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Fix for wonky EQtraders site? using Firefox

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Elyssanda, Jan 3, 2022.

  1. Soulbanshee Augur

    You can exclude/disable it on a single site when that happens.
  2. Fanra https://everquest.fanra.info

    There's no need for HTTPS Everywhere extension for Firefox.

    Go to Firefox Settings > Privacy & Security and go to the bottom of the page for HTTPS-Only Mode. Set that to Enable HTTPS-Only Mode in all windows. You can even add exceptions.

    Remien, xcitng and Rasper Helpdesk like this.
  3. Willibik New Member

    I had the same issue. I finally figured out that URL I had bookmarked stopped working. Use this as your go to for it from now on:


    It will work just dandy after that.
  4. Talif Augur

    That works because the URL is http instead of https
    Coagagin likes this.
  5. Mukkul Augur

    I can't post to the eqtrader forums, neither as a new post nor as a reply. The text box for the message body doesn't allow text input. Tried in both Firefox and Chrome.
    Rondor likes this.
  6. Aanuvane Augur

    It's working fine for me - did you try to create a new thread in one of the forums or reply to an existing thread?
  7. Mukkul Augur

    Like I said, both.

    The difference appears to be http vs https. https does not work. I can switch the URL for the eqtraders forums to http in Chrome and it looks like posting to the forum will work that way. Firefox which is what I normally use does not allow switching the URL from https to http.

    Same issue with the CSS on the eqtraders main site. It works in http mode, but showing up badly in https mode.
  8. Aanuvane Augur

    Seems like you figured it out. Nothing I can do about the http/https issues. That's up to Ngreth.
    Coagagin likes this.
  9. Khat_Nip Meow

    The problem is that reference to
    when trying to access the site via HTTPS is causing the menu to go wonky because of mixed active content. The browser is expecting Edited to add the following:
    To just "see" the menu correct itself:

    - Go to https://eqtraders.com/ in Firefox. (The formatting is messed up)
    - Hold keys, "CTRL-Shift-i" to bring up the Web Developer Tools and click Style Editor tab.
    - In the tools window (which is resizable if it's in the way) bottom left, the blue focus is on eqtraders.css. Click <inline style sheet #1> right below that.
    - To the right of that you should see @import url("http://eqtraders.com/library/notfornn4.css");
    -Change the http to https and the menu should show normally.
  10. Mukkul Augur

    That mod works on a client but it's very temporary.
  11. Scila Augur

    Thanks for the workarounds until the webmaster can have time to get everything squared around. They get super busy.
  12. Fian Augur

    I can't post to the forum either. I use Google Chrome, so no clue on how to translate the above instructions.