environment sounds and sound volume problem

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Cloudsong, Aug 16, 2018.

  1. Cloudsong New Member

    earlier today and a few months ago, i had (still have, unless they fixed it tonight [edit: still doesnt not work properly as of 3:25PM 8/16/2018), or whenever they open servers ---- if they were fixing something) a problem with the volume sliders and the environmental sounds option (you can click it to turn environmental sounds on, and it would turn on but the volume would be sort of "low." hard to hear. you could adjust it with the volume sliders but when turning off environmental sounds, the volume would change (without an adjustment to the volume slider.) (the adjustment it made was usually louder volume when turning it on, from an off state ---: the sound would increase.)

    now, it doesnt seem to work (at all). if i turn environmental sounds on and turn the volume all the way up, you can hear the environment (wind blowing, etc) but all the other sounds (casting spells, footsteps) are way, way to loud.

    anyone know whats wrong? thanks!
  2. Cloudsong New Member

    still nothing. anybody else having this issue?
  3. Grove Augur

    I posted a parallel concern on patch day, I think. Was going to link it but I cannot find it now. My issue was that coin exchange makes no sound; items falling into inventory make no sound.

    But in addition, log-in music is almost muted. same for music when changing from one character to another.

    My guess is that muting the Banestrike sound has nullified or diminished almost all other sounds.
  4. Cloudsong New Member

    someone needs to address this. i reinstalled and the problem still occurs. anybody? please?
  5. Cloudsong New Member

    do GM's / tech support read this forum? should i petition it? anyone else having this problem, too? :/
  6. Gregwarrian Journeyman

    Combat sound doesn't start up unless I jog the Music Volume slider.
    Spiritwarrior likes this.
  7. Geroblue Augur

    I used to use 10% for the music and other sound levels. I had to change it to 45% to hear them about 2 months ago.
  8. Dythan Ban Lev in Plane of Fire guy

  9. Dythan Ban Lev in Plane of Fire guy

    and because the tone of that other post was salty, here's what is posted somewhere in there.

    Jiggs said:
    “Sounds are semi messed up.

    I usually have sound volume set to 10-15% and could hear bags opening, coin being looted, spells being cast without interfering with voice chat (I use Discord) for raid instructions or interacting with friends in voice chat.

    So when I logged in (volume set to 10-15% depending on the character)

    Sounds for when you ding an AA - nothing

    Opening bags and coins when killing mobs that have coin - nothing

    Depositing things in real estate - nothing

    I turned up the sound volume to 55% or so in order to hear coins being looted or a bag opening. Now spell casting volume is EXTREMELY loud. You being hit with melee is also EXTREMELY loud. This makes conversing with friends in voice impossible.

    You guys had the same problem a few patches back and finally fixed it. Not sure why it is back again.”
    Discord said:
    “Having same issues, additionally have to change music by 1 tick in either direction after every zone for it to work again.”
    Jondalar said:
    “Second this. It's extremely annoying.”

    Klanderso Response

    Looking into this one.

    Edit: Just to provide a little clarification on why sound can be such an issue: because it's so subjective (my ears/brain aren't exactly like anyone else's, and my audio setup is most likely different as well) it can hard to nail down volume levels consistently. Also, bringing 2D sounds (like opening a bag) and 3D sounds (like spell casting) together and keeping them within a reasonable volume of each other is a major pain. I've filled up my whiteboard with crazy volume geometry calculations several days in a row trying to sort it all out. I've made a few tweaks internally and will be having several people check them out to ensure it's better next time around (and doesn't induce spontaneous ear bleeding or sudden "OMGYOU'REBEINGHIT!!!").
    Spiritwarrior likes this.