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Enevitable Downfall of Raiding Necros?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by menown, Jun 19, 2018.

  1. BadPallyGuildLeader Augur

    But remember kids..... no item in baz over 2 mills :D That coding IS REALLY HARDwired.
    NameAlreadyInUse likes this.
  2. Lianeb Augur

    The baz uses copper as a base value, so probably close
  3. IblisTheMage Augur

    This is now officially the thread of the month :)
    BadPallyGuildLeader likes this.
  4. Eaedyilye More stonehive bixies.

    Don't feel bad, if we started the event in the year 1. We would only have 26982 years left to beat this mob. Talk about a progress stopper.

    And finally, many thousands of years into the future this mob is brought down. So what does it drop? Some super, duper item with a billion stat increase to all stats? Nope, it drops 56 rusty daggers with an AC of 1. Well, that certainly was worth the effort. o_O
  5. ShadowMan Augur

    Not if they gave Druid’s, enchanters and shaman their first tuning of dot revamps back. Gave wizards the same changes that mages got. Restored berserkers disconcerting. And finally tuned necros dots like they did for Druid’s and enchanters!
  6. Zhaunil_AB Augur

    Is what they should be doing.
    Is what they ARE doing.
  7. Spellfire Augur

  8. Jumbur Improved Familiar

  9. Zhaunil_AB Augur

    Thanks - that explains another recent question/post of mine too.
    That's what i get for hitting "mark all read" after a few days of board-absence to reduce the clutter :)
    Very welcome, that link!
  10. Kolani Augur

    Found someone on the dev team's player account.
  11. Cicelee Augur

    According to some tanks, magician earth pets are at 8,937,620,127,354,092,874 hit points. We may be hitting the 64 bit limit far sooner than one may think...
    Daedly, IblisTheMage and Eaedyilye like this.
  12. kizant Augur

    Nice to see.
  13. Bigstomp Augur

    Based on the forums, that's almost as long as EQ has been dieing for.
    Boze, Brohg, Lianeb and 1 other person like this.
  14. BadPallyGuildLeader Augur

    You just have to think of programming mobs with abilities and AI to do what players do to mobs in reverse. Debuffs, slows, curses, or maybe cast alliance type heals on each other that proc when another mob heals them or when a player casts certain types of spells on them. Of course the hardest part is to truly let ALL the playerbase struggle with solving the encounters at the same time with truly no prior knowledge. But the way the expansion cycle works at the beta phase is that certain individuals and groups of players get the low down on how to beat these things before day 1 on a given expansion.
  15. Cicelee Augur

    Certain individuals as in, anyone who logs into Beta and does the progression to request those raids and gets 53 other players?
  16. Boze TLP complaint factory

    Funny how that's also the amount of time Pantheon has been in development for.
  17. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    But Pantheon is going to kill EQ once and for all!
  18. DaciksBB Augur

    Everyone who preordered RoS had access to the RoS beta. Decent amount of time for anyone with motivation to go in and learn event mechanics.

    Yes, the devs use a few guilds to test/tune events. Would you prefer if no one tests events in beta and have events released in their original state? Do you even know what the devs expect of guilds that they pick to test their events? Do you think the devs do it as a favor to the guilds they pick?
  19. BadPallyGuildLeader Augur

    I think it's pathetic how some try to "explain away" the idea that a few individuals or guilds have access to devs\events\strats, etc, before day 1 of a new expansion release. Just save your breath. Every time you try to duck and weave from the truth the evidence of you being a part of the problem becomes more obvious.
  20. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    And what exactly is the problem with having events tested before the expansion launch? Personally I would rather the bugs be found and fixed before they get pushed to live.