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Feedback: New Servers announcement

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Ddezul, Apr 4, 2024.

  1. Basak Augur

    Not sure I would use the term nightmare, they are not that difficult to get to anywhere from OT/FV. It is just tedious to do so. But I am actually looking forward to the Kunark grind as I have only ever done Classic leveling so this opens up zones I never done XP before (Dalnir, Kaesora, etc)
  2. Larsen Augur

    No, it is pretty brutal to get to most places at low/mid-levels if your only bind spot is OT or FV. To get to Kaesura from FV, you have to run through the FV zone, Trak's Teeth and Emerald Jungle. At like level 30. Or you can gamble on invising through Cabilis, if your class is capable of it, and enjoy a 20% chance to die somewhere in the city and having a nightmarish CR on your hands.

    It's fine at 50+ when you have jboots, OT hammer, and are able to survive aggro while travelling. But at the lower levels on a fresh server where people are wearing banded at best and rely on SoW to not automatically die when something aggros you, non-iksar melee leveling in Kunark is pretty terrible and it's far better to stick to classic zones.

    Kunark also loves to mix live and undead mobs, and half the zones have terrible visibility because they're full of cliffs and hills and giant pine trees. Warslik's Woods is particularly bad for that.
  3. Kimol New Member

    I'm deeply puzzled by the decision to introduce an Aradune clone. It feels as though the choice was made solely based on numbers without genuine consideration for the community's desires. This is particularly disheartening for such a significant milestone like the 25th anniversary. It seems our voices as players are continually overlooked despite our investment, both in terms of time and money.

    I urge the developers to rethink their approach. The Mischief clone, while appreciated, doesn't fully address the underlying issues. There's immense potential for change in the ruleset of the Aradune clone, and it's an opportunity that shouldn't be overlooked.

    I implore the team to take a step back and truly listen to the player base. We want to see the game evolve in ways that reflect our interests and preferences. Perhaps it's time to consider handing over the reins to developers who are more aligned with the community's vision.

    Thank you for your attention to this matter.
  4. Vitaez Journeyman

    Wait, you're asking them to listen to the people that pay their wages?

    The audacity!
    Tyranthraxus likes this.
  5. Basak Augur

    I have ran level 1s from both FV and OT many times it is not difficult unless you don't know the zones well.
  6. error Augur

    Oakwynd clone minus the encounter locking experiment would've been great.
  7. Larsen Augur

    It's possible, but it's not a very convenient thing to have to do all day, every day (talking about the people discussing the merits of leveling in Kunark instead of old world). Yes, you can run a character across Kunark regardless of level. There's a big difference between doing that once - and not really caring if you die - and doing it every time you're going from your bind to wherever, across weeks of play. No amount of "lol git gud noob" will change the fact that being shackled to OT/FV at low/mid-levels is a gigantic inconvenience in the context of a Kunark leveling journey for non-iksars.

    Even if you pretend that you simply never get aggroed by anything because you know the zones so well that it's just something that does not happen to you period (get outta here), the travel times alone are awful. We're talking 3-4 gigantic Karana-like zones to get from OT/FV to most mid-level Kunark dungeons. It's a terrible place to level unless you're content to sit in OT for twenty levels, grinding tigers and succulents with the game's worst ZEM and absolutely zero loot.
  8. OldTimeEQ1 Augur

    I wonder what happened to the whole " everyone must love FTE. Only Krono farmers and bad players don't like FTE"? I wonder what data DPG has from Oakwynd has made them drop FTE...We will never know I suppose.

    Aradune being the second most successful TLP after mischief also was a surprise for me, as I thought that would be Phinegel.

    Very interesting decisions from DPG on both counts, and it would be fascinating to know the data they have behind the decision.

    I personally think Tormax will be barren after a month or two though. I also think the names should be switched!
  9. Fideles Lorekeeper

    You can bind right outside Kaesora at the ruins.
  10. Larsen Augur

    Yes, and then you have the same problem of being bound in the a$$-end of nowhere, multiple huge zones away from the nearest shop/bank and other leveling spots, and zero chance of a SoW for your CR anytime you die.
  11. Basak Augur

    The zones are very small, fast to travel through. Not sure what you mean by Karana-like unless you mean going through the multiple zones is equal to one of the karana zones then yeah I get that. And unless you die a lot and/or slow at leveling it shouldn't be weeks of running through those zones, wouldn't be an issue once you can make use of bind affinity to bind outside Kaesora for most of that side of Kunark.
  12. Larsen Augur

    Yelinak didn't "fail," it just wasn't abnormally popular and packed far beyond capacity. It was a perfectly serviceable server that lasted as long as any non-Mischief TLP typically does. Mischief is a unique outlier in staying popular beyond the year-long cycle of TLPs. This doesn't mean all other servers have been failures.

    When Yelinak launched, people also declared it D.O.A from the moment it was announced because it came right after Mischief which was still booming at the time. Lo and behold, Yelinak turned out to be perfectly fine, it just didn't have 48 picks of LGuk. I quite liked playing on a server that wasn't crushed by staggering overpopulation. Even with pickzones, it's irritating to play on a server that has far too many players.

    I would have liked it if they did more than TLP reruns for the game's 25th anniversary, because it's definitely underwhelming; but don't just take it for granted that Tormax will be D.O.A. It'll be fine, a healthy medium-population server where you can actually access content and not always have to pick-jump six times to find a camp that's open.

    Not everyone likes the Mischief ruleset. Some of us think random loot and free trade is an easymode joke that trivializes everything and ruins the spirit of the game. We just don't have that Mischief-lover's incessant need to declare that our preference is the only right way. Tormax will have plenty of players, it just might not have so many that it becomes annoying to play there.
    Sanduleak and Jedipokey like this.
  13. Fideles Lorekeeper

    I still don't see the problem, you don't need to deal with this if you stick to classic zones, but maybe others will want a change. You do your thing, they do there's.
  14. Larsen Augur

    There was no problem until you decided there was one. I was pointing out, to the people saying that Kunark leveling is awesome, that it has big drawbacks for non-iksars and generally isn't worth doing for many classes. Not sure why people have to turn everything into some ultra-defensive "well, you can't tell me what to do!" thing. It's so weird.

    To this day, on P99, the standard leveling route that all groups follow is all classic zones until 40ish when CoM becomes an option. Prior to that, the Kunark zones simply aren't good to level in. The dungeons are terrible, the outdoor zones have the lowest possible ZEM, and being tied to OT/FV is extremely inefficient for getting around.
  15. Doze Augur

    What? No.
    FV yes, but then SoNH ->> FoB ->> Kaesora.
    If you are carefull (and lucky) then you can make that run without invis or sow (but both are advisable).

    Same deal from OT ->> WW ->> FoB ->> Kaesora.
  16. NImxat Elder

    I am loving the Teek server choice but will echo an earlier thought regarding AoCs. Seeing Tormax as the AoC should be great, Teek? (yawn). Looking forward to playing. DBG could slip in an exp bonus to the servers, maybe?
  17. maxisbored New Member

    Absolutely. 10 people on my guild from Povar who hadn't played in a decade+ battled the queue for like 15 hours on Aradune just to play a couple weeks. The server wasn't a hit, it was covid timing and paying respect. I don't think we need FTE but a relaxed truebox would alleviate some tension from the guys who hate it so much. :p Two servers, one for boxers would be pretty nice.
    dwiguslowater likes this.
  18. Silver-Crow Augur

    As i see it, There's actually no benefit to these servers, so why support them.

    Just make a stand, do your 'fresh start' on Aradune and Mischief and boycott the new servers. Then you have all races/classes, can tailor your unlock speed to your taste and are supporting the TLP that's already there with that ruleset.

    No point in getting worked up about it :)
  19. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    You don't even have to do that, you will need invis. Create desired char, create a Iksar persona, switch to desired char in a safe place and zone out to Field of Bone.

    Personas are going to make moving around so much easier. Do the reverse for getting to EC tunnel to sell.
    Doze likes this.
  20. Ikkan_DG New Member

    Teek will draw about 90% of the population due to the FV ruleset. Aradune was massively popular because it was during COVID and everyone was at home - Tormax is coming at a different time. I would gladly play Tormax if it was a boxing server. Give use a Rizlona clone, not an Aradune clone.
    jeskola likes this.