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Favorite idea for next TLP

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Zrender, Jan 25, 2022.

  1. Draztic Journeyman

    A live server with level locked increments would be interesting. I'd also like to see some variance added in, such as having different difficulty levels within same zone. Kind of giving the game an option of playing on normal or hard mode.
  2. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    Just tie it to the level 75 unlock so it approximates the era that it appeared in, same thing goes for mercs, tie them to the level 80 unlock - or else they would need to make a new tier of "downtuned" versions for sub-80 unlocks which are way less OP for 1-65.
  3. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    Or how about this.

    A "group hard-mode" - an ability for the group leader which affects you & your whole group with an experience & plat drop boost, but it lowers all of your group's ac, hitpoint, mana & endurance values, reduces hp+,mp+ & end+, and caps all of your spells to be Rank II in power.

    That way those groups who want it harder can have it harder while those who do not don't have to, restrict it to instanced group content so you don't have Out of Group interference anyone not in the group is booted out of the instance.
  4. Zrender Augur

    Idea has merit. Probably a little much to ask for May TLP, though. Just the simple level locking would be great and if there's time then yeah that would be even better. Guessing you mean akin to WoW heroic and mythic where harder dungeon means better loot?
  5. Nighthawk Lorekeeper

    Level-locked still seems like the best new idea I've seen thus far.
  6. Vindar Augur

    I agree, and it's low effort for DP. No more cloning servers and FFS no more classic starts, if I have to level in Guk or SolB one more time I'll lose my mind.
    Nighthawk likes this.
  7. Poydras Augur

    It's not a TLP and completely ditches most of the reasons that many people play on TLP's for. If they release another TLP at the same time, I'd still pick the TLP. But level locking is a cool twist that could be applied to both TLP's and live servers.

    Though on a live server I'm not sure what endgame stuff would be worth doing with grouping gear that far surpasses the low-level raids. Is this server meant for just the grouping game, or for raiders who want a chance to be top dog on their own version of FV? Either way unlocks need to come pretty fast to avoid losing them.