Firiona Vie Forum

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Aghinem, Jun 8, 2016.

  1. Enigma Maitreya Augur

    I am not attacking or intentionally or unintentionally disrespecting anyone ....

    Nah, it doesn't address the forum specific issue, it does how ever address the other side of this topic that seems to want to get discussed :) just sayin.

    I can imagine the conversation in that forum. "All you don't know squat about what Fantasy is. BLAH BLAH BLAH WHINE WHINE WHINE, guild ignored me BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH"

    IF I were to characterize FV vs the rest, then FV is the server were you "pay to win tghe game" and the rest are the suppliers of that means taking real life money or a direct equivalent out of the game.

    Just exactly what do you think a unique forum for FV would be used for? Not role playing because there is no role playing on FV, not account/character accountability because FV is no different in that respect than the other servers.
  2. Aghinem Augur

    Issues that would be specifically related to the FV server. A good example would be the changes made to the exp potions becoming notrade. That was a FV specific issue brought up in Veterans Lounge that received the ire of a lot of non-FV people because everything on standard is notrade anyway.
    Indrigoth and Gyurika Godofwar like this.
  3. Aghinem Augur

  4. Enigma Maitreya Augur

    Meh, just ignore them then :) I know you may be able to, but others will rise to the occasion and bury the original issue.

    My money would be on the fact that the moderators OR DB got the issue and ignored the rest, that they did not respond in the thread or feel your argument was not compelling does not prove the issue was not seen or considered.
  5. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    You said you hadn't seen that mentality in 5+ years, and there it is 14 months ago but I'm stretching? ....alrighty then. Not to mention one of your guildmates was one of the most vocal on said example?

    I'm sure the vast majority aren't like this, as you observed, but since we had some other silly comments about FV it didn't seem that out of place. And TLP really does seem to follow the same logic, just to a 1000x worse degree.

    If anything, I'd figure a lot of this sentiment is more server pride and getting used to liking the conveniences of the server more than anything else.
    Elricvonclief likes this.
  6. Kaliko Augur

    FV clearly needs its own forums to promote AFK killing programs, How to farm and sell TBM raid gear from pohate/fear by abusing broken issues that cause level 75 version to drop 105 loot, and so on.
    Elricvonclief and Iila like this.
  7. Aghinem Augur

    In the 5+ years on FV, I haven't really seen anything. That is the truth, then again - I don't read every single post on these threads which is why I made the statement asserting that I am sure someone did make dumb comments. I am not ignorant enough to suggest someone never said anything stupid, to which I would have appreciated you included the entire context of my message rather than the partial. In my opinion (as it is - an opinion), 14 months ago is a stretch - has anything really been said since or recently? My point was, I don't see anyone parading about and shouting out that FV is the best ruleset.
    Indrigoth likes this.
  8. Aghinem Augur

    That is a meaningless conjecture; people AFK kill on every server - especially the TLPs. As far as a level 75 version of a raid to drop 105 loot? I don't even know how that is possible given the instances scale to the highest level toon. If there is a problem with that, an exploit that you just publicly announced - that is on every server then, and a bannable offense no less.
    Indrigoth and Gyurika Godofwar like this.
  9. Kaliko Augur

    Idk if you ever join your own general chat, but it's pretty obvious a certain person that runs boxes in alot of TBM zones to afk farm augs and stuff also farms PoHate/Fear with illegal means and only wishes to sell those items for $ instead of plat or kronos.
  10. Aghinem Augur

    I don't jump on genchat often, but if you are talking about that guy IcestoneX - I've seen him, no one buys anything from him though if you truly want to know. I've talked to a lot of individuals about the person who have spoke to him directly, and he only deals in RMTs. We can't control who is exploiting the system, which happens on every server - but I guarantee you, there are more people that have integrity on FV than credited. There are people who do pop up out of nowhere, and 90% of us won't touch it with a 50 foot pole. In fact, players on FV are extremely cautious because of people who have been scammed.
    Indrigoth and Gyurika Godofwar like this.
  11. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    'Twas a silly comment in an intentionally silly thread, so not sure how seriously I'd take any of this, eh. Just amusing to me that one of the most vehement in a thread that took 10s to pull up via search was one of your guildies. Extreme minority? I'm sure you're right, but it doesn't mean the sentiment doesn't exist, and if there were indeed a FV forum I'm sure we'd get to see a little moar of it ;).

    Anyone recall the guy who constantly referred to non FV/TLP as "the rot servers", due to his personal disgust at any loot rotting ever? That was another fun one in the same derp arena.
    Elricvonclief and Iila like this.
  12. Warpeace Augur

    Ill go ahead and call bull on that because everyone knows that's TLP.
  13. Reval Augur

    So language is fun. By "puts forth an opinion", I have to assume you mean any time someone from FV wants to have a direct influence on the coding or policy of the game, because to be fair, there are other FV forums, and you could make one yourself if those are insufficient (but those would not have influence on the game, which is why I must assume..). In this regard, look at the old PvP forum. There was indeed some discussion that was reasonable there and productive, but you can't get very far without finding a thread where a player from blue butted his head in with a "pvp isn't popular" or "why are you guys complaining?" if the thread was about class balance, or a "pvp is too hard to balance" (same sort of topics) or a "there are so many better games to pvp on, why not play those", or the guys that were afraid any change to Zek would affect blue servers, or when they tried to sound polite but even though they're certainly saints they just couldn't hold it in so they'd go "please please please don't do anything for Zek, every other server is so much more important". Like the devs can't tell what's important for themselves without that person to set them straight lol (remember those Budweiser commercials - "Real American Heroes"?) . You're not going to escape that by having a separate forum. If you want something for FV, just post it and stand through the storm of crap and misunderstanding and lack of empathy like those before you =/. In regard to making Zek instances non PvP, there was definitely some push back through the years, but in the end people weren't too bad about it. Many were supportive even though it didn't benefit them directly. I'm sure a lot of requests would have come up against much worse based on the old forum.

    That said, if there are intricacies of FV that really can be discussed without luring in the standard set's ire, there was less of the blue intervention when it was a separate forum to be fair. With fewer people butting in to say disparaging comments in an attempt to stop you (you villain! right?), you might be able to at least get a communal idea together and agreed upon within the actual community, but please keep in mind that if anything really gains momentum in that sense, you're gonna got the people from standard rulesets posting negative comments. It's just the way it is.

    The request to just allow server transfers off fv is big in how much it might affect the game, and honestly I think due to the amount that would affect the community instead of just "oh no my dev time" logic, I think anything in that range really should be a community discussion, and I realize that said that getting anything implemented in that area would be like moving mountains (and in that particular case, should). If you're talking about exp pots being no drop, then fine talk about exp pots being no drop. I don't see the issue in bringing it up. Maybe it's a bigger issue than I realize, and if there's enough push, maybe it'll get changed in FV.

    Even without server xfers off being allowed, I get people's concern of FV as sort of a chop shop for stolen accounts. I know, I know "security is YOUR responsibility", but be honest. If a suspicious charge is made on your credit card, your bank calls you and asks - they're being proactive about it. They don't just let it go through and tell you "Well SIR security is YOUR responsibility, maybe you shouldn't have gone to that shady local restaurant that stole your credit card!". That argument also falls flat in that companies get hacked sometimes. I'm sure if Daybreak got hacked and enough accounts started being complained about as having been stolen and moved to FV, they would do something about it, but I think something like requiring the accounts secret question to xfer a toon to FV in particular (20 tries per day maybe? With notification that the tries were used?) and/or a waiting period (and cancellation ability) that everyone can set for their accounts when the feature is implemented to move a toon to FV might be reasonable (the waiting period is probably the better solution).

    Anyways, good luck in the trenches, whatever you end goals may be. If they make an FV forum, I hope it's helpful to you and your local community.
  14. Whulfgar Augur

    While I could not possibly agree more with you, It remains only a partial truth of the matter. Even people who they themselves moved to FV because they wanted to "take EQ down a notch" in playing terms always end up regretting it .. I've yet to meet 1 single person that I was / am a friend of, who moved TO the FV server, an think its thee best thing since sliced bread.

    Hence, me saying it was a partial truth of the matter, simply because so called "hacked" accounts (which I always call Bull snot on as it is) are only "part of the story" as there are legit account transfers to that server as well. And they are always regretted .. never embraced ..
  15. Whulfgar Augur

    You are not speaking with some one who has been on multiple servers, and there are ALWAYS .. and I mean effing ALWAYS .. that person / s .. who attempt to goad you, intimidate you or otherwise steer YOUR way of playing to suit themselves in every guild on every server with out regard. Thats a fact, I've seen in every guild on every server I've ever been in .. this is a known truth and a known quantity.

    The sad part about this .. is 9/10 times if the player has higher skill some view that as a threat to themselves, thus anything that player could impart to help the others out, is negated because of said "threat" to themselves / their ego / name it here ..

    Very rarely have I in my time playing this game seen people take a completely unknown player .. who has the skills to pay the bills, and actually accept them openly an warmly with legit family style warm fuzzies .. especially if that player is Bad @$$ player, that knows thier chit ..

    They would much rather take that player, an say they are a bad apple, an either tossem outta the guild an act / spread lies about that player, rather then actually get the info needed to improve that class across the baord, in their own guild. (which is a VERY sad state)

    Why do the hard work .. when booting that player, an skewing the truth to fit what ever n bull story you wanna try to push for your own agenda ?

    Hence, as I said earlier, its RARE .. that I've ever seen it in my entire 12 year straight playing this game.

    I think I will personally create a toon there, to view this personally, I will reserve judgement til then.

  16. EnchFWO Augur

    You realize this was fixed like... weeks ago right? o_O

    Sorry - don't have anything to add on the FV forum issue but people spreading misinformation is not okay.
  17. Goranothos Augur

    I'm not really sure we need an FV only forum here on the official EQ forums. It might just serve to cause more divisiveness. FV isn't really that different from the standard servers. The biggest difference, of course, is there are very few No Trade items. That is the aspect I enjoy the most about FV. The other things....the 50% exp bonus.....the weird language rules.....I wish DB would just get rid of, to be perfectly honest.
  18. Warpeace Augur

    We don't, if its a server specific issue just say so. People going to hate on other servers no matter what. Kinda like TLP.
  19. Schadenfreude Augur

    I've seen people enraged that they moved to FV and then want to leave a few months later because they cannot get groups or guilds won't take them but that's because they are either bad players and/or have toxic personalities.

    The vast majority who moved here - that I've spoken to - are happy with the decision and are big fans of the loot ruleset. I know it's ruined playing alts on other servers for me even though my ping on AB is so much better. You do get the "sell Kronos to buy raid gear so I can dominate Brother Island" players but the percentage is absolutely tiny.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  20. Stune Augur

    nothing wrong selling krono for pp, or game items. Basically the same as in game cash shops but more of a diverse set of items. It happens on every server. Not sure why people are so upset over it.

    If people collected them, and resold them who cares? I think Krono is a great feature added to EQ. Also saves people from game cards etc..

    We really should stop worrying about it, as it a dated game.