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From p99 enchanter star question

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Ownanat, May 25, 2021.

  1. WokeCat Augur

    A valid point, but many enchanters will be soloing. Hide works often enough to be relevant IMO.
  2. sumnayin Augur

    People will disagree, but if you play an enchanter without high CHA and an enchanter with high CHA you'll notice a huge difference in quality of life in your charms. Of course, those people could test this by reducing their CHA and playing without it after playing with it and see for themselves....but we live in a world where people don't test anything, they just believe what other people tell them.
  3. Pikallo Augur

    I feel dirty for stooping so low as to actually reply to a charisma debate, but had to say that it actually has been tested, extensively, and cha is mathematically insignificant. there is a dev post somewhere stating how cha is like the 3rd check for charm break but when tested with an appropriate sample size, it has been shown that it literally makes no difference.
  4. Pumpernickel Lorekeeper

    Your starting stats won't really matter because everyone will reroll drakkin once it unlocks
  5. MMOer Augur

    I don't disagree. Cha helps but its not super important.

    Magic Resists and Levels are King and Queen cards for charm resists. Cha is the joker.

    I go STR STA CHA

    STA CHA is fine

    All CHA is fine

    All STA is fine

    Depends on how you want to play.

    The key thing is INT... people think caster and do INT... INT dont matter to a mana generator whos DPS has nothing to do with INT.
  6. OliverQ Elder

    Does a few extra stamina at creation actually make a difference on an Enchanter?
  7. MMOer Augur

    Does being alive a little longer matter more than some very low end charm resist?

    Charm white or below and you are fine.... Go STR or STA...

    If you charm Yellows and up... you will want all the resist help you can get. People like this will be giving mobs items with -mr as well.

    I dont push that far myself. No need to try so hard.

  8. Accipiter Old Timer

    For all of you who think CHA helps you in your day-to-day job as a chanter... well, I'm sorry.

    Sure, it matters on the stuff niente posted. But how much does it matter? Very, very little.
  9. Tsar Journeyman

    High Elf for sure, you will max int with ease. Cha matters, no matter what anyone tells you, and even if it doesn't, int over cap for sure doesn't matter. Also put all your points into Sta at start anyway.
  10. Accipiter Old Timer

    Not enough to pay any attention to. Cha doesn't substantially matter, no matter what anyone tells you.

    See how easy that is?