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EQ's percent modifiers need an overhaul.

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Shakara, Jun 12, 2022.

  1. Warpeace Augur

    Its still a broken system and needs fixed.

    Body types are a great example how past Dev's used thing in a wrong manner and things needed realigned. Would I expect it to go smooth after all the hands that have played in the code? No.
  2. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    And I think they can work on changing things going forward but that a massive change of redoing everything is not going to have the results people are hoping for.
  3. Sancus Augur

    Did you actually read what I wrote? Cause this:
    Sounds a lot like:
    Zarzac, Tucoh, Chaffe and 1 other person like this.
  4. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    Except for the fact that they stopped using automatic scaling % modifiers almost a decade ago. The existing ones have been stagnant since then. Same with % skill modifiers. The only change is that they have made it such that the skill modifiers all have caps that match the the time that they were implemented. Further another difference between what you said and what I said is that your statement can be most easily read as being removing the modifiers from current levels, as in replacing the existing % modifiers completely with something different rather than leaving everything that is there and just not increase them any further.
    Corwyhn Lionheart likes this.
  5. Sancus Augur


    I wrote an entire post after that quote explaining which percentage modifiers I was referring to, how increasing the percentage values on the modifiers each upgrade cycle caused balance issues, and how it would therefore be prudent to leave them as-is at their current percentage values.

    There's absolutely no way you read all that and came to the conclusion that I was advocating for "removing the modifiers from current levels, as in replacing the existing % modifiers completely with something different," because I never said anything remotely like that. The problem I went to great detail to describe is that they keep making the percentages larger.
    Stymie, yepmetoo and kizant like this.
  6. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    And yet you didn't actually include any of that in your quote reply to me.
    Corwyhn Lionheart likes this.
  7. yepmetoo Abazzagorath

    Why should he repeat himself?
    Tucoh, Act of Valor, Stymie and 3 others like this.
  8. Raccoo Just a raccoon

    I've been looking at debuffs for spell damage, and made a list that some might find helpful. Let me know if I'm missing something.

  9. Volas Lorekeeper

    because A - its not "perfectly fine" and b - it sure as hell has not "been working".

    its getting progressively worse with every xpac.

    Ive said it before, and I'll say it again. This game needs a MONSTROUS NUMBER CRUNCH DOWN. This game needs a MASSIVE AA Purge.

    When you're idea of "progression" is adding a 0 to the mobs HP total and Damage output.. its an unsustainable system. Go ask anyone that works in mathematics. Its not a viable long term solution. The numbers become too big to rapidly calculate on a large scale.
    Riou and Stymie like this.
  10. Svann2 The Magnificent

    AA's were added to give you something else to strive for. Your complaint seems to be that everyone has them maxxed so its pointless to have a separate xp path. You're wrong. Removing them as you suggest would just make the game simpler. We dont need that. Maybe aas should take longer to skillup that way everyone wouldnt be maxed in the first month.
    You are assuming you know better about the game math than the developers. Step back.
  11. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    And I have no issue changing how things work in new expansions but changing the entire system and having to rebalance the entire game is asking for a lot of trouble. EQ does not have the developer resources to do a number crunch like WoW did even if it would be a good thing for the game. Doing that in WoW took several years to complete and that really isn't possible in EQ.
    Corwyhn Lionheart likes this.
  12. Svann2 The Magnificent

    EQ has many issues. None of them are due to the numbers being too large. Lag is not caused by large numbers - its caused by too many calculations. The game would need 1000 years before numbers were too large for a computer to calculate, and by then we would have better computers.
  13. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    Any conversation regarding stat changes MUST start with proc reduction. Don't touch anything until we know what's happening there.

    One thing at a time, folks.
    Waring_McMarrin likes this.
  14. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    This is a key point, EQ numbers are not large when it comes to computers. The crunch in WoW was for players and making the numbers seem less daunting to them.
    Corwyhn Lionheart and Sancus like this.
  15. Warpeace Augur

    I don't completely disagree with this. I see the number of abilities and calculations each class generate per second vis mash keys as a root of the problem. Maybe not just per second but per button press when you factor everything in since you can press a mash key multiple times per second.

    This says to me all the things we have to combine to achieve peek performance is really a waste and needs heavy consolidation to provide better game play and performance.
  16. Riou EQResource

    On the other hand the FF14 crunch was talked about because of the large numbers causing performance issues (because bosses were reaching like 40m hp or something)
  17. Shakara Augur

    I feel like I was very clear why I didn't like the AAs and what you said was far off the mark.
  18. Svann2 The Magnificent

    your words
    Not everyone has that aa. You have to earn it just like you earn levels. You are diminishing the value of an alternate earning path. And like I said maybe they made it too easy, causing you to feel like "everyone has it". Maybe they need to make it harder to earn aas so it wont feel like its a given.
  19. Shakara Augur

    Multiple people are trying to tell you and I am beginning to think you just can't understand. The foundation this game has been built on is faulty. They have made game design decisions a decade ago that are causing systemic problems right now. They cant just move forward differently. They cant add new AAs, They cant properly add new spells, and they cant properly add new gear because the way they have coded things. They have no choice but to rework their systems if they want the game to have any sort of functionality moving forward. In addition you have no real reason to think that your path is any less difficult.
  20. Shakara Augur

    Funny you say that because one of the issue with modern EQ is AAs are way too hard to get if you are new and are a a huge barrier of entry turning off a lot of new players. Removing these AAs would have the side benefit of making the game more new player friendly.
    Stymie likes this.