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Free Transfers from Mischief to Thornblade?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Krykinn, May 22, 2021.

  1. Krykinn Journeyman

    Since 80% of the player base still seems to be planning on going to Mischief, will there be free character transfers to Thornblade? If people claim their bags and exp pots on Mischief they aren't going to want to reroll onto Thornblade.
  2. Doranur_Aleguzzler Filthy Casual™

    Why not just roll on Thornblade? Looks like it's going to have a very healthy population, including raiding guilds?
    Skuz likes this.
  3. Roean Journeyman

    If you're worried about Mischief being too crowded just start on Thornblade and wait for the inevitable merger.
    Skuz likes this.
  4. Nolrog Augur

    Oh for Fs sake. The servers are not even open and already you are looking to transfer off? If you want to play on Thornblade, start on Thornblade, then there is no need to trasfer.

  5. Rolento23 Journeyman

    Interesting that you came up with that 80% because based on my numbers 80% are going to Thornblade
  6. Smak Augur

    based on my numbers 80% do not plaay tlp servers
    code-zero likes this.
  7. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    80% of numbers in this thread are completely made up, including this one.
    Nickatropolis, Nolrog and Rolento23 like this.
  8. Pinch Ekaboom New Member

    According to recent data, 80% of Mischief will stop playing after Kunark.
    Nickatropolis and code-zero like this.
  9. samenye Lorekeeper

    They should have randomly released the expansions, too. Zone into Unrest looking for a team and get vapourised by a Lv85 tormented dead. Beats getting trained by zone-denying <insert a$$hat guild> here again I guess!
  10. Krykinn Journeyman

    Lol, I'm not going to play on Thornblade, the server is going to be dead and boring. I just want there to be an option for other people to go to Thornblade to make the queues a bit better for myself.
  11. Vaile Journeyman

    On the guild recruitment mischief/Thornblade thread, it’s looking like 15 guilds going mischief, 9 to Thornblade (granted that’s obviously just the guilds that have voiced their plans). Faceless virtue for mischief is showing something like ~700 members, but I dunno how accurate that number is or how many are very active. TMM and ruin look to be Thornblade. It seems like these 3 have been the most discussed from what I’ve seen be it by guild name or people involved in the guilds. I was originally thinking Thornblade was going to be a bit more laid back but I’m not so sure now?

    Looks like things are spreading out a bit more evenly than people originally thought, but we have yet to see how the drama/economy on the servers will be, and won’t know till we are in the weeds so to speak I guess. Anyone have any additional thoughts?
    Nickatropolis likes this.
  12. Bristlebard New Member

    My plan is to start on Thornblade, but to make sure I reserve all my character names on Mischief. I'm not a racer, so I wouldn't lose any sleep at all if I changed my mind and started over on Mischief in a months time. I think with free trade that raiding will be more of a choice than the necessity I have found it to be with previous rulesets.
  13. Febb Augur

    I doubt the populations on both of these servers is going to drop anytime soon to the point where transfers are needed.
  14. Kylo Classic Augur

    Where did you get this 80% from? From where did you glean this piece of info?
  15. Relentless Insomnia

    No transfers to Thornblade plz.

    The 80% of you rolling Mischief can stay on there k thx
  16. GuineusMaximus RIP No Trade

    lol bc you'd lose every OW target like you did on Aradune, scared much?
  17. Accipiter Old Timer

    100% of new players will go to either Thornblade or Mischief.
    Nickatropolis and Trakksem like this.
  18. Accipiter Old Timer

    I see what you did there.
  19. Accipiter Old Timer

    Well, crap. I was planning on going to Thornblade.
  20. Lateryn Augur

    So in other words you just made a dumb post because you are dumb. Can you tell me your character name for mischief? You seem like the kind of person I block and doing it right away will just save me time.