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Environmental Auras

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Rhandom, Jan 13, 2014.

  1. Rhandom Journeyman

    Can you please post detailed instructions (That have been tested) on how to -

    Enable Environmental Aura graphics (such as the ones you have to sit monsters in during Heart of Fear 3 raid, to empower them). Until recently I could see them, then I made the mistake of messing with my graphics settings to try to reduce lag I was getting in Dead Hills raid. The Aura graphics disappeared, and now, even going back to my old Settings, they will not show up.

    Ever since you removed the /showparticle line of command line instructions, this has become more and more of an issue- currently the majority of our raid mebers cannot see environmental auras (They had turned off auras in the distant past to get rid of personal aura graphics, and both effects seem to be controlled by the same setting- Nice work there also)

    This is a HUGE issue when raiding, especially if somone screws up and lets a second monster in that HoF raid get empowered, because marking the location of the auras on the map does not help in that case.

    Aura effects are also present in Dead hills and Evantil.

    Auras seem to be a staple in the raid game- Why is it so difficult to be able to see them?
  2. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    I spoke to Eldroth a while back about making all raid/mission auras needed to beat an event always visable regardless of settings, he said it was possible.

    If it cannot be explained, can we get these auras perminantly turned on for raids and missions?
  3. Rhandom Journeyman

    So, no one can tell me a reliable way to get these effects on? Or, rather, BACK on?
  4. Rhandom Journeyman

    Still need to know how to turn these back on...
  5. Gragas Augur

    EQ button, Options, display, particles, click options you want on the spell part tab? Can also maybe try /part on? Pretty sure you have to zone to get it show up as well.
  6. Rhandom Journeyman

    Thank you for your suggestions Gragas- but they do not work- in fact, it was maxing these out that disabled the environmentals to begin with on my computer.

    Not sure what the /part command effects, but it is not environmentals (class auras, such as Master's Aura).