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Feedback: New Servers announcement

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Ddezul, Apr 4, 2024.

  1. Soriano Augur

    Did you play on Innoruuk and in The Defiant (guild)?
  2. jeskola pheerie

    To complete with Teek, a Rizlona clone would pull in so much more revenue than an Aradune clone that isn't even really an Aradune clone.
    Kelvack and Manafasto like this.
  3. Manafasto Augur

    A Mischief, Rizlona, with BZK/BST would be a great server.
  4. Gibbin Proudfoot New Member

    The more that I think abut it, Tormax as a Teek clone without truebox would be the perfect compliment to Teek. It gives boxers a place where they can play. Sure some of the boxers will stick around on Teek for krono, but if the majority of them go to Tormax, Teek will be a more enjoyable space for the complain-about-boxers crowd.

    The influx of players to Tormax who want Mischief rules, but also want to box will reduce the burden of early queue times on Teek and the need for a Thornblade style spill over server.

    AND when Tormax is ultimately less popular than Teek (let's face it, Teek is the main server here) it'll be self sustaining because people will be boxing!
  5. maxisbored New Member

    The only beneficiaries of FTE are random groups in places like guk or unrest that are afraid of getting trained. :D is that your guild? Beyond that it absolutely does not help with guild coordination outside of exploiting raid pull mechanics... I can't imagine a single reason as to why an entire guild would refuse. So I'm calling total BS on that one. In the 3 biggest guilds on oakwynd the overwhelming consensus is that FTE sucks, so what guild is this? You and 5 boxes?

    I mean imagine saying that a clone of the most successful server is underwhelming while supporting FTE... Are you deliberately trying to play the devil's advocate? :p
    25thAnniBaby likes this.
  6. Kahna Augur

    None of us? Sounds to me like plenty of us want a pure Mischief clone. I am indifferent to FTE, and I wouldn't touch an unrestricted boxing server with a ten foot pole.
  7. Lejaun Augur

    I can’t speak for my guild, but for me it reinforced my decision to not do yet another TLP. Better or worse, Oak is home for at least another year, and by then I’ll probably be so invested I won’t have the urge to start over in 2025.
    Doranur_Aleguzzler likes this.
  8. Lejaun Augur

    I don’t believe that the majority think FTE is so terrible. Seems a bit of hyperbole there.
    Rijacki and Ragnoruk like this.
  9. Lejaun Augur

    For me, FTE was a massive success. The toxicity went way down, people trying to steal kills became almost zero, and trains were almost never an issue.

    For those against it, why? Was out dpsing or training someone else that grabbed a mob before you so important to how you play EQ?
  10. Doranur_Aleguzzler Filthy Casual™

    You made it really easy to dispell your opinion. Everybody has to engage in general xp grind at some point, either to level up, or grind out the AA's. Nobody to my knowledge can grind AAs in Guk or Unrest, and you would only grind levels in those zones for a short period of time. As for what guild I'm in, it's no secret, <Dargons>. Any feeble attempt to look at my post history would show that. We aren't going anywhere, we're on Oakwynd to stay.

    I dipped back into Mischief for a bit while waiting for the dupflation event to blow over, as people were getting suspended for using a quest that had been in the game since launch, and getting longer suspensions just for asking why they got suspended in the first place. My time on Mischief was very short, due to someone trying to disrupt my play. I log in at a camp I had been for a few days, and for the first time, someone else was in the zone. He claimed my camp, and multiple times tried to train me, succeeded multiple times in kill stealing from me, all while making threats and running commentary in /OOC. I ended up "winning" because I had plenty of time to collect screenshots, video clips, and chat logs for my /report. He was gone within fifteen minutes. Never would have happened if FTE had been in place.

    All the arguments against FTE just seem to me that all y'all endorse and engage in toxic play against others. Noted.
    TheChosenOne likes this.
  11. Doranur_Aleguzzler Filthy Casual™

    None of us (my guild). Satisfied?
  12. Doranur_Aleguzzler Filthy Casual™

    It's the vocal minority here, and on the official discord, that rail against it. Always the same usual suspects.
  13. Intercept Augur

    It is not clear whatsoever, Teek has mischief playerbase to pull from while Tormax has every single other tlp server to pull from who want to play a traditional tlp, the same people who have continued to play this game for 20+ years or come back here and there.

    This isn't a game pulling new people into it I think we can all agree with that, people come to EQ to play EQ, some people want random free trade EQ most want EQ
  14. Tulisin_Dragonflame Augur

    I can understand liking FTE enough to push for it, I can understand being ambivalent.

    I can't understand disliking it enough to exert energy trying to end it. As pointed out above, it basically doesn't affect raiding appreciably especially because after a certain point raids are mostly done in a zone containing only the raid.

    You have to be a very specific type of player for FTE to negatively affect your experience.
    Xhieron, TheChosenOne and Zansobar like this.
  15. Tyranthraxus Grognard

    The point that's always ignored with this argument is toxicity is always down when the population is low. Oakwind is the least toxic server, also the lowest population seen on a tlp in awhile. And it had no twin to compete with. Log onto any of the other older tlps that have lower populations and they are nontoxic as well lol.

    And before the accusation. I play a warrior, duo with a shaman, not really a threat to outdps or train anyone. FTE didn't feel like EQ to me. If anything I stood to benefit from it more than most, and still think it has no place in EQ.
    maxisbored likes this.
  16. Hamshire Augur

    Between the TLP recruitment forums and the Everquest Discord recruitment section there isn't a SINGLE guild listing for Tormax. I already expressed this twice and ill express it again, as things stand for Teek, something needs to change otherwise Teek will have five to ten hour long ques, most likely even server crashes with that many people trying to get in.
  17. Fideles Lorekeeper

    The only opinion that matters on FTE is Daybreaks and they have clearly decided not to implement it on the new TLP's. Whither this is due to player feedback, or they just plain don't have the resources to bolt it on to an already existing ruleset, is the only real question.
  18. Stylin New Member

    This guy gets boxers. Only the kronolords want to play on a server that largely doesn’t want and have complained so hard for years to get truebox ingrained into TLP launches:. I will not not box in Everquest. Throw me away on an island with others of that mindset. I’d love it! And I agree it’d make both of our plays more fun (because I’ll have no fun if no non-truebox is launched :( )
  19. Zansobar Augur

    The toxicity was down from day 1 and Oakwynd was high population then.
    Search and Rescue likes this.
  20. Tulisin_Dragonflame Augur

    Do you have any examples where FTE made it "not feel like EQ"? Off the top of my head FTE saved me from dying a couple times to large City of Mist trains and once allowed me to kill Quillmane despite not being high enough level to do it instantly. Aside from a scant few examples like that, the effect of FTE was mostly the fact that people wouldn't try toxic behaviors they otherwise would have, not that the mechanics of FTE actually needed to be invoked to do anything.