EQ Story "Want To Sell: Guild Leader"

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by RekMMO, Jan 29, 2013.

  1. RekMMO Lorekeeper

    When I was a young lad I decided to start an EverQuest guild. Here's how that went..

    CrazyLarth, yaddab, Imrahil and 3 others like this.
  2. Elricvonclief Augur

    First guild and learning the game are always a riot. RL bud got me into the game, he bought it for me for helping him move some massive trees that fell in his yard (3 foot diameter trees.)

    First real guild was .. I forget the name, but guild leader was Doc Bright (his alts were Doc xyz). This was on Bristle.

    7 years ago, but I'll never forget how much fun it was, and how much new stuff was out there. If you ever read this Doc, just ask, I owe ya bro.
    RekMMO likes this.
  3. RekMMO Lorekeeper

    I love
    I love hearing how people first got introduced to EQ. =)

    By the way, I was in Ring of Valor for a few months back during the House of Thule launch. Good group of folks. Hope you're all still kicking butt and having a great time!
    Leerah likes this.
  4. Imrahil Augur

    Hehe, nice story, brings some ideas to me now ;)
  5. tofu stir fry Augur

    i remember getting into eq due to my roomate at the time. when he was busy in beta for the original release of eq i was busy drinking and partying. all of his roomates made fun of him(me included) until we saw the game. shortly after that (within 6 mos) we all had computers and were playing. My original character was a warrior in triton on povar. shortly into kunark i discovered the love of test server the rest is history. Been there pretty much ever since in some capacity or another.! i remember the excitement of being at work thirsting to get home and login with my buddies in the living room. ahh the memories! thanks for the wonderful post!
    RekMMO likes this.
  6. NaVi7512 Elder

    8 years ago was reading a magazine about EQ being too addictive ... i said no way ! .... i still here ....
    RekMMO likes this.
  7. Xirtket Augur

    Before EQ I had only played console games, that being said, my friend logged on his toon for me to try, showed me the attack button, I found a mob ( I was in everfrost) and I kept hitting the attack button, he laughed and said you only hit it once, not to button mash like a console game lol.

    After that, I got into and enjoyed the interaction with real people, playing a console game, to me, felt isolated, so I rarely play them anymore. been since <2001 or so
    RekMMO likes this.
  8. RekMMO Lorekeeper

    That's awesome that your roomies went from haters to players.

    Reminds me of one of my ex girlfriends. She hated listening to my buddies and I talk EQ at school. She'd tease us and get angry that I spent so much time playing when I could be hanging out with her. After about a year I convinced her to play with me and she got hooked. She never got super into learning to be a good player, but she played off and on for years, even after we'd split up.
  9. RekMMO Lorekeeper

    I know what you mean about console games feeling isolated.

    In a way, gaming has always been social for me. I played games on Nintendo, Super Nintendo and Nintendo 64 with my family. Then I got into EQ. By the time I got an Xbox 360 I'd only play FPS games for the multiplayer aspect.

    Playing a game campaign alone is a struggle for me. I usually don't finish or try to get it over with quickly.