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Feedback Devastating Assault ?!

Discussion in 'Melee' started by Keenween, Jan 17, 2024.

  1. Keenween Elder

    Hia Monks (may and Zerker :D)

    Is the new AA -Devastating Assault worth to get/use or waste of time (i see only the wirst rank on test with 7% dmg but not ther higher/end rank)

    Thanks for any info
  2. FYAD Augur

    Is free damage and you're going to be at the AA cap for a long time anyways, so why not put the AA into it?
    minimind likes this.
  3. Zolav Augur

    It is like a mini-furious rampage.. only diff is..

    -It does NOT hit your main target with an extra round, only non targeted mobs in the area.
    -Hits for 10 perc normal weapon damage (furious is 15%)
    -We have been asking and asking for something like this, IMO it is awesome.
    -It is available 2 min out of every 5. Also amazing IMO.

    I personally am pretty happy about this new ability.

    PLUS the name is super cool.
    minimind likes this.
  4. Thunderkiks Augur

    Top rank is 12%
  5. Zolav Augur

    For Zerks it was 10. Least the first week it was on test. 12 is better!
  6. Thunderkiks Augur

    Maybe different for monk and zerkers? I do not have a zerker despite having 156 characters =p
  7. Keenween Elder

    Thanks Zolav and Thunder for you Infoso_O

    FYAD, you answer was CRAP (sorry)
    Zolav and Thunderkiks like this.
  8. Zolav Augur

    Ya zerks only 10 perc at max. lol
  9. Thunderkiks Augur

    Here is further breakdown of levels and percentages on live
    level 115 8%
    Level 117 9%
    Level 120 10%
    Level 122 11%
    Level 125 12 %
  10. FYAD Augur

    well, you asked a crap question. You asked if it's worth it to use a new ability that is free damage. Of course it's worth it, it'd be stupid not to.
  11. Joules_Bianchi A certain gnome


    Shared timers are a thing, yes? Asking if an ability is worth it is an utterly valid question.

    I get your answer for sure as any "free damage" is just that, but shared timers being a thing, perhaps a different hotkeyed ability might be superior.

    Free damage [ ] Yes [ ] No aren't the only parameters.
  12. Zolav Augur

    From what I can tell, from the zerker side, there is no shared timers. But it will over-ride Furious ramp, so just be careful when burning with that :p
    minimind likes this.
  13. 666DPSweDeliver Augur

    Shared timers can be seen in about 1/2 a second, there are zero other skills on this timer. The bigger problem is SPA blocking and overwriting, as Zolav stated it will overwrite furious rampage which will make it a massive decrease in your main target DPS because devasting assault wont hit your main target. Just dont click it when furious rampage is active.

    The broader initial question is largely irrelevant though as we have one of the lowest AA counts in the game and every AA can be bought. Its not whether you should buy the AA, but where is it in the relative priority ranking when leveling up and is it worth using. Outside of raids, if your group regularly pulls multiple mobs and doesnt CC them, it's an ok bump to group DPS. If you fight singles, it adds nothing.
    Zolav likes this.
  14. Kaliko Augur

    It's nice but Monks have virtually no aggro decreasing AA's like Rogues/Zerks so they pull aggro too easily with it and can get 1 rounded before even having a chance to FD.
  15. minimind The Village Idiot

    MOAR is MOAR. This is MOAR.
  16. Szilent Augur

    I like the duration & reuse a lot, it feels resistant to feeling of waste just using it on one extra and to risk of impulse to sandbag.

    It'd be nice to hit a bit harder. Primary weapon damage is good, but it's just a portion of berserkering (monking). 10%(12%) of autoattack isn't 10%(12%) of berserker(monk) dps. Could use a lil goosing.

    I need a little muscle.
    I need a little nudge.

    Skuz likes this.
  17. Hurrikane Journeyman

    This Would be a pretty cool Disc if not for one mistake that was made while coding it. It doesn't increase DPS while AEing even with the maximum amount of mobs nearby. The 12 percent Hits that strike the mobs on extended target are all used up with monks Masters Synergy. so instead of getting 34 percent on your average hits for 100k instead you are burning them up on hits for 34 percent on 12 percent. I have parsed in on Raids and Typically my DPS will decrease sightly. I think if a monk is tanking and wants to protect his healer its useful, though if you are looking for a DPS boost on a raid i suggest you DONT use it.
    FYAD likes this.