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Extra damage on items

Discussion in 'Melee' started by BigLe2e, Feb 18, 2024.

  1. BigLe2e New Member

    Does anyone know if the extra damage to combat abilities scale with disc damage?
    Like Flying Kick. Does the flat 100 from capped items scale with the % increase from thunderkick or does it just tack on 100 at the end like it does for normal kicks?

    I assume its the same for all CA mods, tiger strike, backstab, kick, etc?
  2. Szilent Augur

    no scaling, tacks on at the end
  3. BigLe2e New Member

    Oof so having 100 flying kick becomes less and less important as TLPs go on and are basically pointless on live then or am I missing something?

    I looked at a live monk parse for some event. He did 1,100,000,000 total dmg in like 13 mins with 2100 flying kicks. That means 210,000 of the 1 Billion was from that stat @ 0.019%. Seems negligible at best to me.

    Is it easier to cap on live without even thinking? On TLPs seems like so few items give flying kick, youre stuck using 3-4 expansion old gear for a stat that gets less and less use out of it.
  4. Fanra https://everquest.fanra.info

  5. BigLe2e New Member

    What a bummer. At least I know I dont have to keep rocking 3 expansion old gear to keep it capped moving forward. Thanks for the info
  6. kyong Augur

    The plus tiger claw for monks is nice because of how poorly the skills have aged. The base damage of the specials is horrible. Take Tiger Claw for instance. It's base damage is like 700 dmg at level 125 and the AA adds +13k flat damage to it so it frequently hits around 13,700. Disc Ironfist III and you might hit for 14.5k or so with it only modding the base dmg. So the extra damage per strike, while still pathetic, is nice.
  7. BigLe2e New Member

    For sure, more dmg is more dmg. IDK how hard it is to cap the 2 damage on live but looking at loot moving through TLPs, we only have flying kick until TDS?. And keeping that at 100 makes your forego some nice upgrades on certain slots for 2-3 expansions at a time for a stat that doesnt scale with that time.

    Might make a lot more sense on live where gear lasts longer, even if its like a fraction of a percent of your overall damage. But at some point on the TLPs it just feels not worth to try and fit a BIS list each expansion with those stats high in priority.
  8. fransisco Augur

    on live its even less important. When you hit for 50k, that extra 2 damage is less than a rounding error