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Fixed Full Screen / Screen Resolution Issues

Discussion in 'Resolved' started by Dageth79, Jul 17, 2024.

  1. Luminya The Ancient

    I just tried both 1 and 2, and it's just resetting back to 800x600 when I log out.
    Salene_Luclin and Ranor like this.
  2. modsiw Augur

    It'd be nice to know what they're doing to make sure obvious bugs like this aren't missed in the future.
    Kajolus likes this.
  3. Polako New Member

    Still broken for me after patching, even after changing the settings as instructed above.

    Same issue still.
    Ranor and Luminya like this.
  4. Cairbrae Developer

    Please be in fullscreen mode when you camp out (/camp desk) to update the fullscreen settings.
  5. Niskin Clockwork Arguer

    I just tried a fresh install. It starts a little smoother, but settles into the same loop I described earlier.

    Also, if you login to the game, reach the server select screen, and then exit the game, it will write 800x600 to your video settings in eqclient.ini. I have been able to reproduce this multiple times without fail.
    Ranor likes this.
  6. Niskin Clockwork Arguer

    It doesn't matter if you are in full-screen mode when you camp. It would under normal circumstances, but the two main bugs right now are that the game won't load in full-screen no matter what the eqclient.ini tells it to do, and exiting the game doesn't always save the right settings. Even if you are in the world, even if you are in full-screen. The only way to get into full-screen at this time is to launch the game, get into the world, switch to fullscreen, and then change the resolution twice, because it will only show old resolutions the first time. Exiting the game and re-launching requires the same process to be performed every time.

    If you need more specific details or want to see a screenshare of me testing this stuff, please message me. I have done repeated tests while monitoring eqclient.ini updates with Notepad++. There is nothing else we can do on our end to fix this until there is a patch to deal with the two issues mentioned above.
    Scila, Ranor and Luminya like this.
  7. Ranor Elder

    DEFINITELY NOT FIXED IT'S STILL NOT WORKING!!! My EQCLIENT.INI file [VideoMode] is set at Width=1920 Height=1080 and I did that and when I logged back in it brought me back in. In windowed mode and when I switched to full screen it defaulted to 640x480 resolution and still only gave 4 video resolutions to choose from 640x480, 720x480, 720x576, & 800x600. The only other way to even see the other resolutions was to switch to one of the those 4 first then switch to 1920x1080 I have screen shots also if needed.
    The only thing that Hot patch may have fixed is the "Failed Reset ()" error it did absolutely nothing to address any of the other full screen in game screen resolution or UI issues created with the patch.
    mercury890 and Luminya like this.
  8. Cairbrae Developer

    I think this is happening because of a regression bug and you have Fullscreen=1 in your eqclient.ini.

    Edit eqclient.ini to


    and login again.
    Corwyhn Lionheart likes this.
  9. Luminya The Ancient

    That doesn't work either. I dont play in full screen mode, but I tried camping in full screen mode for the hell of it. It still resets back to 800x600 when I log back in. So it's definitely not fixed as a couple others just noted.
    Ranor likes this.
  10. Polako New Member

    Yeah it still resets to windowed 800x600 after you launch the game again. And if you alt+enter to fullscreen it, it'll be fullscreen but 800x600 still, and you still have to change the resolution in game ( to 2560x1440 144hz which is the native resolution of my monitor ) and copy the saved UI layout so the windows aren't messed up.

    Definitely not fixed. In fact, nothing changed with the patch.
    Ranor and Luminya like this.
  11. Judgementand New Member

    Mentioned it in Discord, but it's literally not updating the eqclient.ini file when I camp out on 3 boxes when in fullscreen 1920x1080. The file gets set to 800x600 (both fullscreen and windowed) and fullscreen=0. Not just that it ignores...it sets those values in the eqclient file.

    EDIT: So right now the path I have to take on 3 boxes, every time I launch them:
    1) Launch game, it launches at 800x600 Windowed, making it impossible to view the server select or click on anything. On one of the boxes it loads Windowed Fullscreen, but stretched from 800x600 to 1920x1080 (the text is massive and I see the same amount of data on that screen as I do on the other 2 that are in windowed 800x600)
    2) Get to Char select, ALT+ENTER to fullscreen
    3) Load in game, then flip to 1920x1080 resolution (sometimes the resolution is in the list, sometimes it's not...at which point I have to ALT+ENTER a few times until it shows up)
    4) Copy Layout from another character, as my UI has defaulted

    I have to do this *every* time, on every machine that plays the game fullscreen.
    Niskin, Ranor and Luminya like this.
  12. Freakin New Member

    Same thing is happening to me. I camp out in full screen but when I reload the game, it loads in windowed. When I alt/tab the game does not minimize completely, it still covers 1/4 of my screen.
    Luminya and Ranor like this.
  13. Vorin New Member

    Yeah still a thing before client-side patch the server select was in windowed mode and the character and game were both in full screen but back to having to do the resolution swap trick to get it to work for the time being and camping to deck top in full screen did nothing.
    Luminya and Ranor like this.
  14. Vorin New Member

    Well hitting the full screen button even after picking a resolution crashed the game so can't even temporarily fix it like yesterday.
    Luminya and Ranor like this.
  15. Foofie New Member

    Still not working on any of our computers . Everything that was said above is broken on ours!
  16. Kajolus New Member

    windowed mode seems the only option atm, right?
  17. Kahlev Al-Calen Augur

    I just want to confirm, the "temptative fix" did not fix the issues. It is failing pretty much the same as yesterday, with the added bonus that now as you close the client there is a small window on screen that depops as you close the game, as if another aplication had been sideloaded and closed together with the game.

    Deleting the [VideoMode] section on eqclient.ini before starting the game allows you to temporarily open the client at the native windowed resolution, and allows you also to switch from windowed to full screen at the proper desktop/game resolution as should, but as soon as you camp to desktop (no matter if from full screen mode, windowed, or just "crash"), the next client restart will once again force the server selection screen (and the character selection screen) at 800x600.
    Luminya and Ranor like this.
  18. Ranor Elder

    That or switching to full screen then playing around with video modes. Then if you have other toons copying layout or redoing your UI. Those are about the only options at the moment. That being said some people are saying they can't even get into full screen.
    Kajolus and Luminya like this.
  19. superman Augur

    This totally fixed my windowed mode, but when i try to full screen it still says "reset device0 failed"now its playable tho! thank you!
  20. Ranor Elder

    There are still Full screen resolution UI issues.