Equipment on focused pets

Discussion in 'Casters' started by Detrolyn, Jun 15, 2014.

  1. Detrolyn Journeyman

    I continue to hear all kinds of opinions on what pets get summoned with what gear.

    What I remembered was that Pets summoned with EM8 or above get summoned with current level armor and mask. I knew the weapons were not because of the situational roles they play but I was not sure about the trinkets.

    So can a dev pipe up and give us something we can sticky so we can know this for sure. If I do not need to be summoning armor/mask for folks when it is not needed I would appreciate it.

  2. Jaylin Augur

    As far as i always understood it. it got summoned with the stuff from whatever was out at the time the focus was released. So a group em focus would be a few levels behind on the stats as that was what was out when it was originally added. I may be wrong. I know pets are sometimes attackable under certain situations, and when killed you can see all the drops. During chapterhouse, we would regularly see pets without masters that were agroable if we wiped.
  3. Nylrem Augur

    ONLY magician pets come with gear, Detrolyn. Any other pet class pets do not. Magician pets come equipped with current mask, jewelry, armor, and a cloak which is focus dependant. The higher the focus the pet was summoned with, the higher the stats on the cloak.

    Bst and Nec pets receive the same cloak, but nothing else. Other than those 3 classes, NO other pets are assisted in any way from any pet focus, even if they can wear the item.

    As Jaylin has said, this has been visually seen several times, in several different ways. The easiest way is for a charmed magician to die, then occasionally the pet becomes a regular NPC which you can kill then loot it's gear.