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Game logs me out

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Ootax, Jan 1, 2022.

  1. Ootax Augur

    My game keeps logging me out when not active after around 30-60mins. Not sure the exact time frame but I noticed it when I went after for a bit and came back and it was logged out. Had it happen a 2nd time while afk to eat. Then noticed it again when I minimized my screen to do some things on my computer. The computer itself is not going into sleep mode or anything. The game appears to be logging out to the server select and then after no activity it goes to the login screen. There a setting or something in a file that needs to be changed to prevent this?
  2. Treage_Imminent Elder

    You didn't mention which server you play on, but I think some TLPs have AFK detection that will kick you off the server after a set amount of time being inactive.
  3. Ootax Augur

    on mischief but it doesn't seem to be an issue with a few other people I know.
  4. Rondor Augur

    The Mischief server indeed seems to still have an AFK-detecting auto-logout timer, of somewhere between 30 and 60 minutes. This is apparently due to the high popularity of the server, so to be fair to allow more people to experience it at once, this auto-kick system seems to be in place. Most other current servers including the non-TLP servers seem to not have this auto-kick system.
  5. Ootax Augur

    But that doesn't explain why other people are able to stay afk for hours even w/o a programmable keyboard to do some kind of movement or spellcasting. And are able to stay logged in. I have a RL friend who can stay logged in for hours on end w/no kind of movement from his character and not get kicked.
  6. Rondor Augur

    Interesting then. Maybe it's something specific to my system or internet connection. I have experimented specifically with the Mischief server, and have left a character in POK sitting around not moving or anything on at least two occasions and came back between 30 and 60 minutes later and found it was disconnected. Similarly I tried this in Commonlands on this same server a few months ago in the big trading area amongst many other people, and this happened too.

    Other characters logged in on other servers such as Povar-Quellious simultaneously to the above experiment times who were also left AFK in POK and other safe zones did not get kicked out. ( Truebox permits logins from the same computer onto other servers, as long as it's a maximum of one character on a given specific truebox server at a time, so I have been able to observe this phenomenon from the exact same computer. )