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FTE with /yell will not work together

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Runes, Apr 17, 2023.

  1. Runes Augur

    While I hate the introduction of FTE in EQ, if the main point is to protect mobs to players that tag them then go full on FTE and get rid of /yell and make mobs tagged not aggro anyone else until they run back and unlock back at their spawn points.

    The sacrifice is not being able to help others in trouble but that is better than keeping a component of the FTE mechanic in place that can be thoroughly abused.

    This will kill Pl servicing as a whole but that was the intention of FTE anyway.
  2. coltongrundy Augur

    You didn't read the FAQ, did you? The intent of FTE was never to kill aoe PL services. The intent was to stop training and kill-stealing. Not that I think it actually accomplishes either of those things, but the point is the intent was never to stop PL groups.
    Ulrin likes this.
  3. Tarvas Redwall of Coirnav, now Drinal

    There is never going to be a perfect solution to either of those issues. FTE as described is probably the closest they can get though.
    minimind likes this.
  4. Trox2010 Augur

    Closest they could get to solving either of those issues is just leaving it be; with FTE kill stealing is now down to Ping is King; if you live further from server than the one trying to steal it from you good luck getting that tag first without paying. Training has now gotten to be a lot more I teresting with /yell. The trainer now can pick and choose which mobs they agro on to you while keeping the healer mobs safe behind the encounter lock.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare and Sabra like this.
  5. Rcbauer Augur

    It is just the best result even though it comes as a by-product.
  6. Velisaris_MS Augur

    No, it won't...and it wasn't.

    All this means is that the PL guys will have to add a line or two to their botting scripts to /yell unlock mobs for their clients.

    The ONLY way the /yell system might put a dent into PL services is to have it also remove any xp/loot for anyone from the unlocked mobs. And I'm sure it would only be a matter of time before they found a way around that as well.

    FTE is a niche solution to a VERY niche set of problems that A) only exists on TLP servers, and B) only exists for those first few early expansions. A TLP problem only...doesn't need to go to Live servers.
    Waring_McMarrin likes this.
  7. Trox2010 Augur

    Wonder if you can still target a mob that is encounter locked even if not in said lock. And if the PL group is basically bots wonder if you can screw with them by sticking some mobs locked to you in their PL area so they can't kill them but the bot still sees enemies.
  8. Goomba Journeyman

    edit: saw the dev post

    so now they will need to do 51% damage and the AE Pl'ers will have to unlock every mob with /yell

    that's pretty funny, it will be impossible for rmt pl'ers

    unless they use 3rd party software to do it, = banned
  9. Shakara Augur

    Now anything is possible with DPG but i do not think the intentions is when you /yell that the mob will social on anyone it just allows any player who aggresses to pick up the encounter. Now this could work weirdly with social aggro but we will have to see to find out.
  10. Arclyte Augur

    the /yell command should be used for its intended purpose: someone got into trouble and needs help. For FTE server purposes it should just unlock the mob and reduce / remove xp & loot.
  11. Shakara Augur

    I actually like this that mobs that are unlocked give no xp or loot.
  12. Trox2010 Augur

    Yeah will have to wait for Test server to see if they can make that distinction for an Unlocked mob; wether has to be actively aggroed or will proximity be enough. Personally I doubt they can so once a /yell is done that mob goes back to adding people to the hate list as normal; ie. being near a mob that is KoS, or even social aggro.
  13. Wtfagain Elder

    Cause what a million dollar company says publicly is to be taken as 100% true? Oof……
  14. Cheet Elder

    It's a conspiracy!
  15. Rasper Helpdesk The Original Helpdesk

    On the surface I like it, provided if the mob deagros and goes home it is no longer 0 xp/loot. Otherwise I could see griefers doing a mass pull, yell, and FD to render large swaths of mobs worthless.
    Sabra likes this.
  16. Koniku Elder

    If anyone in a raid can yell to unlock a target this might lead to some extremely funny things and Im all for it
  17. Runes Augur

    Where did you read that FTE was changed to 51% damage, I still only see that it's first person to get on aggro list
  18. Ruhi Augur

    if a person does the /yell it converts the locked mob into a dps race aka the 51% dmg
  19. Sabra Lorekeeper

    If they're smart, FD people are DEAD they can't yell. Just like they cannot control their pets or cast spells and other commands!
  20. Sabra Lorekeeper

    This could be true based on their statement. Lets analyze it.

    If a player would like assistance from someone outside their group or raid, they can target the NPC and use /yell. This will semi-unlock the NPC and allow anyone to attack it. Once unlocked using /yell, the NPC cannot be locked again until it leaves combat, and the original lock is removed.
    • semi-unlock - Locking anything is always a true or false state. A door is either locked or unlocked. Otherwise its jammed. So this vague statement is not serving them as it is just creating MORE confusion in the community.
    • Once unlocked - wait, I thought it was semi-unlocked. So now it IS actually unlocked? Ok, its unlocked and anyone can attack it.
    • cannot be locked again - Facts we know. 1) The mob is unlocked. 2) It cannot be locked again. Facts we don't know. In this scenario the current state of the mob is that it is unlocked and cannot be locked again (until it leaves combat) and anyone is allowed to attack it. They left out the win condition in this scenario. This leads us to assume many things but lets go based off what is already in the code and that is *drum roll* 51% dmg to win the kill.