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EQ 15th anniversry

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by iniari-TR, Feb 26, 2014.

  1. iniari-TR Augur

    was our new Community manager going to tell us about all the new stuff for the anniversary.:p

    isn't it a bit early ? thought it was march 17 th.
  2. Feradach Augur

    Are the tasks fully live? I saw that PoK looks all decorated up, but noticed that the groundspawns in the neighborhood zone for the glowing lena fete aug aren't popping yet.
  3. xaga Elder

    Just ran into a fabled mob in BoT!
  4. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Yuck I thought I had another couple of weeks before this went live, when does it finish?

    Has the the plane of air for level 65 hot zone been changed, now it has Fables in it?
  5. Riou EQResource

    They already announced their plans like 3 weeks ago :p, Anniversary starts end of February, each week more and more will unlock, 15th Anniversary (+PoWar) shouldn't go live until the end of March, 15th Anniversary is similar to 14th in that it is player designed missions from SoE Live. No word on how long it lasts, and Test has it ~2 weeks earlier then live it seems.
  6. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    They said things would start going live from the end of Feb, but we are still awaiting an announcement as to what is going live when and how long it will be live for.

    Fables are normally only around for a month so fingers crossed it will be gone before the end of March. Why won't the new stuff be going live till the end of March? I would have expected the new stuff to go live on 16th March.

    Biggest event for EQ and they tell us nothing. :( I guess they don't see the anniversary events as a big deal unlike the players.
  7. Aeonblade Very Hungry Vah Shir

    Fabled events have drawn me back each year If I was taking a short break from the game. I absolutely love the anniversary fabled mobs and quests, it let's me go wander my favorite areas all over again and get some decent loot to boot!

    Really excited if it has already gone live though, will be all over this tonight :)
  8. Feradach Augur

    I'm guessing the script to start stuff up fired this morning, and that we'll get an announcement of some sort once the staff gets in to the offices.
  9. Loratex The Ridiculous Necro

    PoWar probably is not finished
  10. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    The irony....
  11. iniari-TR Augur

    still waiting for the ship-to-ship combat :p
    drkoli likes this.
  12. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    and cloaks
    Aeonblade and Loratex like this.
  13. Fanra https://everquest.fanra.info

  14. porky Augur

    It appears Hickle Thornleaf in Valley of King Xorrbb is not up, although the rest of the anniversary stuff we tried is!
  15. McDougal Augur

    In other news. Fabled Tharkis is still a .
  16. McDougal Augur

    LOL ok a cat! Cripes censorship:)
  17. SS11 New Member

    Maybe they should fix customer service.