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Fading memories?

Discussion in 'Hybrid' started by Hingabe, Sep 11, 2017.

  1. Hingabe Augur

    I recall fade working flawlessly before my hiatus in 2015. Was there a change I haven't read about since then? Now when I'm pulling, sometimes it doesn't memblur. 80% of the time, if I Mez an add, pull the assist aggro mob, run to group, pulled mob gets aggroed by tank, and I fade the mezzed mob, it's aggro isn't dropped. The add usually isn't problematic, but it's not something I'm used to.. fade used to be flawless for me, as long as I had mana to use it
  2. Kcooler Lorekeeper

    It is level restricted now. look at the aa to see what levels you can fade off.
  3. Hingabe Augur

    Oh gotcha. Thanks! :) I hope that means we have new ranks to raise max dateable level lol. I'll look into it
  4. mackal Augur

    Fun fact! Fading Memories was originally given a level cap on 2004-06-02 (well, that's when lucy parsed the change to the spell file), just the code never worked :p
  5. Nniki Augur

    Game Update Notes: September 23, 2015

    Fade strings:
    • You escape from combat.
    • You escape from combat and evade your opponents.
    • You failed to escape from combat but you evade some of your opponents.
    • You failed to escape from combat!
    • You failed to escape from all of your opponents!
  6. svann Augur

    Be careful about pulling to the group and then fading. If your merc healer heals or buffs you too soon then that mob is agro on her.
  7. Kcooler Lorekeeper

    Yeah i remember that.. also note fade breaks charm now.. before you could charm a mob fade.through a pack drop mob at group, which you still can but it's little different how you do it now.