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EVGA 2080TI Graphics Issue

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Ramstein_Povar, Jul 28, 2019.

  1. Ramstein_Povar Journeyman

    Hello all,

    Recently built a new machine and I put an EVGA GTX 2080TI in it. I know its an overkill for this game 10 fold, but I didn't build the rig I have for everquest, however I do play it!

    The issue i'm having is the screen is totally freezing and glitching during boss encounters. I've disabled anti viruses, current drivers..etc..etc all that jazz.

    I have no idea whats going on. I've toggled just about every setting I can think of and nothing helps.

    Any ideas or help is greatly appreciated.
  2. Sarkaukar Augur

    Essentially, it is not necessarily your GPU unless the installed GPU driver install did not go right.

    Power Options, Set to High Performance.
    Nvidia control panel, Power Management mode, set from adaptive to Max Performance

    • Did you copy/paste EQ settings from another computer?
    • Post your eqclient.ini - look for VertexShaders=False and change False to True (this setting was removed from Alt O, Display, Advanced last patch but it is still part of the eqclient.ini
    • Alt J, uncheck Journal (this records every NPC emote.. originally set to Active/check but on newer accounts set off) And your account is an old account :) And if you had copied folders from another machine....
    • Have tons of audio triggers? Update sound driver and separate triggers into groups
    • rename your log and start a new one...
    • Delete eqclient.ini and start a new one with following info
    CPUAffinity0= -1
    CPUAffinity1= -1
    CPUAffinity2= -1
    CPUAffinity3= -1
    CPUAffinity4= -1
    Disable XBOX DVR (windows 10? ) and make sure Windows 10 is up to date. As a reminder, Window 10 driver auto update is active by default that can cause driver related issues.
  3. Tucoh Augur

  4. Ramstein_Povar Journeyman

    Did all the above suggested and things got a little better, but IMHO, I shouldn't have to worry about any graphics lag issues with the quality of this computer. Can't stand it!
  5. Ramstein_Povar Journeyman

    Do the Dev's every actually help in the support forums or is this all player ran? Would be nice to see some suggestions from DBG.
  6. CrazyLarth Augur

    They change this area to Players Helping Players.
  7. Teylana Elder

    What kind of glitching are you encountering?

    As for freezing / frame skipping, it's EQ. Not a lot you can do about it. You've got all the vram you'd ever need but EQ continues to be very inefficient in how it loads texture files. After a night of raiding, zoning into PoK will cause me to very slowly run around a grey, flat area until the game finally gets around to loading textures.
  8. Teylana Elder

    One other thing, what resolution are you trying to play at? A lot of people I know have mentioned that EQ doesn't play nice past 1440.
  9. Darkarrow New Member

    I was having strange glitching. Check to see if you log is on. If the size of your log file is big. Back it up and delete your current log file.
  10. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    First, determine if you are having any issues. Benchmark your system and check the score to see if it aligns with other systems like yours.

    If your system performance is on par:
    1. Log out of the game
    2. Navigate to your EQ folder
    3. Rename your eqclient.ini (eqclient.ini.old).
    4. Double-click the OptionsEditor.exe
    5. Go through the options and set accordingly (A new eqclient.ini will be created).
    6. Log back into the game.
  11. Ramstein_Povar Journeyman

    I returned the EVGA and bought an Asus ROG Strix OC 2080TI. Not sure if it was the card or not, but I honestly like the Asus better. I'll know more this raid cycle. Thanks for all the help!
    Thunderkiks likes this.