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finally got in...

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Angrif, Mar 16, 2019.

  1. Angrif Lorekeeper

    able to create character only to get booted to login screen instead of zoning into game
    Bobbybick and Draxx like this.
  2. Ghost Of Fippy Augur

    You won the game then. The rest of us have not even gotten that far.
    PresidentBenFranklin likes this.
  3. Kcooler Lorekeeper

    happened to me when server first came up HOURS ago, and i been trying log in ever since for HOURS..
    Fallfyres likes this.
  4. DarkerArts Lorekeeper

    It's probably something with your internet because everyone else is in, naggy bout to go down
    Fallfyres and Draxx like this.
  5. Draxx New Member

    Well considering Mangler is locked and I haven't been able to get on all day to even make a char I'd say you won 2nd place among the rest of us trying.
  6. Patrol New Member

    So I'm sitting on the character creation screen.
    I've created everything I want...... but I don't see a way to proceed and enter isn't doing anything.
    What a legend.
  7. Sloggoth New Member

    same here, finally got to character creation screen, made a character then booted when trying to enter world. I'm not entirely sure it saved my character or if I'll have to do it all over again
  8. Valker New Member

    I actually made it all the way to zoning into Feerrott on Selos where I promptly spent the next ten minutes trying to zone before the client crashed. There were 27 people in Ogguk. I think I am twice as bitter now as I was before, due to the big tease. I also started with three copies of all newbie items.