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Feedback: New Servers announcement

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Ddezul, Apr 4, 2024.

  1. Elabone Augur

    What exactly would you like to see?
  2. Immortalus Lorekeeper

    Agreed. I was hoping one of the servers would be expansion locked and OOW is the perfect place to do it. Most of the expansions after that point are garbage anyway.

    These will be like almost every other TLP, play for a year and start up on the next TLP in 2025.
  3. Doze Augur

    Interesting. I have no experience with the whole Persona thing.
  4. CdeezNotes Augur

    All the top expansions are past OOW.

    I doubt they'll ever do a locked server again. They don't want to permanently keep hardware locked up for very low populations. They need servers They can eventually reuse by merging into an existing live server.
  5. NuffanTuit Nuffan Tuit on Innoruuk Server

    Tormax and Teek be the same but one is FTE....

    Mischief is clearly the most popular rule set of all time to launch one Mischief 2.0 and the other simply a true box server launching at Kunark is doomed and everyone knows it.

    Aradune is pegged as one of the most popular because it launched during COVID. And there will not be the promised enforcement (of only 2 box) that from what I hear did not last on Aradune either.
    Tulisin_Dragonflame likes this.
  6. omgomg Lorekeeper

    switch the names and give teek extra xp
  7. Numiko Augur

    Getting a real been there, done that feeling with these servers.

    I find both Rule sets kind of boring and unimaginative. At least with last years Oakwynd they tried something different. Yes Kunark start is new, but only makes the server different for the first few months, then they are back to normal TLPs

    You would have thought being 25th anniversary servers they would have come up with something new, exciting and original, not just a rehash of existing servers that are still running.

    They really went cheap with these servers, spent minimal Dev time and effort on them.
    Ragnoruk likes this.
  8. Zansobar Augur

    If the 2025 TLPs are not Mischief rules then people will not be leaving Teek for them.
  9. Doranur_Aleguzzler Filthy Casual™

    For me and my guild, we are glad how underwhelming these two servers will be. It's reinforced our decision to remain on Oakwynd.
  10. sriraxa New Member

    The best TLPs have had creative rulesets that suit the name of the server.

    King Tormax should be something like all mobs have +25% hp and see invis. There should be a grow clicky reward for Killing Tormax. Add Mischief loot rules for more certain success.

    The point is, King Tormax shows no effort. Please come up with rule changes for Tormax that are easy to apply systemically (so it's easy for Daybreak) and are creative.
  11. Ragnoruk Augur

    I wouldn't say that the Teek server is underwhelming. The name maybe but not the ruleset. Many have been waiting for Mischief 2.0 and I'm sure it will have healthy population. Tormax on the other hand needs some love. Personally, I would like to see Tormax mimic Teek with the Mischief ruleset but with FTE & Relaxed-Truebox from the start. Others would like no Truebox at all.

    No one was asking for a Phinny clone. If left as is, it will be a dead server.
  12. Kahna Augur

    And yet we somehow all managed it on Live back in the day. I started when Kunark was already out and remember traveling through it fondly.
  13. Kahna Augur

    Origin home and sell, Gate back and kill, SoW pots FTW. I don't see what the problem is?
  14. Runningbear New Member

    My Feedback
    First want to thank you for reading this.
    1. Turn Tormax into a Oakwynd rule set. Oakwynd never got a fair shake because of the massive PP dupe. Also I don't think very many peps just want a Yelnik Clone that starts in Kunark.
    2. Make a second server of Teek with FTE so you have a overflow serve for the random ruleset with slightly different rule.
    3. Would love a slight change to the mischief rule set. Make a mob drop its normal loot and 1 random for each it would normally on names and raid mobs keep the number of drops down. One of the things that turned some off on Mischief was to many items dropping off raids mob and not getting items from its normal list so a mixture of Items from its normal list and some from random list would be a better solution. Thanks again for reading this and thanks for all the work you all do.
    Tyranthraxus, Nemnuts and Chanaluss like this.
  15. Fizon Augur

    Leave both servers as is. You want classic eq you got a server, you want a server with different rules you got a server. I don't understand all the whining
  16. Ragnoruk Augur

    100% they took the cheap route for such a big milestone for EverQuest. They shot down all suggestions in the AMA. I am glad that they at least rehashed a ruleset people wanted.
  17. Kunfo Augur

    I just wanted to say thank you to the devs for this year's ruleset. Have been waiting for mischief+Kunark. Will definitely be playing this year. THANK YOU DEVS!!
  18. Tachyon Augur

    love both and will play on both!
    Kunfo likes this.
  19. Doranur_Aleguzzler Filthy Casual™

    You just described exactly why Teek especially is underwhelming. none of us want to play on a server without FTE. True Box removed completely would be better than relaxed. The whole thing smacks of laziness and lack of imagination. Something I have come to expect from this dev team these past several months.
  20. Wordor Journeyman

    Add zerkers/beasts/HFL RNG/ GNM SHD/GNM PAL to Tormax from the start and it will have a chance to survive
    Manafasto and Tyranthraxus like this.