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Gallant Focus of Fortitude

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Toukan, Dec 29, 2023.

  1. Toukan Augur

    Not gonna quote numbers...but is the drop rate really intended to be THIS low ?
    Thunderkiks, kammo and Raccoo like this.
  2. Winnowyl Suffering is optional.

    To me, it feels like the type 7 and type 18 drops were reversed.
  3. Toukan Augur

    The 18's (acolyte's) certainly are more common. They're rotting.
    kammo likes this.
  4. Kalamos Augur

    I feel like the drop rate on all ores was set too low, not just this specific aug ore.
    kammo likes this.
  5. Toukan Augur

    Well 'of heroism' is equally low, but not as many needed per character.
  6. alanus Augur

    I saw a few drop the first few days of expansion, but nothing since. Killed countless named, too. Others have reported it being impossibly rare, too. I think it's too rare. Heroism, too, for that matter
  7. Allayna Augur

    I've *seen* 5 fortitude and 4 heroism drops in over 5500 kills, including running missions about twice a day, sometimes more, sometimes less.
    I've also finished hunter of LS.

    My recap of the ratio of drops:

    I've killed 75 named NPCs.

    I've done roughly 41 Hero's are Forged and 47 Final Fugue missions by count on the parser. Although the coin math comes out to more like 100 combined, must've sold back some dropped type 5s to the vendor from named.

    I've seen 7 necks.

    I've seen 12 timber.

    The 6 main boxing characters that I use are done with type 5s from coin doing missions but haven't seen enough player made type 5s drop for one character each to get one? This REALLY disincentivizes group play. Likewise not enough player made type 7/8s for one each? Knowing every character will likely want more than one type 7/8.

    I'll keep saying it until a Dev says otherwise, I believe the new mercenary gear is on the same loot table as the type 5/7/8 drops for the named and I think the rarity of them shouldn't be more rare than the necklace.

    The itemization dev this year needs to re-evaluate the goal drop rates for many, many items.
    Karthos, kammo, Barraind and 9 others like this.
  8. Velisaris_MS Augur

    I agree. We're about to the point of bringing in non-max level alts to loot just so they don't rot.
    Barraind, Allayna and Winnowyl like this.
  9. Toukan Augur

    Allayna, that's a good theory on the mercenary stuff. It's so plentiful, the bazaar is flooded with it and it's much cheaper then the vigilant gear ever was.
    Allayna likes this.
  10. CyrennFV New Member

    I've completed hunter and have bags and bags of gear to show for it, but only 1 fortitude.
    Merc gear has been moved to 'never' on advance loot filter.
  11. Alkerion Lorekeeper

    The levelling neck drop rate has been higher than fortitude. And you only need one neck loot....
    minimind, Toukan and Allayna like this.
  12. Velisaris_MS Augur

    They need to just drop the merc gear from the named and mission loot tables and just keep it on random zone trash. I have a feeling that'll fix a lot of loot itemization issues.
    Barraind and Allayna like this.
  13. German Augur

    Put it on the group vendor, use group coin.

    It is incredibly low, but also some mobs appear to only drop the Heroism ones and others only drop the Fortitude ones. I've never seen one drop both kinds. I've heard people say the same about the mission, Heroism in Fugue mission, and Fortitude in the Forge mission.

    minimind and kammo like this.
  14. Toukan Augur

    I've seen several mobs drop both. I've only seen both/either (never 2 at once) in the Heros Forge mission, never in the escort mission. And, unlike Mean Streets, the Heros Forge mission doesn't ALWAYS drop one of them. Stupid rare there as well.
  15. Tacoheals TACOBELL !!!!

    Ive seen a CRAZY ammount of merc gear, I have completed hunters twice, and seen about 5 Fortitudes and 3 Heroisms, Ive done missions about the same times you have an have about the same number of necks. I have Seen about 72 Timbers though across my time. So, maybe the RNG hates pallys? o_O
  16. Evurkvest Augur

    There is something fishy about this drop. I’ve done everything in the LS grp game by now and only seen 4 of them. On the other hand, my chars are flooded in Gallant Focus of Heroisms that you only need one of per char. Also, strange that Heroism(you need one) stack and Fortitude(you need many) does not. Seems like the drop rate and stacking is turned around between these two drops.

    Where should I farm it? Does not seem to drop in Final Fugue at all. Drops in Heroes Are Forged but rare. Rare only of specific Nameds?
    kammo likes this.
  17. Knifen Augur

    Ankexfen Keep - Lorekeeper Fandrel 4 mobs around the top of the temple are the ph. Got most of mine from just killing him over and over. Easy to do while have chores around house. Kill 4 wait for respawn.
    Fenthen likes this.
  18. Fenthen Well, that's that...

    This and the caster golem in Hero Forge (up in the north) are where I got fortitudes to drop most commonly.
    Velisaris_MS and Knifen like this.
  19. Velisaris_MS Augur

    Arcanaforged is where I've gotten most of mine. The golems in that zone plus Geo give you all 4 types of drops, so that's a nice named rotation for group gear.
    Metanis and Fenthen like this.
  20. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    Baz on FV would say othewise.