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Feedback: New Servers announcement

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Ddezul, Apr 4, 2024.

  1. Juskov Lorekeeper

    I really like this straight FV idea for Tormax too. Different but near-zero lift for the devs.
  2. Zansobar Augur

    I'd rather have Mischief rules on both but one is FTE and the other not.
    Soriano likes this.
  3. Titusraco New Member

    Just adding Selo's EXP to the mischief server would be such a HUGE quality of life adjustment for so many people. Letting people box, at least 2, would be really helpful too. Its not like Mischief didnt have an entire raid group of boxes running around TOV.
  4. Juskov Lorekeeper

    Works too. Pretty much anything other than what was announced for Tormax. Heck even PvP might have gotten more people logging in to Tormax than a basic TLP server would at this point. Ultimate fail.
  5. Celatusp99 Augur

    Word is that FTE is not going forward in anyway shape or form and was seen as a huge mistake with 3 months of dev time aka much of an expansions worth.
    maxisbored, OldTimeEQ1 and Sheila like this.
  6. Celatusp99 Augur

    Time will tell. I would rather have a clone so that que times are not crazy on Teek or Tormax but I don't get to make those decisions
  7. Tyranthraxus Grognard

    I do think it's offensive to Aradune to call Tormax an Aradune clone, it's clearly not, the features aren't there. No dev support, no box limit. Bird flu might bring back the covid player numbers though....
  8. Captain Video Augur

    No one else has mentioned this, so I will: These two servers will be the first TLPs where players (those who have purchased the feature) will be using alternate personas at launch. Consider for a moment, if you will, how the market will be affected when someone is trying to get not one, but four, or maybe even eight, epics for one character.
  9. Kahna Augur

    No different than when folks were trying to get their epics for their alts. People aren't leveling more characters because of personas, they are just doing it with the same name.
    Sheila likes this.
  10. magikarp Augur

    is there anywhere to activate alternate personas until luclin with nexus?

    unless they changed it, thought you had to be in a fast camp zone to swap
  11. Kahna Augur

    Fast camp or starting city.
  12. magikarp Augur

    adding my vote to change tormax in some way. relaxed truebox from start or something

    i don’t understand the business logic of pointing out a ”standard” truebox ruleset server as one of their most popular when the same ruleset with different names was not exactly as popular each of many times it has been deployed. aradune at least promised us with increased CS support when it launched. i dont know if that lasted. that and i liked the memorial idea behind it. i personally didnt play oakwynd because there was nothing meaningful about the evolving ruleset at launch - it was basically a normal server beta-testing FTE for those first xpacs

    the cool thing to do would be set up a poll with various server flags you could activate on tormax, stuff that already exists and you’d be willing to turn on for a long term tlp, and then let the community vote.. but don’t do this if you don’t want to know the answer

    teek is cool
    maxisbored and gnomesteve like this.
  13. Crackers Augur

    Admittedly I don't understand dev time overall, but if the process is working as intended right now, it shouldn't require much to maintain. The heavy lifting is done, and it's a huge burden lift off their customer service staff (what little remain). Seems silly to abandon it given how well those who have actually played it really like it.
  14. AzzlannOG Augur

    This aged pretty well yeah?
    maxisbored, Appren and Sheila like this.
  15. xxar Augur

  16. Magic Augur

    I am very upset that there is no original EQ. A 25th anniversary without classic start?

    At least 4 weeks would be fine for players like me who want some nostalgia. P1999 and Quarm prove what a lot of ppl love classic, but DPG want new servers with Kunark start, dont see any reason to do it (even less money for them as no iksar race change pots).

    Sure you can go to classic zones with Kunark but many items become useless in Kunark era, many raids (like planes) with 60 lvl cap become too easy.

    Anyway hope them will not skip classic EQ for 25th anniversary :(
    Zansobar likes this.
  17. Zansobar Augur

    I hear you. I think the Kunark start was the only thing they could think of to make it different than just Mischief 2.0 while spending no time working. I don't believe they put much dev resources into TLPs anymore, which is sad because it's what pays the bills. I can't believe they spent more than 5% of their annual dev budget on the TLP servers this year.
  18. Basak Augur

    I would think yeah Kunark start is fine, but it would have been fun to have one start classic and one at kunark. Same ruleset the normal ruleset do not really kick it anymore after seeing what can be done. Sure there will be players on it, and it will be full for a while, just won't last as long as a TLP with special ruleset would.
  19. Larsen Augur

    I'm just glad there's a server without free trade. I can't stand that feature and I don't get why everyone apparently loves it. It trivializes everything and takes away the satisfaction of getting great gear, unless you intend to sell it, and I hate what it does to guild dynamics and how it makes most of the traditionally tradeable loot worthless. I guess it's good for making a lot of kronos, but I don't consider that something that makes the game better or the server healthier.

    They could have done something a little more interesting with Tormax, though. A bog-standard TLP isn't the most exciting thing in the world. Make it soft-truebox, allowing two characters per PC. It still reduces the prevalence of 6-box roflstomp squads, but it makes it far more appealing to play the classes that can't solo (e.g. cleric, warrior) or find groups easily (wizard, rogue). Heck, limit it to two per PC and per IP, similar to how Aradune was 1 per IP. Even if there are ways around it, it still keeps large-scale boxing rare because most people don't want to deal with VPNs.

    Celebrating EQ's 25th anniversary with two rerun rulesets is pretty underwhelming. Yeah, we start with Kunark, but that's relevant for two months and then it's a non-factor. Very uninspiring.
    maxisbored likes this.
  20. Larsen Augur

    The Kunark leveling content isn't actually that good. The outdoor zones are generic "pull singles to the wall" affairs, no different from leveling in Oasis. The dungeons are brutal. Kurns is good, but only up to 16-18ish or so, and a horrible trip for non-iksars at low levels. Dalnir and Keasora are a nightmare, way too punishing for untwinked characters. Nurga/Droga is as generic as it gets, just a pile of goblins, so not any better than the classic dungeons. City of Mists on TLPs has that weird thing where mobs hit twice as hard as standard for their level, and the mix of live and undead mobs makes it hard for people to get to their groups.

    And any non-iksar melee will have a fun journey from OT/FV to wherever. Enjoy running from OT to Kaesora, or from FV to Dalnir. The Kunark content isn't very accessible to anyone who can't bind in Cabilis. Kunark is good at like 50+ when you can do the high-level dungeons and can travel more easily via ports or OT hammer. It's really not good at 1-45ish on a fresh server. The outdoor zones are bad XP, the dungeons are horrific, and travel is a nightmare for non-iksars.