Fabled Coirnav Avatar of Water bug

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Haydai, Apr 20, 2019.

  1. Haydai New Member

    Today is Saturday April 20 2019. at 1715 PST I played the Fabled Coirnav Avatar of Water event in the Reef of Coirnav, in the Planes of Power expansion. During the event, towards the end, I witnessed a script bug of some sort. Fabled Coirnav the Avatar of Water switched from their Fabled version, to their stock version, and I received kill credit for the stock version, including stock loot (2 hammers of crashing waves). Is there something that can be done in the realm of recourse? I spent more than 8 hrs with my character parked awaiting the events spawn, and would greatly appreciate the appropriate loot, as it is the season for the fables. Any response would be much appreciated.
  2. GNOME_POWER Augur

    Advice I can do

    Do not make the text color white.
  3. qweasy Augur

    This is "normal". During the event the boss despawns then respawns, his original fabledness has nothing to do with his respawned fableness. You just got unlucky.
  4. Haydai New Member

    Thank you for the feedback Qweasy, very helpful.

    However, that makes little sense to me, because most all bosses seem to be fabled during this event. Could you explain further?

    Ex: Bastion of Thunder, i haven't seen a single boss spawn that wasn't their fabled version, and I have seen numerous of these spawns.

    What is the likelihood this was intended within script/anniversary event?