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Free Trade Servers - Literally in High Demand

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by wade_watts, May 1, 2022.

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  1. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    And there is a big difference between a camp that you have to bring someone in to loot versus one that you can give the loot to an alt to sell.
  2. Legends Elder

    Kind of silly for us to argue over what ifs on a server that doesn't even exist.. but again, I don't see it magically becoming an issue when its not even an issue now on normal servers with camps that have valuable tradeable items.
  3. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    It isn't a case of what if when you are talking about making a server free trade. Heck I remember seeing plenty of posts about droppable items being camped by krono farmers when it comes to things like epic drops. And the items in question are from easily killed group mobs.
  4. Legends Elder

    If anything, more items to farm should alleviate a lot of the limited krono farming spots non-free trade servers have not cause more issues.
  5. Triconix Augur

    How are there more items? They are the same items, except you just loosen up the selling restrictions. No longer need to sell loot rights, but can just sell the item directly whenever they can.
    Waring_McMarrin likes this.
  6. Legends Elder

    You're at it again. Huh? Please try to read what I typed there, bubba. more items to farm

    Not everyone is interested in sitting around helping people through zones to sell them looting rights. I know I'm not. I'd have no problems sitting around farming items I can simply put on my trader before bed, which in this case could now be an item which is usually no trade. Hints..... more items to farm.
  7. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    The items and camps on a free trade server are the same as on a normal server. Are you thinking that they would also be adding in random loot at the same time?
  8. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    They have no problem taking a tradeable item and selling it and making a free trade server enables them to do just that.
  9. Triconix Augur

    How are there more items to farm? The same items will be farmed, regardless. Your statement doesn't make any sense.

    AC ring is normally no drop. Krono bots still farm it and sell loot rights. How does FT alleviate this? They will still be farming it. FT just make their lives easier when selling it.
  10. Legends Elder

    Right, therefore, making all the items tradeable will make it more lucrative for people to sit in camps they wouldn't otherwise farm. A reason for not doing said camp on a normal server could be something like being hassled with selling loot rights and maybe not even selling the item at all, depending on the time/players online at said time.

    Now they can just loot it and sell it later, thus making there more items to farm that will alleviate the normal iconic krono farming spots, which again nowadays are usually camped by real players or people boxing 2-6 accounts, not those mass "krono farming botters" who will obviously be selling power leveling and or raid loot, not farming measily 2-3 krono items that might not drop for hours.
  11. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    And krono farmers tend to farm anything that could be profitable. Why worry about how long it takes when they are already working several areas at once?
  12. Legends Elder

    Yeah, you're being dramatic. This isn't happening on such a broad scale as you're trying to portray it as or we'd see many more threads of people crying about how they cannot get camps.

    I've personally never had an issue getting any camp I've wanted since picks. Nine times out of ten, when our group shows up, a pick spawns and we can take whatever camp we want in the zone.

    Are you having problems getting lucrative camps on TLP servers?
  13. Manafasto Augur

    Well Sirens is kinda difficult to get picks for unless raids are moving through. Other than that I agree with Legends. I actually had fun on Rizlona and as a single character player I never had issues finding a group either. I think legit MBoxers get a bad rap.
    Umul and Legends like this.
  14. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Did I ever state what sort of scale this was happening on? Or id I just state that it was happening? I do recall several threads about the spoon that Cazel drops being farmed and sold for multiple krono on past TLP servers and that is just one example of an item that is currently tradeable on any server.
  15. Gheed Augur

    No thanks, once again.

    Accendo can you lock this already
    Dragon Jockey and HekkHekkHekk like this.
  16. Joules_Bianchi A certain gnome

    ONE TLP with that ruleset is already failing and the High population one has 1/3 of the popuation FROM it and next TLP opening of any variety will see Mischief plummet, just like all TLPs do. FV has the benefit of being the only one of it's kind as well as it's age. Pretty much everyone I have played with on FV server also plays live and a lot also TLP hop each rollout.


    This is not a condition of opening an argument for something. In order to be irrefutible, one must be able to refute everything. None of which the OP did.

    We'll touch on your smug condescension some time later.
  17. wade_watts Augur

    Server Watch 2022 Update: Monday, 5/2 - 5PM.

    Quick Situational Update. Incredibly, 66% of all high-population servers are still Free Trade as of 5PM. (100% if you count the tangential Bristlebane server being the patron of Mischief) Can anything stop or even slow down the powerhouse popularity of this ruleset? Perhaps as the boxer and botters get on the botting server - time will tell! Mischief players across the world remain unsurprised by the continued popularity of this ruleset however remain disappointed that a new TLP was not released representing this, clearly popular, set of rules.

    In other news, the TLP forums are being lit up by three or four angry people that harbor significant dislike for the FT and Mischief rulesets and have resorted to insulting those that are excited about the new playstyles that DPG has offered their valued community in 2021.
    Legends likes this.
  18. Haak Augur

    Thread Watch 2022 Update: Monday, 5/2 - 2:30PM (PST)

    Quick Situational Update: As previously reported, a paltry 66% of all high-population servers are still Free Trade. In most metrics, 66% would be considered a poor grade, but some forum goers consider a 'D' score a smashing success. Using the same funky math witnessed here, an impressive 100% of the participants of this thread have expressed absolutely zero opposition to Darkpaw adding Ogre to the available options for the Monk class. Not a single, solitary voice has specifically stated that they have any issue with this concept, thus proving that the community overwhelming wants this addition.

    So we can report on the middling interest in Free Trade, or we can talk about the far more interesting and popular subject of Ogre Monks. 66% < 100% last time I checked. Facts don't care about your feelings.
    Umul likes this.
  19. Joules_Bianchi A certain gnome

    posting the same spam from 2 different sockpuppet accounts..across 5 or more threads a day....

    I'm officially on board with whatever the opposite of what this cretin wants.
    Dragon Jockey likes this.
  20. Draztic Journeyman

    I think it's somewhat accurate. There's only one pvp server yet no one plays on it, so your point of view sort of falls apart too in my opinion.
    It seems obvious that the TLP free trade server was well received, and that there is, in fact, a demand for it communicated amongst the player base. Does this mean future TLP's need to adopt this ruleset as standard to continue to be successful? No, but I think many people would be appreciative of another Free-trade ruleset without the random gimmick, that would eventually merge into FV.

    I think plenty of people would play on a free-trade box friendly TLP from the start, they've made that clear. What the company has made clear (by their decisions), is that they are not ready to have their game played in such a manner.

    In my opinion overall, Everquest just doesn't push out great content. The content has been rehashed for the last decade at this point. So if you're still around playing, chances are that you don't mind doing the same thing year after year, so when it comes to little minute differences, such as rulesets (which aren't very imaginative as is) people tend to voice what they want strongly, to a company, that quite frankly, is very resistant to change at this point (to preserve a player base that wants to/ is okay with continuing to relive glory days most likely; which makes sense), since that's really the only type of player that would still be around playing at this point. Nostalgia is the main appeal for a game at this stage, for current and returning consumers, rather than Adventure, and what may seem to be, obvious quality of life implements.
    Manafasto and wade_watts like this.
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