Experience with Agnarr so far.

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Jarad2002, Jun 22, 2017.

  1. Jarad2002 New Member

    It has been interesting to join the game again after so many years away from it. It was fun for the most part but when I am placed on a waiting list due to the server being at max capacity 4 weeks after launch, then I feel that there are some issues that still need to be resolved by Daybreak.

    It seems obvious to me that players are looking for TLP servers that are locked at POP when the other servers are at about 1/8 bars and Agnarr is constantly full. Where is the fun in being put on a wait list, being sent to overcrowded and camped zones (in most cases I notice that a group will even hog camps in multiple instances)? So long and thanks for all the fish.
  2. Yruc Augur

    Tonight is the first Que since opening weekend, could be related to the extended downtime yesterday as well..
  3. Anhari Augur

    To me it only shows that the game is popular. I remember having login queues back in 2010/2001 on the release of Velious then again with the release of Luclin. It is to be expected, and I for one don't mind it. On Agnarr, it just means that there MIGHT be move people to group with like in olden times!