats, they use constructs, its pretty bland after you see so many.

    Their best expansion, it was basically the one with dinosaurs, scary mushrooms, not much junk mobs, and it had good mob variety.
    So I agree, games need better mob types and varieties.

    You going to make a skeleton again.
    Make rich man skeleton
    rich girl skeleton.

    why use bland skeleton again? why waste so much time making terrible skeletons, again rags, hides, why, make ugly stuff 80% of your effort, and good stuff and do 20%. make good stuff 80% of your effort, and ugly/filler stuff 20% of your time.

    Regarding zone size,
    take a look, how long 30 minutes, they didn't go through everything and they running quickly, they used the transportation. Still stuff to explore. Zones this size, the game needs too.
  8. Lodestar The Undefeated

  9. uberkingkong Augur

    I'll have you know from playing a bit of EQ2.

    I mentioned highpass/highkeep.
    Should have rich folks on mounts.

    EQ2, I fought some bandit on a mount, kinda cool.

    Thinking about EQ mobs, it is kind of bland reused.
    It's like an orc but in different armor. pretty bland still even though they have different armor.

    How about orc riding a chimera or human riding a horse.

    EQ2, those mounted enemies, they were not boss mobs too. trash mobs on mounts kinda interesting.
  10. Sissruukk Rogue One

    LotRO has mounted combat. You either love it or hate it.