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EverQuest Lore Feedback - We need your help!

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Pip, Jan 15, 2021.

  1. Shenovar New Member

    There's so much unknown and fragmented lore about the Iksar and Shissar but the precursors that have never been expounded upon are the Xuluos found in Dead Hills. They are the remnants of the first species on Norath other than Veeshans First Brood. They were feared by the dragons and created these giant reptile war creatures called Behemoths that you can even find in EQ2 Nektulos Forrest. There's also no explanation of the Greenmist, is that what possibly killed off the Xuluos or what happened to that race?
  2. Szilent Augur

    The Greenmist is 100% explained. It killed off the Shissar, who sought to displace the gods. The only survivors hid in a place unreachable by the mist - in an artificially airless void on Luclin.
    Yinla likes this.
  3. Shenovar New Member

    I understand that but it also said it was an unknown god that started the Greendeath then later said the"weapon" was being held by the Crusaders of Greenmist but location unknown due to a library being destroyed in 1056 A.G.
    Excerpt from "Before Green" in game book
    "The Shissar’s disloyalty and blasphemous pride would bring the wrath of the gods upon them.

    No power could stop the force to come. A green cloud formed in the skies above Kunark. The cloud began to descend upon the land. From its green core the face of death began to form. It was of no god they knew. It opened its giant maw and spoke in tongues unknown. From the mouth of death rushed forth a green mist. The Shissar shamans began to cast spells in hopes of shielding their city and the necromancers began to assault the mist with great spells. All were futile. The mist rushed forth."

    "The first snakes to be swallowed by the mist had their scales and flesh rot and fall from their bones. Horrid screams of suffering could be heard from within the mist. A river of flesh and blood flowed. The Iksar stood and gazed upon the gristle that was once the Shissar. With the Green Death came the liberation of the Iksar. The season is now 0 A.G., After Green.”."

    They even use this event as the start of the calendar AG. Idk I thought it was something that could happen again if found and released.
  4. Archery Lorekeeper

    I Loved playing LDON.
    The events were Timed, exciting, played all over the world, and the rewards were unique. There was also a player ranking for WINS // LOSSES.
    Some of the loot from LDON was still sought after all the way until recently. There has been a super jump in the past few expacs which make everything before all but useless except for Newbie gear (which I hoard and never have enough).

    I Love playing the Mines with a new toon. HOW ABOUT: Expanding Gloomingdale :)
    With the market set very high on many of the newbie (non level restricted) it's obvious that other like playing the mines too. Would be SUPER FUN !! How fun would it be to advance through additional tasks but keep the basic game as it is. In other words give the Quest Givers additional challenges that can only be attempted at say level 11 and run that process up to 21.
    When bored I go back with a newbie in the mines with some (But not a crazy abount) of Twink gear and have a great time for a couple of hours. No reason to rush through trying to set a new speed record. Sit back and enjoy. As spells are advanced it's always fun to buff up others with SOE, Levitation, and the vast array a SHM can provide.
    Virtually everyone in the GLOOMINGDALE MINES are savy EverQuest Loyalists. WHAT FUN!
  5. Joules_Bianchi A certain gnome

    I wish the Gllomingdeep tutorial and Out of Gloomingdeep tutorials from Secalna Galnor in PoK were merged and Gloomingdeep proper was ONLY avalable, and prompted with a popup as an instanced zone triggered / joined by Secalna.

    Letting players spawn in PoK and able to go to guild lobby, etc, get a free house, free bag, XP pot from marketplace, trip to the bazaar and teach newbies how getting an instance works.

    Starting in Gloomingdeep = NO real UI, even if you have 50 /copylayoutable characters, it's disallowed in Gloomingdeep. The "net nanny" mechanics, like turning my attack off
    each time I target the next mob, etc behaviors need to go. Also- Gloomingdeep tasks should be ordered and grouped by acts, It's not readily apparent to a true nooblet, that the Spider cave series is getting geared up People get level 4 and grab all the level 4 quests, then go die without finishing their armor set.

    EQ Now has: Hometown level 1 quest logs, Serpent Spine level 1 quest uproutes and the tutorial, which has an achievement, some completionism says do it. OK< ding level 10 tutorial and... 2 sets of level 1 quest lines and rewards, also on /achievenments and still PoK level 1 quest lines. It's silly.

    It's time to make this all cohesive.

    All the different lore points and systems clash timeline wise.
    Fenthen likes this.
  6. Burdi Augur

    1000 % agree, You need to move the tutorial to Grobb.
  7. Xanbar Augur

    Why is there a fully intact statue of an Iksar warrior currently in the city of Firona Vie?
  8. Zunnoab Augur

    I am obsessed with the idea of Firefall existing in game. Ever since seeing the dead end in Shadeweaver's Thicket, with the hints of Firefall Saurek mobs and such. References to broken portals in Umbral Plains has my hopes up.

    I always had an irrational desire to see the full Luclin loop connect since my first year playing. I started in 2003, and there was that brief period of weeks where I was new not just to EQ, but to MMORPGs in general. Everything was mysterious and new. And nothing to me is more mysterious than dead end zone lines. Since I started in Shar Vahl, that means one of the first dead end zone lines I saw was what I assume is the zone line to Firefall in Shadeweaver's thicket. Unless I massively misinterpret/misremember the lore, the broken portals in Umbral Plains lead to the same place, which if connected would complete the loop of zones from Shar Vahl -> Hollowshade Moor -> Grimling Forest -> Tenebrous Mountains -> Katta Castellum -> Twilight Sea -> Scarlet Desert -> The Grey -> Mons Letalis -> Marus Seru -> Seru/Netherbian Lair -> Dawnshroud Peaks -> Maiden's Eye -> Umbral Plains -> ??? Firefall ??? -> Shadeweaver's Thicket -> Shar Vahl (and shame on me if I got any of that wrong).

    It's very possible I remember/understand the lore incorrectly, but I will be over the moon (pun intended) if Firefall is in the next expansion.
    Fenthen likes this.
  9. Riou EQResource

    You might be happy then
    Tevik and Zunnoab like this.
  10. Act of Valor The Newest Member

    Firiona Vie is a colony by (originally) the good races. I guess they appreciate history and decided not to tear it down.
    Zunnoab likes this.
  11. Xanbar Augur

    "Firiona Vie is a colony by (originally) the good races. I guess they appreciate history and decided not to tear it down."

    Okay - I like it :)
  12. Yimin Augur

    Bring Kithicor Forest back from the dead , I use to be terrified going through that soon when I was 11 years old ! My good that seems so long ago now ....

    Yi Min :)
  13. raidwire New Member

    RENEWED PLANES OF POWER!!!!!!!!! Tier 1 just your normal raid upgrade! tier 2 alot stronger raids better gear.. Tier 3 raids gear that is 20k hp but raids are 72 people like the old days and takes an army like the old day Quarm! everquest has gotten away from the impossible raids made possible like the sleeper quarm where it took guilds to beat. their should ATLEAST be 2-3 raids in live zones that can be fought with crazy killer gear! EVERQUEST Needs someone with good past experiences to help pave the way for the future.. Sorry no disrespect to the new generations but this game needs the pasts logic inserted back into the game..
  14. Zunnoab Augur

    I wasn't around yet but from what I heard the Plane of Time wasn't even done being developed yet on PoP launch and The Sleeper was defeated with a mass zerg rezz fest and wasn't intended to be beatable. I would not call either logical examples of how they should develop things. 72 players would also make the skill divide even more extreme than it already is when it comes to difficulty in tuning.
  15. Shillingworth Augur

    The druid rings. Seriously, what is up with those things. There are tons of them, like at least one per zone and more than one in larger zones. The ones that fail corrupt the land around them magically making strong undead and magical creatures out of the local wildlife. Seems easy for powerful mages to manipulate with many tales of utilizing their power toward good and bad ends.
  16. Nennius Curmudgeon

    Think X-Files. The answer IS out there!
  17. dwinslow New Member

    I'd vote for a greenmist-centered lore expansion and content. Way, way, back in the day. Maybe it was us.

    The Ancient Ranger
  18. Bartlesen Lorekeeper

    It'd be nice if you brought the lore board back. I have no idea what any of the current plot lines or lore are from any of the past several expansions. Lots of old and informative threads are just gone forever and for no good reason.
    Yinla likes this.
  19. Tadkins Elder

    I'm particularly interested in the reasoning behind some of the older factions. The ones that don't seem to actually have any NPCs behind them (King Tearis Thex, Queen Christanos, High Council of Erudin) and some of the defunct ones (Anti-mage, Orc). What was the deal with their naming, and what was the purpose of such factions?

    Kind of a weird inquiry I know, but I'm heavily obsessed with the faction system in this game, so that's the sort of stuff I like to think about. xD
  20. CapHerm New Member

    Did any of the newer expansions ever get back to The Prophecy of Trakanon and the pendant Edril took over the falls with him in death? Iv been away from the game for years and am returning in part because it seems the new devs actually care about the games lore and have done things like bring back the combine empire/their leader. Love that they are doing that! But as someone just returning to the game and pouring over old lore im still not finding any mention what so ever of Trakanons prophecy or pendant.

    To me stuff like that, the lore that build the bones of this game that Verant/Sony dropped after the 4th or 5th expansion is the stuff id personally love to see explored. This game has from what I as a returning/casual player can see a lot of unfinished lore lines from its earliest expansions. Many of which seem to be the games most interesting story lines!