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Fell Foliage

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Nennius, Mar 8, 2024.

  1. Nennius Curmudgeon

    I am confused and I hope the folks here can help to unconfuse me. Is this mission possible to complete by a non raid geared pally with a healer merc. and a rogue with a rogue merc. ? Both are level 125 with LS T3 gear and almost all AA's. Will I need another and are there any tips folks can offer?
  2. Knifen Augur

    Ditch the rogue merc, dps mercs are useless. For doing it with the low numbers run 2 healer mercs.

    I dont know for sure how to compare to a non raid pally but 2 raid geared rogues with 2 healer mercs can box it just fine. Use everything at your disposal. Glyph, Intensity, Armor of Experience, Vailas Unyeidling Bravery, CoP4, Sorcerers Blade. Anything that will help safely get you the win, dont hold back. ABB - Always be burning.
    Nennius likes this.
  3. Brickhaus Augur

    Why the confusion?

    You have tried and failed?
  4. Nennius Curmudgeon

    Yes. But I do suck at times.
  5. Nennius Curmudgeon

    Thank you. I didn't take it seriously the first time. Had a baby in my lap, etc. I got owned and embarrased.
  6. Brickhaus Augur

    Man, the real folks here ALWAYS get owned and embarrassed from time to time.

    You've tempted me to go try cactikii again now ... be right back ...
    Corwyhn Lionheart likes this.
  7. Knifen Augur

    Can for the part where you engage the 3 gobbies, stay away but within LoS of where they spawn at, let them charge you. Sometimes 1-2 will make it out of the pack and charge a random player, kill those first let the other NPC tank the adds. When in doubt step back let NPC do the work.

    At the start kill the 2 stragglers the hex and warlock first, let the NPC tank the other adds, than engage them 1 at a time.
    Nennius likes this.
  8. Brickhaus Augur

    I think you've got the wrong mission...
    Nennius likes this.
  9. Knifen Augur

    Lol yes I do, i saw the words and Thought FF in my head.

    Yes for sure you can do cactii with some good practice. Dont one and done it keep trying.

    Keep the rogue on adds as the spawn, if rogue starts taking gobs of dmg is the DS. Stop attacking let the heal land than dps again. Make a hotkey to target sproutlings and kill those fast before they spawn adds.
    Nennius likes this.
  10. Knifen Augur

    Even doing Atrocious ach is doable with some practice.
    Nennius likes this.
  11. Alnitak Augur

    Cactiikii has 89 million HP and needs to be killed under 90 seconds to bypass invulnerability mechanics.
    That equated to 1 mil group dps.
    The catch: https://spells.eqresource.com/spells.php?id=45343
    It casts -5% reverse melee lifetap, i.e. melle damage sucks 5% life from you and heals the mob.
    When my zerker jumps in and starts the burn - it's an insta-death to the zerker (well, maybe 2 seconds death).
    For you to do the mission you can be a good pally and take the beating with aggro and stun spells and not much swinging. Stun, heal, rune, AE aggro. Suck in the damage from Cactiikii and 2 spawned adds. Those are RoS-era mobs, you can handle that.
    Meanwhile your rogue partner can attack from the behind and stop periodicaly after taking too much damage, let the healer (yourself or healer merc) heal and resume once healed. Level 125 rogue can produce 1 mil dps for 90 seconds even with start-and-stop mode. If a melee dps merc dies by itself - replace it with caster dps merc in burn mode.

    Once you figure out the dps rate - easy mission. 1 mil dps is a cakewalk these days.
    Nennius likes this.
  12. Brickhaus Augur

    I think you just need to go in fully buffed (especially mage/druid ds and ranger ds).

    My dex configured pally is CoV raid geared (so upgraded fero and cleave) but base stats probably close to the same as LS group gear. He has the LS group T3 knight 2h.

    I went in full "raid" buffs, clicked the scion, and waited. First mob was a joke with just pally dps. On Cactikii, mark didn't remove his ds, but the adds seemed to just melt by themselves on my ds. Whittled Cactikii down ... hit all offensive discs ... used purification when I had two red ds buffs on me ... healed when needed. And he died on purely pally dps and ds.

    So I'm sure you can do it. You just gotta believe man ...

    P.S. Now my pally has 19125 bath trade gems.

    P.P.S. I hate missions that lock on request.
    Nennius likes this.
  13. Soulbanshee Augur

    Biggest issue is the DS/lifetap. Can't remember if you can Mark the buff off. Since you are running melee both your characters are going to need heavy heals on.

    Can't remember if there are any AEs to contend with in the group.

    Second biggest issue is the adds that you also have to offtank unless you take care of them as they pop, but if you don't boss goes invul which the above comments to win within 90 seconds circuments.
  14. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    Biggest issue for me the first time I did this mission, was not realizing that you have to clear the area of trash before starting the event. All those wandering mobs can add during the fight, and contribute to the boss going invulnerable. Got pwned the first time. Next try, cleared trash first, and fight was easy.

    This was with 120 DRU, SK, MAG, with healer and 2 melee mercs (so, three devils, in Conq-speak ;) )
    Nennius likes this.
  15. Xyroff-cazic. Director of Sarcasm

    Go inside the fort/outpost area where there are no mobs and click there to avoid extra adds.

    ^You are struck by agonizing needles
    as a trigger to know when you're hit by the needles debuff. Turn off attack as needed when you have that on, especially on your rogue.

    I would suggest ditching both of the mercs you have and bring two wizard mercs. Self heal on the paladin through the 3 mobs. Make your rogue MA. Turn on burn on both wizard mercs. Full burn the boss quickly.
    Nennius likes this.
  16. Tatanka Joe Schmo


    Thanks for the great tip for those of us who are strategically challenged :)
  17. fransisco Augur

    Doing it in at 110 with in era gear (t1 ros, no tbl or velious, and only group gear), a friend and me were able to always kill him before invuln happened.
    We had a mage, chanter, shm, sk and 2 healer mercs. If you start getting invuln, you just gotta kill 1 catcus so that he is vulnerable again, then you should be able to finish him off.
  18. Nennius Curmudgeon

    Note to my stupid self. Clear all of the adds. Got the silly plant to 29%. Will try again in a bit.
  19. Nennius Curmudgeon

    Completed. Two healers FTW.
    Tatanka, Sprooce and Brickhaus like this.
  20. Alnitak Augur

    Nennius likes this.