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EverQuest Lore Feedback - We need your help!

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Pip, Jan 15, 2021.

  1. Bartlesen Lorekeeper

    Fan fiction. I've always seen numerous claims of it being beta lore, but never any solid evidence like a screenshot or a Dev stating that it was lore.
  2. Beureguard New Member

    The epic quests were the best stories imho. Each one could be expanded on in an expansion. Even something like actually expanding the freeport militia story. Or the first shadowknight making a comeback and wreaking havoc. Im sure there are more but the original game alone has so much lore thats 30 lines of text and could be turned into an expansion or 3.
  3. Treiln Augur

    Going forward, the Gods have decided to engage in a friendly competition based out of boredom.

    Each dirty chooses a champion (the obvious ones: Firiona, Lanys, etc etc), and those champions recruit us to do their bidding in…whatever the competition is. May bring back some basic faction divides from the past.

    Could allow for more “fun” themed quests in the game and interesting missions. Not sure how raids would work since I don’t raid
  4. Transporter Lorekeeper

    Planes of Power and Seeds of Destruction!! With The Void and Time being in play that basically creates a multiverse of what if possibilities with multiple gateways and story lines. Explore the Legendary Master Wu, Guk before it became ruins, Veksar before it was destroyed, The unkempt zoneline in Jagged Pine that was never finished. Add undiscovered Planes and Sub planes. Brekt in SoD didn't die he flew away, have him come back more powerful or something with a renewed army. I can keep going but there's a lot of wiggle room with those 2 expansions alone.
  5. Tanacious Lorekeeper

    You want lore do you?

    All right... here's some lore and then some, and it also solves many of the games issues all in one highly anticipated expansion:

    Planes of the Gods (PoTG)

    Story: Upon empowering and encouraging the denizens of Norrath to once again fight off Mayong Mistmoore after ascending to Godhood, the powers that be in Norrath realize that Mayong did not seek out Godhood solely to take all the Gods on singlehandedly, but to act as the catalyst by which the Gods themselves would construct the instruments of their own demise.

    The Gods of Norrath have constantly requested the mortals to take up arms in matters, provided aid, and even given access to "planar realms" to assist them or just for their own amusement. But it all had an underlying nature and goal: To not be directly involved, lest their neighboring Gods see it as an act of war.

    They now understand why Mayong laughed hysterically even after being defeated by the mortals.

    Deciding that the mortals have grown far too powerful to be left unchecked, they all reluctantly agree to show mortals into their true planar realms, lest the mortals discover the Gods' deceits on their own. But dangers that all mortals cannot fathom await them. Promises of riches, power, and glory will attract them, but in the end, will the Gods have the last laugh?

    Increase the level cap to 130. New AA's appropriate to classes, and also to the storyline modifiers I am about to go into. Revamped plane of knowledge and plane of tranquility zones, PoK and PoT has a more thoughtful and less confusing layout. (WITH AUGMENT SOLVENT VENDORS FOR THE LOVE OF GODS!!!)

    PoKnowlege now has multifunctional stones (like the Oggok stone) that increase in options for zones to travel to as you complete progression. New stones have also appeared for some of the newer zones. (Travel like the Gods do!)

    12 new zones: All revamped planes, with building designs that are appropriate to the deity. All quest givers are on the first floor of each building in the sections. (Reason for this later on in a later post, part 2) Each section with a building (SW, NW, NE, SE) has 5 solo and 5 group progression tasks (in instances) for a total of 20 progression tasks of each type in each plane. (You do NOT have to complete both types for completion, 1 type will do.)

    Mobs related to that deity roam freely in the planar realms and some don't exactly want mortals there. But the Gods have ensured that should they engage the mortals, or vice versa, they will then fight on equal terms with the mortals.

    THERE ARE (almost) NO RAIDS IN THIS EXPANSION... This is because the Gods DO NOT want the mortals banding together to fight them, as they have grown too powerful. Instead this expansion focuses more on solo and group progression tasks.

    Upon zoning into any of the new PoTG zones besides knowledge and tranquility, players will notice a red permanent de-buff and be prompted with a quest to ask someone in the plane of knowledge about it. This starts the progression into the first series of tasks, but you can choose to either find out more alone, or find out with friends.

    The effects of this debuff cause players/pets/warders/etc. to have all their gear bonuses reduced by 90%. (Essentially it removes a zero) All AA abilities will have the same potency at their levels, but anything that results in damage or healing will have the same end reduction.

    (Spoiler: The Gods all say that it is "the best they can do" for allowing mortal travel, but truthfully the wide cast multi realm spell was designed to kill any mortal beings lest they wander in too far, which now no longer happens because mortals are too powerful.)

    The God's have made an effort to put mortal minds at ease while they are there in these true realms. They say that they've made their own planar realm creatures that engage in combat suffer the same malady, so it is a fair fight.

    T1/T2/T3 Solo Instance Trash Mobs: 90% reduction in scaling, same as players
    T1/T2/T3 Group Instance Trash Mobs: 90%
    T1/T2/T3 Static Zone Trash Mobs: 90%
    T1/T2 Solo Instance / Static Zone Named Mobs: 88%
    T1/T2/T3 Group Instance / T3 Static Zone Named Mobs: 85%
    T4 Static zone / Group Instance / Solo Instance Trash Mobs: 85%
    T4 Static zone / Group Instance / Solo Instance Named Mobs: 80%

    (The true background to this is to get these numbers down to something reasonable. Mathematically speaking, if EQ continues the same scale for another 3 or 4 expansions, it will simply become unplayable.
    It's just the way scaling math works without intervention, especially when trash mobs are already more powerful than players to begin with, and have been since 1999.

    Can you normally auto attack a mob that is Even Con to you and do 10% of it's life damage? No? Hmm. Why can the trash mobs do that to players then? That's scaling math and what happens as time goes on. It is now to the point where an intervention is needed, but we need the story to go with why it happened.

    If we look 4 expansions beyond the current, and go into 50K HP average gear x 21, that means our base HP/MANA will be 1.1M points alone, and probably another 1.8-2M with stats/buffs/AA's. Which means the trash mobs can quad for 800K-900K? Every 5 seconds? Not to mention every trash mob will have as many HP/Mana points as your average HoT or higher Raid mob. No thanks.

    That's just stupid, and will result in unplayable methodology, which is why games that use scalar mathematics eventually have to revamp the scale at some point to make it feasible and not totally obnoxious with the numbers.


    There are 4 planes that you can zone into initially.
    There are 3 planes that are locked until at least 1 of the first 4 planar progression realms are done There are 2 planes that are locked until 50% completion has been acquired - So 5 total planes are done, or 100 Progressions.

    There is 1 plane that is locked until 75% is acquired, or 7 out of the 9 available planes done.
    This is a T4 zone... (guess which one...hehe)

    I.E. Each zone has 20 tasks of group or solo you can get done. So there are 200 total progression tasks. You must have 150 of either the group or solo progression tasks done in order to unlock the final planar realm. You cannot mix and match the two sets for progression completion.

    2 of the 12 new zones are revamped PoK and PoT.

    Tasks and Instances:
    All progression tasks, whether solo or group, are instanced progressions. These instances will scale all the way down to 75, or all the way up to 130. They will reward "Tacherons" (TACK er on), a new Alternate currency that will replace all other alt currencies. You may also trade previous alt currency for Tacherons at an extreme sliding scale conversion depending on the age of currency. You can also use it for currency in the bazaar too!

    Each solo instance will reward 10, where group missions will reward 20 x the number of live players. This means that although solo missions are fun for getting through the progression completion, if you go with a full group of live players, each player will receive 120 Tacherons every time you complete an instance!

    Mercs are allowed in both forms of instances.

    The suggested value of a Tacheron is approximately 1000 platinum in Norrathian money. Both instances have no repeat lockout timers, as the Gods want the mortals to entertain themselves rather than prepare for all out war!

    Before a bit about what Tacherons can be used for... Even though the tasks have completion timers of 24 hours, it should take a solo player, or a group on their task, about 15 to 30 minutes to complete each task if they are geared appropriately for their level.

    They do not provide a ton of exp per kill, but a lump sum on completion. while giving chances at drops, and are very much like how the old Lost Dung Of Norrath crawls used to go, as well as the newer Dragons of Norrath, and Call of The Forsaken instances work. The best of all EQ history combined!

    You can use Tacheron to buy spells, rk 2 spells, or rank 3 spells, T1-T4 armor, trade skill components for PoTG craftables. Augs, Emblems, or even some really nutritious snacks!

    Yes, we're bringing back the chest emblems, because they will serve a purpose in the realms of the gods, but these ones will be much more awesome!

    Because you can start these instances at level 75, the vendor next to each progression instance giver will have equipment offered that is appropriate for your level from the appropriate expansion, but will still suffer the 90% penalty!

    Keep in mind, if you want Rk 3, or T4 PoTG armor... it's going to cost you.... a LOT. (Like 3500 Tach for a rk 3 spell, 5k or more for T4 PoTG armor that is lvl 130 required.)

    The Gods also offer gifts! No longer will you scour the lands for recipes that allow you to raise your trade skill to 350! Upon reaching 300 in a trade skill you are offered a book that will put all the recipes into your knowledge. If you have the AA's, you will be granted the trade skill level of 350 automatically. This book will also give you the trade skill appropriate recipes for things that you would normally need to seek out 20+ other books for, including cultural, bags, housing items, etc. The Gods have it all in their planar realms, and what would Knowledge be if it wasn't in the plane of Knowledge!!?

    You will also receive a second book that has details on how to make PoTG T1 armor. As you complete your progression at 25%, 50%, and 75%, you will be able to hand this book back to the Trade skill herald in PoTranq or PoKnowledge, and get a revision (I, II, III, IV respectively) that will then have T2, T3, armor, augs, powersources, etc. as you progress.

    Once your progression is at 100%, you will be given back a revision V book that has only 3 new recipes in it. A godly core for a weapon, one for a shield, and one for a range item. (this is important for part 2 of this expansion) These 3 crafts can only be done if you have acheived 500 TS in the required profession.... and here's how you get to that"

    Trade skill AA: The Gods have shown you how to expand your knowledge beyond that of the mortal realm. However, you need a little more practice before you can assemble things in the true realms of the Gods.

    AA line:
    Godlike (trade) skill:
    You get one for free. This AA allows you to skill up your trade skill beyond 350 as if it was a normal trade skill increase. Only making items with trivials above your present trade skill number will give you a chance to increase it. Max cap is now 500. (reason for this as stated above, and ties into later on in part 2)

    Each additional trade skill you wish to uncap will cost you 100AA. (So if you're a gnome rogue, be prepared to drop 700 extra AA)

    Trade skill armor vs. Dropped armor:

    There is literally no difference. Items made with true Planar material don't suffer the same drawbacks as mortal realm combines do. T1-T4 components all drop in their relatable Tiered planar realms.

    Trash mobs will have a static 1% chance to drop a Single, Tier appropriate item, but an 80% chance to drop any Tier appropriate trade skill material, up to 4 components. (Same or different components also)

    Named mobs in either instances or static realms will have the following drop table chances:
    100% for ONE Tier appropriate item, and a 5 stack of trade skill material for that tier.
    50% for a 2nd Tier appropriate item
    10% for a 3rd Tier appropriate item
    If all 3 items have dropped, mobs will then have a .01% chance to drop a new Chase Loot primary/secondary as a 4th drop. (more on this in a minute.)

    The items that drop will be of random type and not necessarily the usable by the victorious player(s). However, it is all tradeable even if not on FV server. This encourages cooperation between hunters and crafters.

    Item stats:
    T1 PoTG has a max of 2000 HP (Plate), 100ish AC, but does not suffer the affliction penalty.

    For T2/T3, you increase the stats by about 5% from the last Tier.

    T4 gets a 10% boost from T3 however.
    So (for plate armor) approximately
    T2: 2100
    T3: 2205
    T4: 2400ish with associative AC for armor type.

    Tier 1 and Tier 2 armor is NOT PRESTIGE, but T3 and T4 are.

    These are all base stats for the armor piece, and do not have augmentations in them. Augmentations will add a maximum of 100HP, 10AC.

    Armor effects will include appropriate skill boosts that are not afflicted by the expansion wide debuff, however the end result of this should be approximately only slightly better that Luclin expansion raid armor. Remember, the end objective here is to reduce numbers and bring the game back into check mathematically.

    In addition to all that, Item stats from PoTG items will receive a 10x boost in stats when in content and zones released previous to PoTG. So no need to keep two sets of armor on hand! This will make previous content easier also, as it should be. (No more repeat deaths from OP mobs in TBL content with ToV gear on!)

    Chase loot weapons:
    Occasionally some of the assistants to the deity will mumble about the lost artifacts. This is lore relating to Chase loot. It has a static .005% chance to drop off of any mob naturally, and then the aforementioned boost on 3 item drop named mobs. Each zone can drop any type of the weapons, rods, staves, range and charm slot items.

    They have 3K HP across the board, and relatable damage/ac and other stats. They are immune to the debuff, and also receive the 10x buff for previous content. They are also RECOMMENDED level 130, but have severe sliding scale penalties the lower the level you equip it. (At level 5 it would have slightly better stats than a Simple Defiant item)

    However, each of these items has TWO slots for type 7 augs, (2H items have 4) a slot type 3, a slot type 4, and a new slot type 30.

    There is lots more to go into detail on but I will sum up with the finale of how there is a raid in this expansion...... (The sleeper was lots of fun wasn't it?)

    Introducing... Army of Norrath type raids!

    Upon completion of progression, you discover all the nasty things the Gods have actually been doing with coercing mortals into their bidding, how they laugh about it, etc. etc. and what the debuff is really all about.

    A full 54 player raid force can gather to the planar zone of their choice and initiate a one time attempt to destroy the God of that plane.

    Requirements: Raid leader must speak to deity directly. RL must have completed the full progression, and be wearing ALL T4 PoTG armor, weapons, augs, and no slots empty. (Incidentally, this will also remove the visible debuff so you know if you qualify.)

    The raid must have at least 1000 pieces of T3 or better PoTG armor/items/augs (combined) equipped. The raid must be full at 54 players ACTIVELY online and in the zone. (Augs are only T3/T4)

    Upon the raid leader hailing the deity, they will say something different to the effect of "Hmm, that's quite a number of people you have gathered there 'playername'. Sigh... so it's come to [this] has it?" If the God does not say this specialized line, you do not meet the base conditions to request the special raid as Raid leader.

    If you say the keyword, it will scan your raid to look over the aforementioned conditions. If even one person is out of zone, or you do not have enough gear the deity will respond with something akin to:
    "Oh I see, you're just out having fun, that's good to see mortals enjoying themselves." and the RL will see a message about you do not meet the requirements to request this task.

    If you meet the requirements the Deity will respond with the following: (all deities)

    I see 'playername', so you're all serious. Very well, in accordance with the agreement the Gods have made I will bestow upon you time to prepare, 3 Earthian days. We shall meet back here and we shall have an epic battle!

    In 24 hours, a message will be given to every player that zones into that planar realm akin to:
    "something feels different here, perhaps you should proceed with caution and possibly investigate further".

    After 47 hours a new message will appear along with the first one:
    "The air is noticeably different. All of your hair is standing on end, and you have a foreboding sense of dread." You can no longer request solo or group instance progression missions (as they have a 24 hour time limit completion)
    Also, if you hail the deity, he/she will kick you back out to the plane of knowledge, making some snarky comment.

    After 60 hours a game wide message will say something to the effect of: "You feel as if all of the Plane of "blah" is staring upon you. How you know this is incomprehensible to you." This message will post every 30 minutes until...

    After 70 hours, a message stating something akin to the mortals have decided to challenge "blah" in the plane of "blah" in a fight to the death! Prepare yourselves and head there to claim glory! Static mobs, quest givers, NPCs, etc. etc. will despawn at this time, and it will be an otherwise empty zone.

    This message will pop every 10 minutes Until there are only 30 minutes remaining, and then it will pop every 5.

    The static zone will allow up to only 500 level 125 or above players to enter it from 70 hours onward. It is recommended that each player have approximately the same or better gear requirements and are set into raid format well before the 72 hours are up. Pre-camping will not be allowed, and the camp out feature will be disabled in this zone at the 70 hour mark. Players who LD will be transported back to the PoKnowledge.

    Once the 72 hours are up a game wide message will call out with the Deity saying "I see you have come to meet your end! Tremble in fear as you witness my unrestricted power!"

    At this point, all the players in the static zone will be transported to a different zone. There is one mob in this zone, the deity you are fighting. Exactly like the sleeper fight, you have one shot at this per server, per deity. If you fail, that is the end of it.

    Now the first thing you are saying is, well what if mercenaries are out? Yes what indeed. That's fine, because you are sacrificing raid format to have mercenaries out. As with any fantasy army, mercenaries are considered extras, and in this case, sure, no problem. It IS an army format after all.

    The next question is, what about players that just come there to be toxic and take up a slot but don't do anything? I will explain further why that won't happen in a moment.

    When all players zone in, a 15 minute timer starts. You have 15 mins to find the Deity in their Planar realm, and finalize your strategy. You will receive a 10 minute reminder, and reminders at 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 minutes and then the final one at 30 seconds.

    On top of the God's normal abilities, the God will be a Level 150 raid mob, scaled without reduction. They will have 2x the normal HP/Mana/End at that level. Their other stats will remain the same. They are as susceptible to debuffs as a normal lvl 150 raid mob would be by a level 125-130 player.

    The God has the ability, once every 2 minutes, to cast an irresistible Death Touch to a group with the highest cumulative HP/MANA (including buffs) at the time it goes off. This means that if you have one group maxed out to the hilt, and are chain healing them, they will likely be the first to die at the 2 minute mark. There is a way to avoid this however....

    Each player can get a specialized focus AA for completing the PoTG progression. This special AA can be called something like "Way of the Gods" or something like that. It basically makes you invulnerable much like Divine Aura does, for 10 seconds and instant activate, but also reduces your hp to 1 and mana to 0. However, unlike Divine Aura, you CANNOT be healed/regen while this is active. (Please also note that DA proper will not save you from the Group DT)

    At 10 seconds before the GDT goes off, the God will shout a message, something snarky or sinister, or w/e is appropriate for the God's personality, and hopefully everyone has set up the rotation of use ahead of time. The AA does refresh in 5 minutes.

    Now the part about the toxic players just there to take up slots....or people with mercs fighting... This likely won't happen. Every 5 minutes the God does a DPS check for each player in the form of zone wide debuff. If that player doesn't cast, melee, or heal a certain amount before that 30 second debuff counts down, it will DeathTouch the player. The amount will not be unreasonable for a T2 PoTG geared player in a full group. However, mercenaries/pets/warders will also receive this debuff, and unless they are a wizard mercenary, the likelihood of the merc surviving is very slim. Summoned temporary swarm type pets/warders are subject to the debuff also, but they are designed to die anyway, so use judgement when casting/activating them.

    The other reason why there are unlikely to be toxic players just out to ruin the chance, is because upon actually defeating the deity the following rewards are given:

    Base rewards, to each of the players in zone upon God death: (Done by either zone wide flagging for acheivement, or auto proc on God death, however you would like to code it)

    10000 Tacherons
    3 Collapsed items -
    -A bag with a full set of T4 Armor/Augs/Weapons (all of them FULLY TRADEABLE) along with them when expanded, they are contained in a 60 slot 100% weight reduction bag that is no trade but HEIRLOOM.

    -An expandable saddle for a mount correlating to the type of Deity you killed, with a buff that allows you to receive a 5% bonus to HP/Mana/End/Attack/Spell Damage. This saddle IS FULLY TRADEABLE before expanded. Upon expanding, it is bound to the character, but is also HEIRLOOM.

    -Another collapsed 60 slot 100% weight reduction bag (NT, HEIRLOOM) that contains a FULL STACK of trade skill items for T1 through T4 armor/augs/weapons etc.

    -Character flag, achievement, and title.
    -100 AA. (Which you get from the achievement)

    -A Godlike Weapon Core, Godlike Defense core, Godlike Range Core. (The same items that you would normally have to get to 500 TS to craft and have completed the PoTG progression in order to unlock the recipe)

    + Rewards specific only to that Deity and realm - something like a permanent drop rate buff, exp buff, etc. etc. while in that specific plane after the fight.

    Now... why toxic players won't interfere: All players, whether online or not, on the server where the Deity was killed, can go and claim 1000 Tacherons from the PoTranquility herald where you get the trade skill books from. Add some lore about "Per agreement of the Gods, the mortals have earned some of their power by besting one of them in epic combat".

    The reward flag will be given to the first character that is logged in on that account after the God kill and that is who you claim the 1000 Tacherons with.

    Players will also receive an achievement checkmark towards a special achievement completion on all their characters on the same server.
    They will also receive the achievement that gives them the permanent buff while in that Planar realm that was defeated on all characters on the same server!

    If the players on the server kill ALL 10 Gods in their realms, even if you never participate, you will have 10000 Tacherons just for being part of a server with mortals that can best the Gods! You will also have the permanent buffs that give you a boost to drop rate, exp, etc. etc. in each of the planar realms!

    Additionally, each character on an account, as long as they were created by the time of the first God Kill, will receive an achievement that is called: "I was there in spirit!"
    Which is the 10 kill achievement that all players on the server can claim to get TWO 60 slot 100% WR NT bags.

    These claimed bags are not HEIRLOOM because any character that has existed in an account on the server long enough to receive all of the achievements, will receive the completion upon next log in. Transferred characters are ineligible to claim this, and additionally will have all their progress wiped on the "I was there in spirit!" achievement upon transfer to a different server.

    So ultimately I suppose that if you want to be the toxic person who ruined the 1 time chance at all this... well that's going to be a fairly hard legacy to live down.

    This opportunity will persist until the release of the next expansion with is PoTG part 2...

    Betrayal of the Gods.
    Upon the next expansion release, it will no longer be possible to initiate these one time raids.

    However, I hear that once in an Earthian year, it may be possible to get a do over for a short period of time.....even if you botched it the first time....Earthian time and reality does strange things to the world of Norrath! (Anniversary Event Time incase you haven't guessed, in lieu of OP Fabled items)

    Thank you all for reading I hope this becomes a reality, there is so much more detail I could go into, but I think this would kill all 3 birds that need to be shot in EQ at the same time....as well as continuing the Lore into a story that pits mortals against Gods that are ultimately responsible for empowering those mortals in the first place!

    I will continue with BoTG lore and overview once my fingers recover!
    Grove likes this.
  6. Zunnoab Augur

    I like that this expansion answered something I didn't expect to be answered: yes, the gods can choose to lend power to allies that don't worship them. How many other than Luclin that would do it is another question entirely.

    I love the lore of the last few expansions.
  7. toxicsmell Journeyman

    Dear team I am writing to request that you consider adding a new augment to the game in the form of a wedding band ornamentation. As a dedicated player of Everquest, I believe that this would be a valuable addition to the game and for a select few of the lucky ones who find love in Norrath, it could take it to the next level. The idea of a wedding band ornamentation is simple: it would be a special augment that players could apply to their finger slot. in order to make them more visually appealing and unique. This could include a variety of different designs and styles, Maybe jewel crafters could make such a thing . Or add it / edit the existing rings in the lightside / darkside wedding packages. Or both? For the players who have found their match in game I think it would be a hit, A lot of the mechanics are in place for this already I think it would be an easy project on the development side of things.
  8. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Should be a ball and chain!
    Cidran, Skuz, Nennius and 3 others like this.
  9. Grandmaster Nollo New Member

    I have returned recently to Live EQ after a LONG time on Phinigel and loving the TLPs. I have loved the expansions in everquest from Empires of Kunark and on. I enjoy bringing new lore and expanding upon the lore of expansions I loved in the past. With what the team has done has had me excited to play back in each of them and achieve anything i missed.

    That being said. I am very excited to just speculate on what might be coming up for the big 30th Expansion. the big 30 ......
    Maybe, EPICS 3.0!? Everyone loves the Storylines in the Epics. We all loved having them way back when, Imagine how much fun and joy old and new players would have in once again pursuing a great item and Unique Epic 3.0 effects to join us in the current age of EQ!

    As PoP Is technically next after Luclin. PoP has so much Lore and ability to link epic story lines along with the gods and planes. Though we got 2.0 in Discord (omens) and you all might be planning for the Grand 3.0 Epics when you decide to go into Expac 31 or 32.... But wow I would love that to be part of upcoming stories.

    All the Best Daybreak you have my support going forward and I wish best of luck to new team and keeping true to our beautiful lore and adding/growing it. (remember when we went back in time in seeds of destruction and saw Veksar destroyed in a raid, that was so cool, when a raid revisits epic moments in EQ history that we only read about in quest lines)

    More of that, Raids telling stories!

    Master Nollo
    Skuz likes this.
  10. Marope Lorekeeper

    The Klicnik storyline and zone.
    Their story was never completed and a zone was created but not opened to players.

    And I also miss the interaction with the GM's, originally GM's and Guides could do unscripted quests.
    An example would be when they poped into the overthere as mobs and started attacking all the players around, many we're killed with no xp loss, and many would win prizes. They did the same as giants in dreadlands. They did this in many zones.
    They would arrive in populated zones make up a story and just have fun with the players. And give out prizes to many that participated.
    Raludar and Silvena like this.
  11. Shambala Journeyman

    I want to see some high elf and dwarf lore!

    Kaladim and Felwithe was the hook that got me absorb in this game and i always fantasized back story to the places and what they would look like if revamped
    Risiko, Nennius and Raludar like this.
  12. Razorwulf Journeyman

    Way too late for this I know, but I would loved to have seen more development of Khati Sha in Luclin, maybe war with the Ssrazeshian enemies, the Grimlings etc could have been gearing up for war etc.
  13. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Still want to explore Norraths other moon.....Drinal!
    Skuz, Angahran and Nennius like this.
  14. Nennius Curmudgeon

    You are old school. Now it's a nose ring and chain.
  15. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Very old....
    Nennius likes this.
  16. Risiko Augur

    Reposting this here from a few years back...

    Ok young designers... GO!
    Silvena likes this.
  17. uberkingkong Augur

    I would like to see something about Drakkins.

    What happened the Drakkins, why are they not in EQ2?

    Alarans not in EQ2, how come did they and the Drakkins get wiped out?

    The heroes like FV and such they are so over the place I'm just not interested, if you can bring em together, make them start making sense in a storylike way that would be nice.

    However, its here and timetravel there and all sudden over, the stories of late are too garbled right now.
  18. Riou EQResource

    EQ1 and EQ2 are different universes, except for the things that went through the shared universe point of the EverQuest franchise (the Ethernere) to crossover, they aren't the same
    Skuz and Nennius like this.
  19. uberkingkong Augur

    The game is set in an alternate future 500 years after the events of the first EverQuest, and is meant to run alongside its predecessor without interfering with the original story. It features characters and locations from the original that have been altered by centuries of war and cataclysmic destruction.


    Sarnak exists in EQ, in EQ2 they are playable.
    Arasai we have not met yet
    What happened to Ratongas what was their downfall or is there rise yet to come?
    ratonga guides aided Freeport Militia troop movements through subterranean tunnels to the Desert of Ro, allowing supplies and troops to move while the great city was under a long siege. After the encounter, the ratonga vanished back into the depths they were found in.

    Why is there no ratongas in Freeport? What happened?

    Has this happened yet, what is our outcome?

    EQ has a lot to go with since EQ2 is in the future and events have not happened yet.
    EQ2 has a lot to go with remember the past, things from the past can come back haunt them.

    What about the Freeblood?
    They exists obviously because they are in EQ2, what happened?
  20. Riou EQResource

    The part you bolded explains it "alternate future" aka a different universe

    The events of PoP fractured the time line/universe and EQ2 basically started as a "What If...?" for EQ1

    We know from CotF era lore (and whatever EQ2's Expansion at that time was) that the Ethernere Plane is the only place where the EverQuest games cross over (or at least specifically that EQ1 and EQ2 share this Plane) which they were building the Multiverse for the entire franchise to then also tie in EQ Next

    So nothing in or from EQ2 is generally relevant to EQ1
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