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Face menu bugged and missing face

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Hamshire, Jul 6, 2024.

  1. Hamshire Augur

    The face menu in game constantly kicks you out of it within seconds and there is one female Iksar face NPCs have but isn't an option to choose from.
  2. FYAD Augur

    this is somehow connected with players entering the zone. It is similar to a bug with the tradeskill window where it would hang and discontinue doing chain combines. It was very pronounced in PoK where your chain would randomly stop and was fixed a few years back. I notice the face menu thing whenever I try to use it after entering a raid instance because I use an illusion and the face resets every zone. When the rest of the guild is all trying to zone in at the same time, the face menu will not stay open until everyone is done zoning.
  3. Hamshire Augur

    Still not fixed and I believe this is correct.