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Eye of Zomm Syndrome

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Rainbowdash, Oct 23, 2013.

  1. Rainbowdash Augur

    Quite awhile back there was a patch that fixed a lot of models that had, what I have come to call, "Eye of Zomm Syndrome" (large black splotches covering certain areas of a Classic model).

    The most noticeable of the fixes was, of course, the eye for Eye of Zomm (which before the patch was pretty much just a giant floating orb with a pupil). But a lot of the Classic skins for player models got fixes too. I found two that seem to have been missed though.

    First is one of the face options for the female high elf. It....pretty much dominates her entire hairstyle on the top and a few tiny spots on her face.



    The second is one of the face options for male dark elf. This one's pretty minor, mostly on his eyebrows. I actually only even saw this one because i swapped through all the faces of both male and female for every race to see if any more had been missed after I initially saw the high elf.



    Not a big issue, certainly not keeping anyone from getting uber big stats on their gear. But maybe the dev that did the first patch will run across this and give it a quick touch up ;D
    Dzarn likes this.
  2. Khoza Augur

    I always thought that hair looked odd on the high elf. Never occurred to me that it was a bug!