Forum rules for 3rd party software discussion?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Benito, Apr 5, 2022.

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  1. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    Botting (automation) does not equal boxing. It is perfectly acceptable to use ALT+TAB without 3rd party software. (Though, I expect you to conflate key broadcasting software with automation software to threaten/chain-gang other segments of the playerbase).

    There is no need to bump old threads. I suspect you want to lock this thread. The more I speak, the less arguments the pro-cheat (automation) have to go on.
    MooseUhLeany likes this.
  2. Bardy McFly Augur

    I can attest that this person is just catching up. They've been liking a number of my posts over the past hour. The threads where they could have added such comments were locked over the past day due to derailment. If you don't want them posting here, perhaps they open yet another thread? They deserve to be heard like everyone else that may have an opinion on the subject.
  3. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    It’s possible that the forum moderators believe 3rd party software discussions has run their course.

    Everyone has made their arguments. I’ve noticed that the more that I speak, the more I can refute. I refuted your Piestro statement by showing the delineation and context for “auto fire” as being the single-key auto fire program used for archery (before /auto fire command) and not naming complex scripting software.
    MooseUhLeany likes this.
  4. Bardy McFly Augur

    You're still welcome to your opinions and interpretations, others are welcome to disagree and have their own. Be careful with overarching words like "everyone", as obviously this person had not spoken yet so your statement is not factual and yet again just your opinion.
  5. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    He’s making the same arguments stated 1-2 weeks ago.

    His first argument implies cheaters constitute a substantial portion of revenue. This is internal data if it is even tracked. This has been stated previously but not proven with empirical data.

    His second argument misleadingly conflates automation with boxing. This has been decisively refuted on multiple occasions.
  6. Bardy McFly Augur

    Not everyone spends hours a day on these forums. Some may not be up to speed on literally everything has already been stated across all these threads. I don't judge people for repetition of something that has already been stated.
  7. Ariana Augur

    I wish I cared about anything as much as you all seem to care about forum etiquette and everquest boxing rules.
    Hobitses and Bardy McFly like this.
  8. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    Daybreak has their feedback. They can weigh the merits of each side, each argument.

    The vocal pro-cheat minority will want 3rd party software discussion year round until, as you stated yourself, “the rules are changed.”

    At some point forum moderators will have to clamp down on 3rd party software discussion because it will overshadow all of the good and progress in the game. It really looks like discussions are running their course and this is a good time to conclude 3rd party software discussions.
    MooseUhLeany likes this.
  9. Bardy McFly Augur

    I'm not starting anything new, but I have no problem agreeing with and defending anyone else that raises and supports my point of view. I wasn't even going to reply to their last couple comments until you did.
  10. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    Daybreak recognizes the pro-cheat minority wants to "change the rules."

    The pro-automation, pro-cheat view is an entrenched position and hard bargain.

    At some point, 3rd party software discussions are deleterious because it (1) overshadows the positives in the game and (2) promotes/advertises 3rd party software functionality.
    MooseUhLeany likes this.
  11. Bardy McFly Augur

    Highlighted your opinions. I'm done. Good day to you.
    Dre., Gormgeous and Creative Sparks like this.
  12. Ariana Augur

    Not change the rules, revert the shift in policy to the previous status quo. Rules are things that can be enforced at Daybreak's discretion. The existence of a rule doesn't necessitate the enforcement of the rule. No police officer in their right mind pulls someone over for doing five over the speed limit.

    Software users. Arguing this point is futile. The policy has clearly changed from the previous status quo, and I think Daybreak is aware of the fallout. Vote with your wallet if you want to be heard. Forumquesting isn't going to result in a sudden change of heart, but a significant change in profitability will.
  13. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    When confront by the facts and logic, it is agreed upon by both sides that automation is cheating. Some will strain a definition ("boxing tool"), muddy the waters ("partial automation"), or change the discourse ("AFK play").

    In terms of forum discussions, it is best that 3rd party software mega threads do not overshadow the hard work of some of the devs (who would rather have the focus on their work).

    I am done if people don't bump or repeat misleading arguments elsewhere.
  14. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    I've already refuted the two leading arguments over the "change in policy":

    1. Piestro was referring to single-key autofire program that was used around 2012 for archery. I remember distinctly that SOE came out and condemned the use of the single-key autofire program for foraging and fishing as cheating.

    2. Holly's brainstorming remarks over Rizlona was not an official policy position. All official and outward facing documentation states that "automation and other unintended gameplay on Rizlona results in suspensions on first offense and ban on second offense."
    MooseUhLeany likes this.
  15. MacDubh TABLES!!!

    This thread is the Scott's Totts of the forums, I just can't look away.
    Hobitses and Flatchy like this.
  16. Accendo Guest

    This has been derailed enough.
    Hobitses and Act of Valor like this.
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